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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Fortunately for her, I think that is a good thing!! Why does any girl that has a boyfriend/husband back home, come on a website like RLC.....I tell you what, don't answer that because I don't want to hear jack about the money. What I do want to know is what kind of a guy would allow his girlfriend/wife to participate on a porn site where other guys are involved without being there....it doesn't make a bit of sense to my southern a$$.
  2. I would think Nana has had plenty of dick while she has been in the project....all off camera of course but having dick none the less.
  3. That is because you and so many others on this forum have yet to realize that these girls that frequent Barcelona along with the one's that live in Barcelona make more money outside the apartments, then they do inside the apartments. I will say it again in case you haven't read it for the hundredth time....these girls are here to eat, sleep, shave, sh@t, give a BS show, all so they can go out and earn their real money, and not the penny on a dollar RLC is paying them. Who in the hell wants to watch employees go from one office to another office and do the same crap over and over again.....that's a rhetorical question. The answer is the one's that are addicted to RLC and could never live without it. By the way, RLC Anonymous is now giving away free seminars to those that just can't do without it!!
  4. LMAO they respond because they know I'm right and it bothers the hell out of them. Hell, you're responding by not even quoting me....that's some funny stuff!!
  5. LMAO I have plenty of "real" friends, don't you worry about that. What you should worry about is that hair growing out of the center of the palm on your hand. As for Amy, I'm glad you like her and you like to watch her but her being on RLC time and time again is not the answer!!
  6. LMAO you can never have the best sex of your life if you can't even remember it!
  7. That is a sad story but I can tell you from personal experience that things like that happen. When I was 20 years old I was involved in an horrific motorcycle accident and was thrown in the air 76 feet before hitting the pavement. I awoke in the emergency room with a nurse holding my dick and telling me to pee in this container. The sound of pebbles hitting the steel flat table I was on was enough for me to pass out again. After coming too in my room, I was bandaged up from head to toe and had a catheter hanging out of my pee pee. Had a secretary in a building not seen the whole thing happen I could be dead right now. She came to visit me in the hospital to see how I was doing and she told me as soon as she saw me bounce off the pavement when I hit it she was on the phone requesting life flight and that's what saved me. I owe my life to that woman!!
  8. I was told that Nana did a thorough cleaning of the villa late at nite and to me that only means one thing....a stool pigeon will be at the villa for another tease fest by Nana and maybe Vivian.
  9. They just went out to escort people around, no need to bring them in front of cameras!
  10. I'll put my friends up against your friends any day of the week and twice on Sunday!! I understand that you think Amy hung the moon and I also understand that if you could keep your hand off your dick long enough you might be able to find a woman of your own and stop bating your life away
  11. Listen up smart ass, I don't how they were dressed and how they were dressed doesn't matter. What matters is the little bitch Martina has gone out with a skanky ho and once again leaves the dumbass Alberto at home by himself. You may agree with everything she does but that doesn't mean that everyone agrees with anything she does. By the way...where is Bogdan? Isn't it funny that Bogdan is going to be out all night when Martina is also going to be out for most of or maybe all of the rest of the night. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you smart ass!! P.S. this time I might have slightly insulted you
  12. I'm sure she is not lacking in the company department, she just chooses to keep it off camera.
  13. The same people are always happy to see the same girls over and over again. I don't know what RLC needs to do to make themselves better but I do know that having the same girls making cameo appearances and the same repeats coming back time and time again, is not the answer!!
  14. So Martina and Marta off camera with the guy from last night I've been told. I hope all of you that love Martina and think she is an angel, took a good look at how she was dressed before she went out because I can promise you she won't look anything like that when she gets home.
  15. I wasn't insulting you, I was merely pointing out something that is common in your posts and that I agree with. TIME gives all the answers!! How can you go wrong in saying such a thing!!!
  16. I'm sure that's all it is but the fact is that they are off camera again and nobody who pays good money cares!!
  17. I totally agree! This seems to be a theme of yours....TIME! I can't tell you how many times you bring that up in just about all of your posts.....only time will tell, lets see what happens in time, over time we will know. At least you got that part right LOL
  18. OH...and by the way, that's makes 3 days in a row that the homeless russian leach Bogless has carted the girls off for some private fun!
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