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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I heard it's Karol's turn to be off camera with the Boggsey twins, and she went with them braless and put a panty liner on her panties before she left. Why pay for such sh!t!!
  2. First off, congrats on 53 years of marriage! My oldest brother and his wife just celebrated their 55th anniversary. Secondly, I respect you for coming forward with your story and I'm glad it worked out so well for you. Even though you and your wife "got away with it" so to speak, it doesn't work that way for a lot of others. I know of several couples that have divorced/split up over such openness and it wasn't pretty in the end for any of them. I also know of a couple of marriages that survived such an ordeal and good for them. With respect to you and JM, I personally ain't buying any of the Nelly & Martina side show. If what JM believes is real between the two women based on what she has observed, then the whole we're gong to just be friends is a load of malarky in my opinion. I find it strange that from what I've heard and read that Nelly is on her second night of sleeping at Gina's apartment....for some reason I thought she was married! I've been told that it's pretty obvious that what Nelly & Bogdan had at one time is now becoming more and more distant. Nelly leaves at least once a day and on some days several times and not for just an hour I'm told but for several hours. My question is why? Why does she leave her husband for extended periods of time and even sleeps away from him many times? Is their sleeping apart a normal thing now days because it wasn't when my wife was alive. It would have felt weird not cuddling up to my wife and going sleep at night, and she felt the same way. It's quite obvious from the party they had in B4 with the IT techs, when Nelly gets drunk/high she is an easy target for any guy around. I believe she is as unfaithful as they come!! At any rate DWI, a good, thoughtful, honest post!!
  3. and you should not believe that it's just the GOV apartments that don't give you any insight into their real lives!!
  4. You should never bet on anything you pay to watch...especially repeats!!
  5. A great ass huh....I hear she has a fat ass and it's getting fatter the longer she stays on RLC.
  6. You seem to know a lot about "NO NO no WAY NANA" for somebody that claims to not watch her lol. The sad thing, is that you are giving Karol (the multi repeat) all this praise and attention!!
  7. Mia, I was told, must have done more than Nana with the Uber guy to deserve such a nice helmet!!
  8. The problem with you ddhm is that you are just another foreigner that thinks his shit don't stink. The best thing you could do is sign up for RLC, become one of the f@ck buddies these girls lead on. You are just a poor, miserable f@ck that thinks all these forum members really give a damn about you and your paragraphs of nonsense. You missed the boat a long time ago that picked up all the psychos off your island!! Pss... I repeat, I don't give a rats ass about Karol or her looks!!
  9. First off, he's not my best friend just because we have a rapport with each other. Secondly, he feels like a lot of you do in your line of thinking when it comes to RLC, he's addicted and he'd tell you that if he wanted too. He gets upset with me when I say certain things about some of the girls he likes but at the same time he understands where I'm coming from. He told me that until the curtain finally closes on the last act of RLC, he will be a subscriber. I told him he's crazy and he agreed, telling me that he wishes he would have tried harder to stay away from RLC and especially in todays time.
  10. I don't know what she looks like now and I could give a rats arse! All I know is that she has changed her hair color to what appears to be her natural color. This was mentioned in the forum if you took the time to read it. My point was that it doesn't matter what any repeats do to their appearance between the last time they were on RLC or currently on RLC, they are still f@cking repeats that have been seen time and time again!!
  11. I have NO love for any of these people! She might have been cute the first time she was on RLC but not anymore. She's just another been there, seen that repeat.....and it doesn't matter what she does this time (or any of the repeats for that matter), she's still a worthless repeat!!! They are disgusting, lazy, think they shit perfume, and not worth the money! The funny thing is, @ddhm now realizes just how ridiculous RLC is and keeps saying that I'm paying for it LMAO. NO @ddhm I'm not paying for it and I haven't for a long time! So get off your high horse of thinking that just because you pay for it, that I must pay for it...gives me a really good laugh every time you bring it up.
  12. Keep on digging your own grave RLC and you viewers keep on accepting and paying for the same old shit!! Another devastating blow for RLC bringing back yet again another used up piece of meat in Karol!!
  13. Martina has a lot of problems and to deal with them she cheats, does drugs, and drinks a lot
  14. you still don't get it do you? it's like in the Martina threads, someone said that they wished Martina would flip over so they could watch her masturbate and the poor sumbitch got roasted for saying it. the fact is, the guy was 100% correct and he didn't need Mr. DD to the HM telling him that it was for her pleasure....LMAO that's the most ignorant thing he could have said. If any of these girls want to masturbate for their own pleasure when they are being paid by thousands of people to see it, they can get the f@ck out of their apartments and go get a real job!!! the last thing they need to do is say oh...i'm bating but i'm not going to let you see me do it......f@ck that and anybody that doesn't agree. these girls get way more than enough liberties as it is and they need to provide for the viewers. I read about the Radislava & Mila fun in the tub the other night and I was also told that it was pretty good even though the view angles are really crap in that bathroom, and that's what the viewers want to see. they don't want to watch the covers moving while Nana is flicking the bean or banging herself with a dildo....they just don't want to see that. As for your little dig about a side business and clients, you are a fool to think that none of these girls are escorts or ladies for hire to some degree. All I know is that it is not right for that sorry, homeless russian Bogless to keep taking the girls out for his own sick pleasure when he is not the one footing the bill for them being hear. If I need to make myself more clear than just let me know but you might not like my next post!!
  15. So I hear that Nana will be off cam again tomorrow with her new play toy Bogless. Nana is a complete waste of time and should do all you viewers a favor and pack her sh@t and head home. What a waste she has proven to be!
  16. I totally agree and with that.....she should be voted off the island!!
  17. There must be 50 ways to leave your lover..... You just slip out the back, Jack.....Make a new plan, Stan.....You don't need to be coy, Roy....Just get yourself free. Hop on the bus, Gus.....You don't need to discuss much.....Just drop off the key, Lee.....And get yourself free.
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