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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. oh god.....what a fucking joke!! Megan and her porn star bf are coming back for more VHRLC!! what a waste of time and money RLC has become......of course this is just my opinion!!
  2. Glad the closing went well.....congrats!! if it was up to these girls, they would make every night club night!!
  3. It's all in what you make of it, but yes.....it does suck sometimes!! I also get a tone if someone quotes me, and other than that I can always catch up later...........take now for an example lmao. i'm catching up now from where i left off 14 hours ago!! when i'm home and nothing gets my attention on the TV, I then get on youTube to see whats new out there in the hunting, fishing, camping, and survival world and also listen to music. I can always catch up on what has happened on RLC and not being a sub anymore just doesn't hold the same interest for me as it does yourself. so i get it and i understand it!
  4. i do agree that it would force them to change, and change for the better I would think, but the problem is getting the loyal....die hard fans, to cancel their subscriptions and i just don't believe that is going to happen. i've seen where people say that they are going to stick around for one more month to see if things change and the next thing you know, they've been watching RLC for many years. RLC is the King of getting people addicted to their website and until the people take care of their addiction, nothing is going to change, and why would it. RLC is a very lazy company, they do things at a snails pace, they don't have any respect for their customers!! With that said, it will either force them to change or close shop and look for a REAL job........I think they would change!!
  5. i'm not sure why you would think that Sergio. RLC gives these girls the freedom to do whatever they want. they can go out for hours at a time or even days at a time if they want to and RLC doesn't give a damn one way or the other. Rose really likes the casinos and her coming back would be right up her alley!!!
  6. i liked your post but don't care a thing about VHTV. i'm not into hetero sex and that by far is the make up of VHTV. Unfortunately for you and others that are unhappy about what happened to RLC with the removal of all the other apartments and you are not satisfied with what is going on now, that only leaves one choice and that is to cancel your membership. i've either been a subscriber since they first started or just a follower like i am now, and the only way RLC will ever change is to hit them where it hurts. i believe that if people start dropping like flies (cancelling subs) it will force RLC to make changes or close. now, i don't know about you, but i would put my money on them changing and start listening to the people that keep them above water. The problem with all this is there are those that will stick around waiting for something to change no matter how long it takes........they are very loyal and hooked RLC fans and until they decide to do something with their subscriptions, i just don't see it happening. look at yourself for example, you've been watching them for over 5 years and now that VH has come along, it has possibly opened your eyes to something you enjoy watching more and has made you question your loyalty to RLC with the change that has taken place recently. bottom line.......if you are not happy move on because i don't think RLC is ever going to respect their subscribers and they will continue to bring back repeat after repeat girls to fill their apartments and to me that personally is not what i wanted to see so i wrote them a nasty email and they banned me. it was at that point that i decided to keep the hook out of the corner of my mouth!! Only you know what is right for you!!!
  7. i'm not going to bed lol, i'm just not going to sit on CC and wait for any kind of posts to be posted. i mean i love you all but i'm not waiting to read where something happened and sit at my computer all day.......those days are over!! take it sleazy Don't!!
  8. well, i'm caught up so i'm outta here. have a good night Don't, and the rest of the Hee Haw gang!!
  9. thank you for your response Don't and good luck tomorrow!! it's nice when they do it for themselves for a change!
  10. Evenin Don't......how goes it? how good was the pussy licking Salma did to Anabella? Could you see the tongue making contact?
  11. Hello Mauri, i just got on to get caught up and see how you all's day went in the RLC world. Can you elaborate more on what I made bold please??
  12. yes, windows were down and it was probably as close to the scene in Blazing Saddles as you could get. the food was damn good and we talked to the owner of the place and she said it's been a hit for the past couple of weeks. i think if they don't change anything, they will be in business for a long time!
  13. LOL my son and i and a couple of life long friends went to a new restaurant the other night off of a recommendation. this was a Mexican food restaurant that featured the Habanero pepper and bad ass margaritas. we all had the Habanero peppers and the trip home was very gassy. onions and peppers give me gas but i still eat them anyway. everybody should have some type of hot pepper in their diet in my opinion.
  14. just out of curiosity, is Sofie in the apartment or did she go to the beach? the reason i'm asking is because after her and Belle spent the time together last night, i figured she would meet Belle and Nate at the beach to discuss tonights show. BB said in the Belle thread that they were going to the beach.
  15. Hello Sergio, may I ask where you found this video of Danaya? you can PM me the answer if you don't want to say it on the open forum.
  16. moved post to correct thread so maybe i will get an answer.
  17. personally, if i was still a member i would agree with you but a lot of others want to see the Barcelona apts bombarded with guys.
  18. morning Ed, other than supposed boyfriends, i would say no from what i've been reading.
  19. LOL you make no sense my friend! there will always be a girl out there that is more attractive than the girl you are with. there will always be a girl out there that can fuck better than the girl your are with. there will always be girls out there that can suck your dick better than the girl your with. there will always be a girl out there that can make your dick hard just by looking at her and be better than the girl you are with. these porn actors......yes they are real people but other than that, they are in the porn industry and when somebody that comes along strikes their fancy, it's time to move on. Rosemary is 10X better looking than Belle and is all natural. Belle does what it takes to try and stay up with the Rosemary's and Rita's and Kamila's that have graced the doors of RLC. with Belle letting Nate be so free with these other girls, it's just a matter of time before he dumps her and moves on to something better. Belle is only all that in your eyes BB, and that's because she is so free to show the pussy, she's a pixie girl, and she does naked yoga.....other than that, she is by far nothing special!! it's not natural for women to prompt their boyfriends into scenarios with other women unless it's all just an act....i'm sorry, it's just not.
  20. you go by brother!! i'm a flipper and not looking for anything that i have to manage......to each their own!! Have a good nights sleep my friend!
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