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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. sorry sir and with all due respect, i'm not stuck in the past and for you to say that, only shows that you don't know me at all! Is it not OK for a person to totally disagree with the direction that RLC has taken? I don't think it is, so there is no need for you to answer. I'm happy that you have chosen to like the new path of RLC but it is one that I will never like and the sooner they can get back to any semblance of Real Life the better IMO!
  2. i don't know for sure how long the apartment was UM but i'm sure it was at least an hour or so and that gave Nelly and the other tenants of B5 enough time to get up to some mischief! With Bogdan being so involved in gathering supplies for tenants and dealing with the tenants on a daily basis, I'm sure Nelly has felt left out and has needed some attention. She probably got the attention she needed and then some!! The sooner her and Bog's disappear the better for all !!!
  3. the atmosphere at the fuck pad on the roof must not have been to her liking!!!
  4. I would gladly re-sub if RLC could get back to what it used to be when it first started. I feel that day will never come and I will continue to save and spend my money on more fruitful things!!
  5. I'm glad you are glad to see yet another fake ass tenant on RLC......bring back what the site used to stand for, Real Life!! Well, as close to Real Life as you could get being surrounded by camera's 24/7!!
  6. Yes, I think we all have known those types of people over the years. The difference with me is that I've never been on the Leora bandwagon but it's fun to read what the people who are...post. I don't know anything about her dog so I'll have to respect your liking of it.
  7. If I never had to hear of Nelly ever showing up again, it would be too soon!! I'm so sick of reading about Nelly and Bogdan and any other tenant that has taken up roots in these apartments!! What RLC needs is TRUE management and not self policing!!!!!!!!!!
  8. she really loves herself, thanks to her loyal fans!!
  9. Yeah...I read that last night, i should have payed more attention...sorry for the interruption!
  10. Robert, I'm sure it was tough for you to stop your subscription, but I think it's for the best. It's for the best for you and RLC and if more people followed suit, it might just make RLC wake up and see that the crap they are providing these days isn't worth waisting one's time over. I'm actually happy that you stopped your subscription and I will be happy for anyone else that follows suit. Something needs to make those assholes wake up and the only thing that is going to do that, is their purse strings!!
  11. Amen brother!! I don't mind one you have to search for to find, but other than that I don't care for any of them. Like Linda, she could be a really beautiful lady if it weren't for all of her tattoos. I said that about Linda one day and someone said......Linda's tattoos tell a story, yeah they tell a story all right but I won't say what that story is and we will just keep it at that.
  12. Yes, the fuzzy tailed attic dweller was spot on!!
  13. My sentiments exactly!!
  14. i pity you all that have to put up seeing that parasite over and over and over again!
  15. it sounds like they are just passing the time away until they can leave again for an all night business trip!
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