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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Good afternoon Ashley, I'm doing the very best I can and I'm hanging in there so far. My health could be much better but I am slowly gaining some of the weight I lost so that's good. I have had a chance to go fishing twice and we had 2 very successful trips and it was nice to get out and get our minds off this Covid-19 crap. I'm sorry you are being pulled and jerked by the pressures of life and I hope things improve soon. Most of all, take care of yourself and those little things as you called them...they will eventually take care of themselves. Have a good day and keep your head up!!
  2. I'm sure it says so by their social media accounts therefore it's got to be true!
  3. the UM was for the restocking of the drug cabinet in the hall bathroom!
  4. LMAO the forum certainly knows how to steer the tenants in a specific direction!
  5. Just put starting a family out of y'alls minds and it will happen!
  6. LMAO...it's all just a show! LMAO...it's all just a show! smhhh...Leora ain't shit! couldn't have said it better myself!
  7. ISP issues my ass!!! RLC fucking their users once again...end of fucking story!!
  8. LMAO...the problem is always the guys no matter how you slice it. I'm sure the girls were put up to it because of what has been written in this thread....some things will never change!
  9. she was always just a regular cam girl as far as i was concerned. nothing special about Leora at all in my opinion.
  10. STFU Ed, I have to read your drivel every time I logon to CC and I don't constantly put down your opinions so the least you can do is STFU and let my few posts I make go without any scrutiny on your behalf!! P.S. none of it's real!!
  11. I'm sorry Selena but I don't buy it. Call me ignorant or whatever you want to but risk is not worth the reward. I firmly believe that anybody that sets foot in an apartment or house that is loaded with camera's, know's well before hand what they are getting into. Some actors are just better than others and that's what these people are...actors!!
  12. I can assure you that every girl that has set foot in this apartment knows exactly what the camera's are for and exactly what is going on. It would be to big a liability otherwise and RLC would put an end to it immediately.
  13. Hello Robert, when i used to watch RLC, i seen tenants and guests of tenants snorting cocaine. I seen pictures of that worthless Kenny drawing up lines in the hall bathroom of what used to be B3. So...my conclusion is Ulyana is a cocaine head just like all the rest of them!
  14. what...you don't have sex with one of your buddies lying in bed on his phone right next to you? dude...you are not living real life!
  15. LMAO and I bet it was "Mind Blowing", "Life Altering" sex at that....bahahaha
  16. First off, look at the shit they are producing these days. They can't even do what they are currently doing...right. I think they like it the way it is now because they don't have to pay more managers (fat cats) money. I think they were getting beyond their "Span of Control" when they had over 20 apts to manage. It has got to be much simpler now and much more easy to handle. Lastly, I think they know their days are numbered and are just biding their time before they throw in the towel. RLC is a joke and a ripoff at best. I read somewhere on this forum the other day that Olivia will be leaving soon and she apparently already has some of her girlfriends read to step into the spotlight. This means it will more than likely be people you have already seen instead of fresh new faces which in my opinion is what RLC desperately needs. Anyway, this is just my opinion on the matter.
  17. I don't get involved in political discussions...good try though but sorry!!
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