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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I could be wrong, but aren't there 2 bedrooms separated by a laundry room? It will be Ariela Amalia & Chris in their room and it will be Blair Loraine & Mike in their room. Wait and see if I'm right. The other option, Ariela and Loraine leave and go back to B4 or they sleep on the couch.
  2. LMAO again, Amalia and especially Chris probably aren't drinking so Chris can actually sustain a hard on for their show tonight.
  3. LMAO get used to it my friend, RLC has turned a new leaf. Please welcome VHRLC!! Ariela will be the victim for Amalia & Chris' sick show!!
  4. His analogy was spot on! You are just trying to convince yourself, because of your own beliefs of how RLC is and how it suits your needs, that his analogy is incorrect. STM is spot on and I will stand behind him on this! If you have one stall that people don't like, you change that stall, you just don't ignore it. The customer is always right in business and if not, your business isn't going to survive. RLC only survives because it's in the porn business and porn is popular with a lot of people. They could never survive in a different market because they don't care about their customers! Fagen is wrong in his statement not because you are paying for access to 26 apartments that you think are going to be to your liking, but because they are not maintained with fresh couples. Once a couple gets in with RLC, it's all over and you're stuck with them unless they get kicked out for domestic violence or trying to burn the place down.....case in point, Steve of the Donna and Steve apartment. I never would have thought they would have brought that guy back, and then they changed his name hoping nobody would notice and people on this forum caught it immediately because people remember the good ones and the bad ones. He was boring and stupid when with Vanessa and now your stuck with him until he messes up again. There should be a time limit of 1 year and then move that couple out and bring in a new couple, a fresh couple. The good/popular couples for a year will be recycled just like the Barcelona girls are. There will always be recycling on RLC so the freshness becomes less and less. You eventually start seeing nothing but the same people over and over again, like watching a room with the same 100 people in it year after year, the view never changes and it becomes monotonous and boring. It goes with the saying......if you are not the lead dog, the view never changes. So my point is without freshness, your selection is cut down by a minimum of two thirds.
  5. All I know from watching RLC from the beginning of time, that is how 90% of the first time girls start out. It's like in the poker world......don't show your hand to soon. I believe that RLC tells them to start out slow and not give all the goods away on the very first day or week or 2 weeks or a month. It's all about the anticipation with RLC and the longer you watch it, it will become far more clearer to you. on that note......have a good evening!! I'm off to my son's house to have some grilled Red Snapper. so chow for now!!
  6. you have totally lost me Mauri. I don't see where you came up with that based on that post. It's all good though, we just have a communication barrier that's all. If it was the last sentence in that post, i might be able to understand it a little bit but to be honest, I'm lost lol.
  7. LOL sorry for the laughter, but what you see on camera is nothing like she really is in "Real Life"!
  8. LMAO she wants it to be that way. If you can tell it is on camera, then it is if you were looking at her face to face.
  9. don't matter to me if they took up a permanent residence in that apartment! I would really like to be a fly on the wall when the casting agency is interviewing these girls, if that even happens and I don't believe it does. I believe that every girl that steps through the door of any of the apartments is solely done by word of mouth and especially in Barcelona. In B1 you have all the stripper girls showing up now and Karla who is another stripper girl in that group in B4 and probably the whole lot of them. I still contend that it is sad the direction RLC has decided to take in the past 2+ years.
  10. What's sad is when you don't watch any of it, but you can relate to the people wanting them to put up something or ship out. A ton of bad vibes for these girls and this apartment!
  11. you forgot to say................to get their fuck on! Cuz from what I've been reading they don't do a fucking thing in the apartment!!
  12. I'm sorry and I agree, it just sounded like there was some justification in your post to me. It's all good.
  13. she will spend most of her time outside the apartment just like last time. another return failure for you all and a gain for RLC where it is important.......outside!!!
  14. that is another thing I was told about was when Loraine and Ariela got back from wherever they went, which was probably out the front door and down to the hidden room, Loraine went straight in the shower and gave her pussy a good washing. I think they were having real fun out of camera view just like always with these girls.
  15. Don't you dare keep your opinions to yourself Don't!!! It's refreshing to here an honest point of view for a change from someone that watches RLC. You are a Texan and I know you have thicker skin then that, to worry about someone mocking you or criticizing you. Keep doing what your doing my friend, I love reading your posts! I was filled in today also with what transpired in B4 last night and that is just about word for word what i was told. the strange thing to me was that the "teacher of the BJ's" to the girls in the big bed room the other day, didn't suck Limpy's dick. The showgirl "Salma" didn't really do anything from what I was told other than what you mentioned. Amalia will regret it if she hasn't already, but maybe she has such a low self esteem of herself that she just puts up with it. If Amalia's boyfriend is that quick to fuck another girl in front of her, could you imagine what he does when she's not around! It's just sad to read the direction RLC headed!
  16. there always will be an issue with a woman when she wants to cheat. if she doesn't get caught, then no one is the wiser. she's a piece of shi@t in my book...sorry, don't like cheaters one damn bit!
  17. regardless of inebriated or not or cams or not, don't try to justify her having sex with another man if she has a boyfriend. she's a cheater, plain pure and simple. another angel to take home to mommy..................NOT!
  18. Please let it be the boyfriend and he dumps her cheating ass!
  19. i hope it is true. if she has a boyfriend and got caught fucking another dude, she is a cheater and I DON'T like cheaters!!
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