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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. There is 1 word in this entire post that made me fall off my chair onto the floor with great laughter. Can anyone fathom what that one word might be?
  2. LOL I'm sure they need a rest after the sexathon they had at B4 while it was under maintenance!!
  3. LOL I don't think the "Red Tide" would stop her from playing if she really wanted to. Haven't there been several of the girls that have played with a string showing?
  4. Hello Morti, who is that in your avatar?? Is that Nora with whats her name?
  5. I believe they are all in to some sort of S&M and maybe getting some of them that way. Who knows for sure but I'm a betting man and I would take bets that most of them are not from frolicking around in a park or at the beach somewhere!
  6. LOL....now that's some funny shit right there, don't care who you are!! I'm sure that some might have that kind of relationship but I'm willing to bet that most of them do not. I know I would go apeshit if I found out my girlfriend had gone to Barcelona as a "translator" and found out that she milked some of the locals!! That was a funny one when Jess told one of the girls that she told her boyfriend she was in Barcelona to work as a "translator". All I can say is that her boyfriend might have been a good lay but he's an ignorant SOB if he fell for that shit LOL.
  7. Yeah, it's a voyeur site for kindergarten kids!! I have seen multiple pictures of the girls with bruises all over their legs.......I don't think it has to make anyone wonder too much! These girls leave their boyfriends for months to come to Barcelona to play and cheat......great group of gals if you ask me. "What happens in Barcelona, stays in Barcelona"
  8. RLC will always go on like that!! A lot of people apparently think that Alexa is over at B4 due to some kind of fall out with Aria. I believe the only reason Alexa is at B4 is so her and Mila can go to work the job together that they had started several nights back. The job that started with them staying out all night. The problem with RLC, is not a problem for RLC but a problem for the viewer. These girls work for RLC on different jobs when out of the apartment. Where the viewer gets screwed and has been getting screwed ever since the Barcelona projects came into existence is that the girls come home after literally being gone all day and have to force themselves due to being worn out, to give the viewer a fake ass......lame ass show. All the teasing is a bunch of crap with the fake/lame ass lesbian stuff and it's quite obvious. The email I read when I first woke up and was drinking a cup of coffee was that Mary & Fridget are already out working a job for RLC after just a few hours sleep. Must be something or someone of importance! Don't worry though, they will come home late as usual and wash their cunts and then put on a fake ass show for you all. That way, you are happy and they are laughing at your expense!! "Don't hate the player, hate the game" "Smoke & Mirros"........."WOOSAH"
  9. After a few hours sleep I decided to get on CC and catch up. I just want to say......from a person that doesn't watch RLC anymore and wouldn't watch the couples apartments anyway, this is the kind of reporting that used to take place on this forum. It's easy to follow, easy to see what might have happened, and easy to understand as far as being from someone that doesn't watch. My hat is off to you on a great post!!
  10. Caught up and I only have one word to describe the forum and RLC..............BORING!! Nite all..
  11. Good luck with that one!! Good decision on cancelation though and a decision I thought I would never see coming from you. Now if the rest of the long term viewers would just follow suit, RLC might actually do something to improve what they offer the viewer. Paying for replay is horse shit and it really pissed me off every time I used to think about it.....now, I just don't give a flying fuck!
  12. Fortunately for me, I have a damn good friend that has been keeping me up to date on the things I care about and of course she fits into that group. I told him about the VHTV deal and he jumped on it and now has decided to throw in the towel on RLC. I now this will make a lot of people happy on this forum, so in 1.75 months (sometime around the middle of September) he is done for good with RLC which means that I will be much less involved as well unless one of the remaining people on CC either decide to post more about what happens on RLC or shoots me a PM. This forum used to be where a girl couldn't take a piss without someone letting you know about it. Now it's just mainly what time they left or what time they got home. He told me that she left sometime this morning and hasn't been heard of since. Just another fine example of why RLC is losing in the market share department. At any rate...have a good night!
  13. I'm sure it's in the playbook! The problem is.........it will take a minimum of 2 months subscriptions to see it!
  14. OK.....this is where I draw the line with you people!! You all claim to watch RLC, or do you just watch it for the POD? The other night when the 5 girls left, dressed like h@@k#@s, when she came home, she was carrying a bag of stuff which she put in her closet. She couldn't wait until she had any sleep to bring it out, and therefore she brought it out sometime during her very restless morning. Either pay more attention or quit questioning me. I already told you that the buddy of mine likes her a lot and he pays close attention to her. Go back and waste the time if you don't believe me!! I think I told you the same thing Fagen....pick out a girl and watch her and quit trying to watch them all!!! Have a good night and quit questioning me!!!!!
  15. This is the last thing I'm going to say about this. The other night 5 girls left to go to a private party. One girl came home with NEW Apple ear buds and a NEW Apple watch....her name was Mila. The named Mila girl went out yesterday with Elly and spent all day yesterday out of the house until they finally realized what time it was and came home. Upon arrival at home, Mila ran downstairs to have a bath and a shave in which the whole time there was someone waiting on her outside the house. She was in such a hurry there was no makeup being done and she left with wet hair fresh out of the shower. She left with a pair of blue thong panties and no telling what else that she hid from the camera. Now, you and I both know that at 10 o'clock at night it doesn't take more than 40 minutes to get from B4 to B2.......hell, just put the car in neutral and coast down the hill and they could have probably made it in an hour! B4 to B2 is a 40 minute trip unless there are stops made for food and drink. B2 to B1 was a 15 minute trip unless there were stops made for food and drink. Now you can sit there and kid yourself all you want, but I believe she was with the same person all day that bought her the watch and the ear buds and she wanted an hour plus of alone time with that person before getting to B2!! End of story!
  16. Amen brother Moritzmax.....when they do that, it is all about transparency!
  17. Caught up. The girls of the Barca establishments are a joke and so are many in here!! Have fun all watching paint dry!!
  18. So what's your point Naga? She left a few minutes before 10PM their time and didn't get to B2 until a few minutes after 12AM. What do you think she did for that other hour and twenty minutes??? You probably think she walked the whole way there don't you?
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