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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Gina is too mentally weak to break up with the parasitic drug pusher!
  2. The whole Nelly storyline is one BIG DEBACLE!!! Besides....even viewers can have a source if they choose too! I know when I used to watch RLC I had several people that would fill me in with what I missed during the fishing and hunting seasons.
  3. How many times has this apartment been put UM since Lola has returned? Bogdan must be getting some easy p@ssy from these girls!!
  4. From what was relayed to me, this is a timeline of the events that happened last night between Nelly, Bogdan, and Martina. All the times have been rounded to the nearest 5 minute mark so if you have replay and want the exact times, go find them yourself. Around 2205 hrs Bogdan goes out to the hidden tent (which shouldn't be allowed) to fetch Nelly’s stuffed animal. He then decides to take a dip in the pool and after goes for a shower. At 2235 hrs Bogdan is observed going out the main door to the villa with what appears to be a glass of water. At 2240 hrs Nelly is observed walking down the stairs from the driveway heading to the lower garden with a cushion from some of the pool furniture. At 2240 hrs Nelly enters the fitness room from the lower garden. She drops a bag outside the hidden bathroom and goes in to take a piss. After relieving herself she proceeds out the fitness room and towards the hidden tent (which shouldn't be allowed)......only to be seen again rushing from the lower garden (topless) to the hidden bathroom in the fitness room and then to bed at 0705 hrs. At 2255 Bogdan comes down the infamous steps from the driveway to the pool and goes into the kitchen with an MT glass and sets it on the counter. At 2255 he goes up and shuts the main door he had left open 2255 Bogdan goes looking for Nelly at the hidden tent (which shouldn't be allowed) as was observed by the BBQ camera. Apparently he didn’t find her and came back into the fitness room picking up the bag Nelly had left on the floor by the hidden bathroom and carried it to their room. He looked in the hidden room off the fitness room and in the vacant room on the third floor once occupied by Nana and still no Nelly. At 23:00 he goes back down to the hidden tent (which shouldn’t even be allowed) to look for Nelly again and apparently could not find her or she was passed out cold in the hidden tent. Shortly after 2300 hrs Martina comes down the stairs from the driveway and heads towards the kitchen where she talks to Vivian who in turn goes looking for Bogdan to let him know that Martina was there….unbeknownst to Vivian that he already knew Martina was there. After several minutes of Bogdan talking to Martina on the hidden patio outside the kitchen, Bogdan and Martina proceeded to the picnic table on the patio at the end of the pool for a talk. P.S. I heard the conversation to listen to took place in N&B’s room at 1130 this morning but you would have to know their f@cked up language to understand it.
  5. I think that you saying there has been unfair criticism is only due to you just now realizing that the criticism has been fair all along and that maybe you didn't want to except it in the beginning. My breakdown from what little I know is this... Linda and Tibor are way different now that they tied the knot and they need at minimum a 10 year vacation from RLC. Kitty and Smith are very dysfunctional and remain a weak couple for RLC and should be sent home and never invited back. Mirukawa and Frank or whatever the guys name is, are both totally too involved in what's going on outside and when they are inside the are boring as all get outs and have been ever since they've been on RLC. Gina and Bruno never should have been given a place. Gina is a drug head and alcoholic and Bruno is a sleazy Mexican into the wrong scenes and drugs and has a bunch of low life friends. Martina and Alberto are a complete joke! There is no way in hell that Martina tells Alberto EVERYTHING that happens when she is out of the house. Alberto is only told what Martina thinks he needs to hear. Nelly and Martina's relationship is not a one way street but a two way street that includes Bogdan because that is the only way that it would work under the circumstances as they are. Masha's place is totally disgusting and should be shutdown immediately!! Leora's place will now be filled with UM during the time that her weird male friend visits and the times that no friends visit will be filled with masturbation and cleaning. The best thing that happened with Leora since she's been on RLC is when Malia stayed with her and now that she's gone, Leora's place will be a borefest. B1...Radislava and Stella, first off Radislava has been out of the apartment more than she has ever been in the apartment during awake hours and Stella whom I've never liked is doing exactly the same thing she always has and that's spending almost all of her time off camera....B1 regardless if the tenants are there or not is a borefest. B2...Three totally useless returnee's that would rather escort their asses elsewhere with multiple vacations from vacation. Sorry but in the real world people don't go on vacation to go on another vacation from that vacation...they should all be replaced as soon ass possible. B4...totally worthless no matter who is in the cast and they should just shutdown the villa getting rid of Nelly & Bogdan once and for all. B5...another total waste of space that was brought online to fool and deceive the natives into thinking that there would be wife/girlfriend swapping and the like....and it's working like a charm!! In closing...RLC is just one big lie!!
  6. you're just asking for trouble from the the RLC participant protectors
  7. My whole point was that they are once again off camera doing f@ck all and people still wonder what is wrong with RLC.
  8. I just heard that Vivian and Nana have chosen to spend more quality time off camera where they can go to the nail salon or get gang banged and nobody is the wiser........and you people wonder what's wrong with RLC!!
  9. WOW...you all forced me to read the past 12 pages to find out what happened to Malia. The great and powerful Noldus said she has left the building and with him saying that, all I can say is safe travels Malia!!
  10. What Fior, Nelly, and Bogdan did today with carting Vivian off so as to be off camera is a complete failure. These girls do whatever it takes to keep off camera as much as possible and it's those people I just mentioned that are partly at fault! People pay good money to see the girls in the apartments and not to see them spend way over half their time outside the apartments. The villa is a prime example, it has everything any tenant should ever want (except sand between their toes) and there is no reason to be carting girls off to destinations unknown when YOU the people are paying for it!!
  11. Simply because the viewers put up with it by not expressing how they feel to RLC support and by continuing to support their lame efforts!
  12. i will say that i wouldn't be a bit surprised if she was a surrogate mother for Nelly & Bogdan!
  13. LOL I might be a joke to you and others but I will continue to say what I think regardless if you or others agree with it or not. Do you have any proof that he's not fucking Holly and Stella outside the apartment? Of course you don't so why don't you just STFU!! There has been enough talk about all of his cheating since he and that worthless, no self pride Gina has been together, enough for me to warrant such a comment!!
  14. She has a skill set, she's a stripper and strippers make damn good money. However, all things come to an end as one gets older/pregnant and what's easier for her now is that she can lay around and play BS games and still make good money. None of which means anything about what I said as far as her not caring for the guy that got her pregnant!!
  15. You should have been a comedian, your comedy is off the charts!!
  16. She might have someone back home but the fact is she doesn't care about the person back home if she left that person to be in a project full of cams and to be seen by thousands exposing herself to other men....piece of trash as far as I'm concerned!
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