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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. You are spot on with this post! Sofie is a tease, never has and never will do anything for me. Worst thing RLC could have done is to bring her back, but right now RLC is hurting and I personally don't believe their doors will be open much longer unless they make some drastic changes in their philosophy which is not going to happen. They would rather put a stripper and her supposed boyfriend on the site, along whit a couple of people (Asia & Hakeem) to try and shake things up so people stay content with the lack of realism that they portray there to be. Typical RLC BS!!!! What does the amount of visits have to do with it? People that watch will still watch no matter if it's their second visit, third visit, fourth visit, etc. etc.. People are hooked and will never do anything about it other than except it! Your sub ending is the best thing that could have happened to you!!! As for Sofie actually having intercourse with a guy on RLC, that is totally false!! Sofie has never had intercourse with any guy on RLC and you can take that to the bank!! I guess I have forgotten then. If you can prove to me that Sofie has had sex in any of her previous stays, i will quit posting on this forum forever, and I don't mean where it looks like a guy might have penetrated her for one stroke!!
  2. This is late for me to be up, but when i was at the funeral, the coon asses stayed up late every night and I felt obligated to stay up late myself. I totally and completely disagree with you and several others about Blair and Mike....and especially Mike. To me, it's refreshing to me to see where a guy stays true to his girl on RLC. I know that he has had girls that under the influence, be it alcohol or some other substance, were making passes at him but he stayed true to Blair. I'm not the desperate type that wants to see the Almira & Chris show, simply because they are bored stiff with RLC. It's just like the new apartment of Asia and Hakeem, people are all over that apartment and posting their asses off because they are bored with RLC.....plain, pure, and simple. You are one of those people in my opinion and I hope you don't hold what I say against me. Ilona was a flop in B3 in my opinion. I remember a translation about her being with at least one guy and it sounded like more than one guy, one night when she got fucked silly and came back and told whomever the girls were in B1 at the time that she trashed the sheets with sex juices. Ilona, one of the girls I used to like until I read that she had a boob job, and after that I could care less about her. We all know that she was a fuck bunny way before she landed her role in B3! Ilona didn't make the house different at all, she just merely showed you what she kept off camera the whole time she has been with RLC. It's just like the redhead girl that spent so much time with Sera in B1.....don't remember her name because she was never important to me.....never mind, I now remember her name and it was Ginger. Ginger was another girl that kept her sex life outside of RLC. Yes, she would bate as so many of them do because that is all they have to do now days to get people on their side. I have so much to say about the girls of Barcelona but I will refrain, only because I don't want to catch a ton of shit over it. I don't like reading about the shows that Blair, Mike, and Loraine do on RLC but I understand why they do them. They do them because each time their shows happen people are tuning in to see just how far they will go. Anybody that watches RLC and has seen Blair & Mike and Loraine should by now understand that it is just that.....a show!! My hat goes off to Mike for being a much better dude than all the rest of the guys that have been though the doors of RLC. The last thing I want to read is where a couple has sex with other people to make a show and that is exactly what tatted up Amalia and tatted up Chris are all about. The Amalia and Chirs story is all about Chris having sex or sexual contact with other women but none of what I read is reciprocal on Amalias part. Wouldn't you think that if it was true and real to life that Amalia would have had sex with another dude and let Chris watch? Don't answer that, I know the answer already!! Anyway Ze, I totally disagree with your post. Have a good night!
  3. Just got back from Louisiana from a funeral and I am caught up on B1. I don't give a rats ass about anything that Amalia Chris are involved in!! Is there anything else that was worth a damn for the past two days where the girls had sex with each other or good bates?? RLC must really be hurting if they are closing the free cams in their most popular apartments! It doesn't bother me because I don't watch them anymore but I can see where it might bother others that do and put a bad taste in their mouth towards RLC. I don't buy it that they might be trying to conserve bandwidth, bandwidth has been a problem for RLC for years now. What RLC needs to do is get away from and close most of the couples apartments and limit their viewing apartments for subs to 10 apartments. As it is right now they are way out of their span of control with all the apartments they have. RLC believes that the more apartments they have the better and that's just not true. I'm sure that damn near everyone that has been around RLC long enough would take QUALITY over Quantity any day of the week........I know I damn sure would if I was a sub. At any rate, got more catching up to do so I'll check back when I'm done. Something tells me there won't be that much to catch up on and like I said, I don't give a rats ass about anything Amalia & Chris are involved in and I also don't care about Hakeem the dream gigolo and that whole farce that is happening in that apartment.
