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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. personally, i hope it's the dumb b@tches boyfriend and somebody showed him a video of her fucking the rent a dick dude!!
  2. it sounds like all the new girls are straight out of the stripper pool
  3. LOL and that's another thing that I can't stand, people believing that these girls birthdays always fall when they are in Barcelona.......what a crock of shit!! it's just like reading about the girls invading something going on with 2 girls and 1 guy.........puke, drama for the gullible and desperate crowd that watches RLC these days.
  4. B1 didn't go UM for ISP issues either Fagen. I've seen it too many times in all my years watching/following RLC. They don't give a flying fuck if they screw over their subscribers just like the bullshit I read tonight about the gathering in B4 and the rent a dick dude!! This is all you are going to see now, Amalia and rent a dick in every Barcelona establishment trying to make RLC popular again. I hope you are happy!
  5. LOL i had to spend $1,200 on a new set of tires and it pissed me off. Sorry for my ranting but the people of this forum are making RLC into an VHTV clone and that means the only decent voyeur site is fixing to crumble like a load of bricks!
  6. LOL, I would much rather be an RLC tenant hater than a supporter of any of these porn freaks for all the bullshit you guys come up with. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, you call that person a hater. You are no better than that person!!
  7. any bets on when B4 will have an ISP problem and the apartment goes UM? I didn't think so!
  8. I just got through reading I don't know how many pages of bullshit from this house for today and I must say, you guys are in for a long haul. Amalia and her rent a dick are going to ruin everything. there will be numerous times the show will involve other girls because Chris is not committed to any of them and if that's what you want to see that's fine. I guess I could not read any of it, but it's so damn funny how desperate you people are. From what I've read, Daniela has boyfriend but she didn't give a rats ass about him last night did she. She is just another worthless sk@nk that appears on RLC. Absolute pathetic reading from you people!!
  9. Plus, she can suck a dick and run a trout line LMAO......a Russian girl can survive
  10. LMAO yes there is and I don't even watch RLC!! Pay more attention or don't make anymore such statements!!
  11. Not some people Ze, almost all of the people that subscribe are used to taking it up the ass from RLC and this forum is no different!!
  12. I don't doubt it! The ISP issue is total and complete BS. There was something going on during the lengthy maintenance period and I'm sure it had something to do with Karla and getting Amalia & Chris to go to B3. I firmly believe there was absolutely nothing wrong that required that UM. RLC fucks their subscribers over on a daily basis and this was just another one of those times!
  13. how will you cope if that rumor is correct LMAO.....bath scenes, if you've seen one you've seen them all!!!
  14. It's good to have a couple like Blair and Mike don't you think. If you want them all to be like the spectacle of Amalia and Chris, bring on RLCVHTV!!
  15. I don't believe there was a damn thing wrong with that apartment. I think they did what they did to keep subscribers off their back, cover their ass if you will. I don't believe they installed any cages around the balcony. I also believe that anyone that is that drunk/high/stupid that climbs over the railing and falls, it is a good way to get those idiots out of the gene pool!!!
  16. Hi AshleyXYZ, thank you. my son is OK but it always scares/concerns the hell out of me. I've been with him when he's had several of his seizures and it's a scary sight. My third to the oldest brother had Grand Mal seizures that got so bad, that he had one while driving and he ran into a house. After that episode, he told his wife that he had to do something and he didn't care what it took. He got admitted by a specialist and they ran a bunch of tests. They drilled 4, half inch wholes in his skull, 1 for each lobe of the brain. After a week they determined that his seizures were being brought on by the front right lobe of his brain and he asked them what could be done with knowing that information. The specialist said that they could remove that lobe and he would have a 98% chance that he would never have Grand Mal seizures again. So far they were right about the Grand Mal seizures but he still has a Petit Mal/Absence seizure from time to time. He has to carry a little pocket notebook around with him because that part of the brain they removed, was the short term memory lobe. My son asked his doctor if they could run the same tests and the doctor said that he is not eligible for that procedure. So in a way, that is a good thing in one way and a bad thing in another. He told me one day that he would let them do whatever they had to do to him to prevent the seizures. That takes a lot of courage if you ask me, especially when dealing with the brain. He's a very sharp kid and has a really good job with one of the biggest cancer hospitals in the US. He's willing to lose all he has if they could just make his seizures go away. It makes me want to cry every time I think about it!! Your nephew had one this past fall? How old is he and how did he come through it for not having one in many years? My son's medication is not a generic brand. I had asked his doctor to make sure he wouldn't ever take a generic brand but I have no clue if it would make any difference or not.
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