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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I've been told that the "hired dicks" will be back in B4 very shortly. i'm sure the girls from whoville will bring them back after club night. is that better for you Mods??
  2. you all have a good weekend and enjoy the hired dicks!! i'm going hunting for the first time this year. see y'all Sunday!!
  3. SMOKE & MIRRORS Fagen.....it's all part of the show and you should know that by now!!
  4. LMAO I told you all that you hadn't seen the last of those dicks for hire!! I hope you enjoy the next month or two with them around everywhere!! Are you kidding my right now Fagen, do you really think that these girls don't know these guys? You people on this forum are EASY!!!
  5. they do get carried away over in the Leora threads, that's for damn sure!!
  6. I can see where some guys/girls get attached to these RLC girls so I can't hold that over Naga's head. I really liked Rita and Danaya (Danaya from her first stay) a lot when I used to watch so I get that part of it and i can't come down on anyone for that. It's when they get carried away with it that it bothers me....like BBSQ would do with Belle.
  7. Enjoy your evening and the next time you talk to Monica, tell her that Thes and Bud said hi 🙂
  8. You bet your ass she is!! She makes money off the girls whether they are inside or outside the apartment. There is absolutely no other explanation as to why they (RLC) would allow the girls to spend so much time out of the apartments/house if RLC was not benefiting from it!!! Sometimes you have to look outside the box you have created in your mind to see the truth!
  9. It's still the Nora era Naga, she hasn't gone anywhere lol. I'm sure they don't get regular text messages saying....OK so and so you do this, and so and so you do that, it's all part of an agenda that is setup before hand during their meetings!! In this week we want to see you and you giving each other a massage, etc. etc. etc..
  10. Good evening Naga, I know you are much smarter than the above post implies. What company would hire 20 to 50 people to do a job totally unsupervised or monitored? What company would hire as many people as RLC has done over the years to just have a free for all on their dime? I would be willing to bet that they have regular meetings to discuss the status of the company and the future outlook for the company. Who do you think buys all the supplies such as laundry detergent, soap, wine glasses for breaking, tea candles, etc.etc.. RLC instructs/guides these tenants on what they need to do to improve the business. If RLC just let them do what they want, then RLC would not last very long. You're a couple of screws short of a full box if you think that RLC "DOES NOT" instruct them on what to do!!
  11. from what i hear if you even get a glimpse of her pussy you are lucky and were watching at the right time. so my question to you is this......wouldn't you just like to see her pussy at all?
  12. and not just any dildo from what i've been told, but the community dildo that started out with Gina then went to Stella and now has ended up with one of the twins which means that both of the twins will now be using it. if nothing else, the girls have gotten their monies worth out of the community dildo.
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