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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. If this is true, from what i've been told, she didn't know she was pregnant when she arrived. I was told when she arrived that she was smoking and drinking and then all of a sudden one day she quit doing both of those things. That tells me that she either just got pregnant a month before arriving on RLC and didn't know it or it happened after she appeared on RLC.
  2. I've never laughed so hard at a post as I have with this one. First off you finally said the right thing and then you contradicted yourself by saying "I am OK with this as long as she keeps it real". None of it's real and you can see that with that asshole Bruno in Gina and Bruno's apartment and what doesn't happen if it were real life. Everybody knows that Bruno is still fucking Holly and Stella off camera and if it was real, when Gina left for a day at the beach or for a day shopping with the twins or whoever, Bruno would have Stella or Holly over to his place for some quick sex and a smoke and that is something that does not happen. In a "real life" situation, that is exactly what happens!! Not to mention all the whispering that goes on as the shows are planned and choreographed! There is nothing real about the "Real" in RLC!!
  3. you're finally learning!! These girls are purely sluts and Vivian has a boyfriend/husband and here she is in a tub with yet another guy....they can all go fall off a cliff as far as I'm concerned!! I have no use for slutty, disgusting, cheating women.
  4. LMAO....He/She has about the same amount of life as all the rest of you that view RLC!!
  5. I have no idea if Nana is an IT tech or not and from the sounds of it, she was in the box station after the Uber head swapped out the modem according to you which tells me that the Uber head might have been asking for more information or exact IP addresses. My point was and still is to this day that they are all part of one big dysfunctional cam family!!
  6. Here is the problem with RLC as I see it...First off, the people that work for RLC think their sh@t doesn't stink. Secondly, they are all in this big mosh pit together along with all their support staff and private porn video producers. Thirdly and probably most importantly, they keep bringing back girls over and over again and it doesn't matter if this time one of them brings in a member of the support cast to fuck them or not (ie; Gina)....they are just plain boring and nothing new to look at. Fourthly, you have this new POS Bogdan want to be that carts the girls off to spend time with them where the girls should be at home which leads me to say that there is far too many hours spent off camera. I would be willing to bet that the girls that have left recently are all still in Barcelona with the majority of them living there which leads to even more time for the current girls to be off camera at their places. Lastly, if the viewing public is anything like the viewers of CC, then that means that they don't care about anything RLC does....but leave the pool cameras UM or cover a camera and you can watch them come out of the woodworks like roaches to a feast. If I was still a subscriber I would be flooding RLC's support mail with what I didn't/don't like, but the viewers today simply take it with the attitude that RLC isn't going to do anything about it anyway!! RLC doesn't do anything about it because there is only one person or probably none that speak up!! I'm willing to bet $100 that tomorrow the girls will either be gone all day or preparing for another lifeless party somewhere. The parties are all the same....let's make a big production out of it with lots of food and drinks and drugs and stay up all night so that people can think something exciting is going to happen when in reality nothing exciting ever happens and that goes for the so called famous B2 orgy BS of years past. The biggest problem is that all these tenants know each other and there is never going to be anything REAL ever come out of it because it's their profession. All the guests are part of the show and the one's that aren't...they put the camera's UM for. I'm sorry Alladino, it's not the GOV concept that is RLC's problem...it's their whole business model. Here is an example of what I'm talking about; Which would be better?.....RLC's cast with all the tenants knowing each other as it is now, OR...they bring in a tenant from the US, one from Canada, one from Thailand, one from Germany, and so on and so forth....where none of the participants know each other and where the viewers could actually see and experience the growth of the people while they are on RLC? Who was Tesla eating out in that video clip? It was Debbie another girl that was on RLC and if that doesn't tell you anything...nothing will! There was even one guy in that video that I was told who has also been on RLC before.....hmmmmm, will leave that for another day.
  7. So the Uber guy also works as an IT tech for RLC Barcelona. Very interesting how all these people intermingle with each other. From what I understand based on a conversation I had with my fictional source, Bogdan removed a box today that had been resting on a shelf above the modem station that is seen on camera 2.9.. This box was put there apparently by the Uber guy who apparently swapped out a modem on Aug 12th on or about 1:25pm. I just find all this detective work so interesting!!
  8. since when does your mind rest in the palm of your hand?
  9. Don't get me to lying, I haven't been keeping up and was only trying to inject a little humor. I'm sure what ever you mean by what you said is way more correct than anything I will ever say on these threads!!
  10. They never are concerned when it comes down to a pig and a poke....I meant a cig and a coke LOL
  11. If there is anyone that has downloaded the file of the Tesla and Debbie pussy eating show and still has no clue of what RLC is all about, I feel sorry for them. First off there was a mobile camera that could have given the viewer some good views of them eating each others pussies but that did not happen. Secondly, that video was made very recently which shows just how connected all these tenants really are. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if all of these girls that inhabit the Barcelona apartments/house aren't involved in doing the exact same thing when they spend hours outside the house. What a damn shame RLC has become and their talent is falling further and further away from the viewers once had. Also in that video there was at least a couple of extras there that I'm sure also work for RLC. If anyone hasn't taken the time to download and watch the video, you really should just to see how all of this is interconnected.
  12. Of course....B4 has been f@cked up ever since they reopened with Nelly & Bogdan being there and now the viewers get to keep seeing this weirdo you all have named Fior....who should be named Igor or Bogless!!
  13. What a pitiful read! Masha...you are a disgusting excuse for a human!!
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