  4. What I think you and Thes are talking about here concerning Karla is one of the major reasons I quit subscribing to RLC over 2 years ago. I assume you are talking about her slow start since she's been back from what I've been reading. That was something that always ticked me off when returning girls came back. Instead of coming back where they left off when they left the first time, they come back and act like they have never been on RLC before. It used to make my blood boil when I was a sub, now days I don't care other than I feel sorry for those of you that sub. At any rate, boyfriend or not, after a couple of weeks or so, she will be back to where she was when she left. If she has been spending as much time talking to the boyfriend as I'm reading about, I suspect it will be another visit by one of the girls boyfriends and this time it will be Karla!!
  5. too funny Sergio......thanks for the laugh!!
  6. There is something about them that just make you feel better. I love it when they just crawl up in my lap and ask me to read a book or just want to cuddle.......special times for sure!!
  7. I guess for some there may be moments, but not if you have to pay extra for it. It's just like the B2 show that happened with all the girls and the bearded fat guy, I seen bits and pieces of it and in my opinion it wasn't even worth paying extra for replay. To each their own I guess, but if people continue to pay for it, it's never going to be included in the premium package like it should be!!
  8. Good morning H1 🙂 I feel 100% better today and thanks for asking! I slept pretty well last night and got to spend about 6 hours with my grandchildren.......what a joy they are!! Today I am supposed to go to a fish fry at my oldest brothers house for the family and really looking forward to it. Hope you have a good day yourself H1 !!!
  9. Nothing on RLC is worth spending money on Replay. I repeat, nothing on RLC is worth spending money on Replay!!!
  10. I'm sure Amalia, Chris, and Loraine left to agree on the arrangement for tonights debauchery!
  11. Yes, Blair has seemed to always carry herself well from what I remember seeing and reading. Amalia & Chris, I could care less about!! Human behavior is quite amazing and you don't have to hear a single word......just go sit in a mall sometime and watch!!
  12. Honestly, I seen it coming a long time ago and the shitty email I sent them that got me banned just solidified my decision to quit watching them. To me, and from what I've been reading, it's already a disaster! You are right about what they charge, it's way over the top for the type of content you are getting these days. Not to mention you have to pay for replay......what a crock of buffalo chips that is!!
  13. it's all a mystery Kenzie. i'm sure the show will go on as soon as the one's that left show back up with the drugs.......just a hunch
  14. LOL too funny H1......get a chair with rollers my friend 🙂
  15. LOL I think you know what's going to happen!! The Amalia & Chris show strikes again and will continue to strike again and again and again and again until they leave the project. Welcome to the new VHRLC!! What a joke and the demise of what used to be a good voyeur site!
  16. I'm not messing around, my cardiologist knows about it and said I will have these spells. I had some Jalepeno pimento cheese before I went to bed as a snack and I believe that is what triggered the discomfort last night. I'm feeling better now, the head and chest are better also. I'm just tired, been going strong for the past couple of weeks and I think it's catching up to me. Thanks for the concern H1
  17. I've had rough days like this before and it seems to go with my condition. I don't fuck around when it comes to how I feel and I go to the hospital when I need to. Thanks for your concern Max!
  18. I did have a pounding headache......2 days in a row now, but I had a lot of tightness in my chest last night and it was uncomfortable. It happens now and then. I'm supposed to go to my son's house today for bone in ribeye's but I don't if I'm going to make it yet. Only time will tell.
  19. I had a rough night last night, didn't get much sleep, so i'm getting it in spurts today.
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