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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I couldn't agree more. Sometimes it's going to be the viewers night or day to see something and if missed, did you really miss anything? Replay should be included in the Premium Sub without a doubt!
  2. so, i hear the weekend guy struck out trying to get the redhead to have sex with him on camera this morning their time.........will tonight be the night? i'm pretty sure he's fucking her off camera but I can't prove it. he stands a better chance with the reborn Angie of doing it on camera than he does with a girl that had a hard time showing herself naked in the beginning.
  3. funny in the fact that if anybody bought replay to see when the girls come and go. hell, anybody that buys replay is funny in my opinion.
  4. that is very true and I think that is what a lot of CC members forget. you could pole 10 people from all over the world that watch RLC about what they like or don't like and you would get 10 different answers. Everybody is looking for something different out of RLC and I honestly don't believe there would be that many that like the exact same thing out of thousands of people that watch the RLC Internet TV Show.......RITS for short lol.
  5. Actually, I think it's pretty great! I'm tired of hearing about all these shows where all the girls are piled up on the bed in the big bedroom. For one thing, more than two girls on any bed is not good. There is always, no matter what, someone blocking the view from the subscriber. I like the fact that they haven't succumbed to the silly little 3rd grade games these other girls play. Now, they could participate more by doing something of more interest other than taking a f@$king shower or laying in the living room watching TV.
  6. OK, that's fair for what you were expecting and what you were hoping for. Unfortunately, that's just not how it is with 95% of the participants on RLC because it's a posh cam site and they all have their role in keeping the door open, if you know what I mean. It will never be real life because they know they are being watched by a very large audience. The only time you would get real life is if the people were being spied upon without their consent and you know as well as I, that is illegal.
  7. it doesn't matter what time of year it is SC, they are always out doing gods work more than they are ever in doing Harley's work 🙂and sleeping and eating don't count!!
  8. Hello all and top of the evening to you all. Let me start by asking a couple of questions about the Alana open bate, and I'm asking because way back in the day when someone said a girl had an open bate, it might have been open but the lighting was poor or the hand was under the panties or as Thes would say, the panties belong on the floor. How open was it? How good was the lighting? Where did this open bate take place....bedroom, bath tub, living room, etc. etc. etc.. Now, if I may address ze81's post. ze81 from what i've read about his posts, wants to see all the girls hooking up with guys. He like's to watch hetero sex and that's cool if that's what he wants. Myself on the other hand would enjoy the girls bates so long as it's not everyday and they do it with variety. Myself would rather watch Alana hooking up with any of the other girls in the apartment or bringing one home from a club or bar like that other girl did that time. Myself would never want to watch a girl having sex with another guy...NEVER. ze81 on the other hand loves to watch hetero sex and I think he was under the impression that when this apartment came back on line, that all the participants were going to be banging their brains outs and that's just not the case. Some girls are more shy when it comes to sex, cameras or no cameras. Some girls are easy where others are not. Some girls actually want to feel there is something there between them and their partner. I've never seen this Alana chick and couldn't even tell you what she looks like if my life depended on it, but she is a girl, from the sounds of it, that needs some type of love and stability in a relationship before she just dives in with some dude. I could be way off base with her, but from what I've read that is how it sounds to me. At any rate, if her bate today was really open, then i would have to take my hat off to her and thank her for feeling comfortable enough to bate in the open. I will be trying to find this bate on the internet and hope I succeed. I would like to see her bate and what she looks like!! Congrats to you Alana for pleasing the viewers!!!
  9. It sounds like it is a waste of time to me. if I was a member, i would much rather watch Kamila do nothing than any of the girls that are currently listed in this apartment. I love Kristy to death but she is very boring. As for cunya and alana and the rest of the girls, boring....boring....boring!!
  10. are you shitting me Max, I know you are not as naïve as you are letting on here!
  11. Your head is used for much better things than hanging a hat!!
  12. I'm glad this was part of your spill! Without you saying that, I would have thought you lost your freaking mind!!!!!
  13. LMAO they are no different than any other couple on RLC!!
  14. plus, you would never see money change hands anyway.....they aren't as stupid as the one guy was in the now apt of Nina&Kira.
  15. lol can't say I blame him, he has a good thing going on. he shows up and probably brings refreshments and the girls compensate him for it. sounds like this time he brought another girl with him to make people want to watch. good gig if you can get it!!
  16. what you spend your money on is your business, but I think you made a wise decision to stop supporting RLC. just my opinion.
  17. once the light bulb finally goes off in peoples heads, they will realize that the Barca girls and I mean all of the Barca girls are not in Barcelona to be on RLC!! RLC apts/house is just a place for the girls to eat and sleep!! The rest of the time they are working full time jobs elsewhere. I am forbidden to say anything more than that, but use your heads for something more than a place to hang a hat!
  18. lol and just wait for the weekend guy to show up so he can cart the girls outside for a brief interlude!! i honestly, from what i've read about this apartment, can't believe RLC has done nothing with the inhabitants!
  19. this just goes to show you that RLC has absolutely NO standards!!
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