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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. the only thing to read that would be exciting about this apartment is if it closed and then reopened with BRAND NEW, NEVER SEEN BEFORE tenants!!
  2. i didn't see any need in mentioning it. i believed by keeping it quiet that i would have a lot less to deal with from the people on this forum. as for it being a permanent ban, that is exactly what it was at the time, but things change and people change their mind and if i wanted to rejoin i could......end of story!! so who was on the door phone?
  3. i love Sergio to death, he keeps me laughing and smiling with damn near every post he makes!!
  4. pets are a huge responsibility in so many ways and if people aren't willing to love and care for that pet like it was one of their own children (if they have children that is), then they shouldn't ever be a pet owner. pets need checkups just like you or i do on a regular basis..........just my .02
  5. i'm sorry i'm just now getting back to you Ash!! first off thank you and secondly i have only been fishing twice this whole year. i went once to the lake in March with not much success and haven't been back due to the lake being flooded. my buddy and my brother have been back to the lake a couple of times and had no luck.....the lake is much better fishing at normal lake levels!! i went offshore fishing a few weeks ago and we had great success. other than those two trips, i have not done anymore fishing. have a good day!!
  6. i said in my post that i read a post in the Belle and Nate thread that told me that the end of the bed is cutoff from camera view and you should know as well as i that if the end of the bed is cutoff from view and there is a person there, you are only going to see a part of that person and not the whole person. i'm just saying that whatever camera is covering whatever piece of furniture be it a bed, couch, chair, or a table, then that camera should cover it all the way and not just part of it!! it's kind of like the cameras in B1 in the dining area and the living room area. they should have a camera that covers the dinning table from each end just like they should have a camera covering both ends of the couch area. if you don't agree with what i'm saying then you are a customer that accepts second best!!
  7. so who's coming back to take Karla's room? is it a girl that is known to be in Barcelona right now, that is good friends with a girl that is currently on RLC?
  8. LOL i'm a lot of things Misc but cheap isn't one of them!! i joined RLC when they first started and i sent pics and videos to different people that asked me for something they missed and sometimes i couldn't send them videos because i had already deleted them, but before i deleted them i would make screen captures if they warranted it and i would send them those pictures. so don't be like moos54 when you don't have a clue about what you are talking about!! Cheap........that really makes me LOLOLOL!!!!
  9. since i'm having a hard time sleeping and only getting a cat nap now and then, i thought i would take the time to address your post. RLC can not prevent me from coming back. if you recall correctly from over 2 years ago, i was not getting any response to numerous emails that I sent there support group because i'm sure they were still fuming about my email that i sent them that got me banned. about 5 or 6 months after i was banned, they finally took the time to email me and tell me that they had thought about the email and understood my frustration with them and excepted my apology and that if i wanted to join again i could. after being gone for the 5 or 6 months i realized that i was getting all i needed through the forum and if you recall i had a very close friend of mine sending me pics and vids of what i was interested in. so mr moos54, you don't have a clue about what you just posted about me and my arrangement with RLC. i could come back right now but i choose not to!! yes, i read about Damira and Salma and others doing things that i would like to see but that's as far as it goes. if you notice, i'm not asking for anyone to send me any pics or videos of anything these girls have been doing. there are a few members that will send me a treat from time to time in which i thank them sincerely for and that's as far as it goes. i believe that RLC doesn't care one bit about you or me or anyone else for that matter and bringing back Carla again with a supposed new bf is living proof!! the numerous UM times is another and i told them that in my email. the amount of time they let these girls stay out of the apartments is another thing that i told them that i disapproved of. i didn't like numerous camera placements, especially the ones at the end of the beds that cutoff 1 to 2 feet of the bed and apparently that is the way it still happens to this day. there was a comment in the Belle & Nate thread that told me the end of the bed camera didn't cover the entire bed and i think that is just neglect on their part......they could cover the entire bed if they would just zoom the camera out a little bit and if that camera won't zoom out then get one that will. it's disrespectful to their customers to continue to operate in this fashion!! ever camera that is pointed at a bed should capture the bed from that angle!! i could go on and on but i doubt you will even read this post all the way through as it is. so with that, have a good day mr moos54!
  10. it's not worth joining even if they were at full capacity!!
  11. so what you're sayin is........she just needs to make sure her pussy is visible 24 hrs a day...LMAO
  12. i was told this morning that Amalia is seeing another guy in Barcelona. That is where she is right now. i also believe that her and Chris are not an item and never were!
  13. good for Nate! it sounds like he isn't needed and it would be the exact same as always. CUDO's to you Nate!!
  14. I'm off for awhile Ze. I need to make some lunch and take a nap.....been a couple of late night's back to back for me. have a good one!!
  15. they do need more apts but nowhere near as many as they had.......that was totally unmanageable!
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