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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. He can't be too smart, he's on a porn site for Pete's sake! Oh never mind, I guess he's smart but lazy! If he was riding his bike as much as he makes y'all believe, you should see a drastic change in his physique and if your not seeing that, then he probably just rides it to the duck pond and feeds the ducks!!
  2. She was probably told that RLC had a place for her as long as she brought a f@ck buddy along with her.
  3. You could say that about all of the tenants...no one will ever know what they do all day when they are gone unless you fly to their location and follow them around all day!
  4. Where do I begin and keep this post under 4 sentences LOL... It's hard to keep something "succinctly" when your posts are as long as his are because invariably one tends to repeat themselves in different ways as to express a point they are trying to make. I think Deepdave is an honest poster and posts from the heart but it's what he posts and how he goes about it that tends to get on my nerves and I mean no disrespect by saying that, it's the whole having love for Martina and her associates or any of these people that gets to me! I could see it if they were close personal friends of his but not a bunch of people that don't want to work a regular job because they are lazy as f@ck!! I disagree with having more slutty Masha types but that's just me and for the GGW comment, all that sh!t is fake as the day is long!! That's 4 so I'm out LOL
  5. That's all RLC is now days...nothing but one cubicle visiting another cubicle for stupid A$$ shows. RLC is so not worth the money....RLC, YOU SUCK!!
  6. With all due respect, I am so sick and tired of people such as yourself and many others...ddhm to name one, talking about all this real life sh!t. There is no real life on a porn site that broadcasts people to the world!! As for you admitting to loving Martina and her menagerie....you need to get a life and seek some serious help!!
  7. That's all RLC is now days...nothing but one cubicle visiting another cubicle for stupid A$$ shows. RLC is so not worth the money....RLC, YOU SUCK!!
  8. You all have a good one trying to justify cheating so that it fits into your life.......I'm going to go get some lunch and then head to the spice company to pick up some casings, vacuum seal bags, and some spices.
  9. Yes, I damn sure do and I will never support your cheating way of life because you obviously are one of the people I'm talking about. People don't have to be married to cheat and if they are not married and they move from hookup to hookup, then they are slutty cheating whores! How anyone can defend a cheater is beyond me!
  10. Cheating is cheating, open relationship or not. From what I hear she sure spends a lot of time out of the villa and if she's been looking at Tinder, I wouldn't put it past her. None of these RLC girls are faithful to any 1 guy....it's the nature of the business!
  11. It should be obvious to all that these girls perform for RLC outside the apartments!
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