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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It should tell you that they are hard up to keep your business because they know what they offer is shit!!
  2. At least you did something and complained to them. What he did is totally unacceptable!! You should feel good about what you did whether they answered with their normal BS reply or not!
  3. I totally agree with you on this Misc, he isn't as smart as he thinks he is. However, I have a feeling that with all the time the apartment is empty from what I'm told and the lack of post about it, they probably do this kind of thing all the time. One thing I've noticed about our Russian counterparts is that they are now living the life of free love!
  4. Such a funny, dope smoking, head in the clouds, kind of guy 🙂
  5. At least you sent a complaint in. Whether they do anything about it or not is a mute point!! Anybody that has followed me and how I post, understands that RLC doesn't give a rats ass about the people that keep them in business...
  6. Thanks for confirming that about the hand held shower head. As for Adri and how she left, I don't have a clue but I'm sure I will hear something about it tomorrow if I ask that is. Thanks Bud for keeping it real!!!
  7. I agree and I hate the Warriors anydamnway!!
  8. I brought this post here because this is where it belongs. I posted it in the most popular thread first because I haven't read this thread yet. So here it is... What really gets to me and I haven't read the thread yet but I was told that Taya's place had a bunch of h@@krs there tonight and Taya was nowhere to be found and that Will himself covered the cameras in the guest room to bang one of the h@@kers. Now, I don't know about any of you but if I was still a paying member, my ass would be sending a letter of disgust and disapproval to RLC for the tenant covering the cameras so he could bang another girl while his supposed girl is not even there! Don't get me wrong, if he wants to cheat that's his business but he needs to cheat outside the apartment. If he decides to cheat and bring it back to the apartment, covering the cameras should be grounds for permanent dismissal of the tenants! Everybody that pays a monthly fee to RLC should write their (RLC) customer service department and tell them how you feel about it!! Anybody that doesn't send them an email either works for RLC or deserves what they get!! Even if you are a member of RLC and you didn't witness the covering of the cameras, you too should send them and email of disgust and disapproval!
  9. I don't know about Adri leaving but I was told that there was a bath by someone in the jacuzzi tub during the 3 hour UM and when the apartment came back from that the hand held wand was very obviously leaking quite a bit of water where they turn the water on and off for the tub. He said the second time the UM was over and the same hand held wand was placed in the tub and that one of the girls that occupies that room had to take a shower in the community shower on the bottom floor. Nobody will ever know what happened during that 3 hours you speak of that the apartment was UM, but how you all can just cope with it is beyond me! What really gets to me and I haven't read the thread yet but I was told that Taya's place had a bunch of h@@krs there tonight and Taya was nowhere to be found and that Will himself covered the cameras in the guest room to bang one of the h@@kers. Now, I don't know about any of you but if I was still a paying member, my ass would be sending a letter of disgust and disapproval to RLC for the tenant covering the cameras so he could bang another girl while his supposed girl is not even there! Don't get me wrong, if he wants to cheat that's his business but he needs to cheat outside the apartment. If he decides to cheat and bring it back to the apartment, covering the cameras should be grounds for permanent dismissal of the tenants! Everybody that pays a monthly fee to RLC should write their (RLC) customer service department and tell them how you feel about it!! Anybody that doesn't send them an email either works for RLC or deserves what they get!! Even if you are a member of RLC and you didn't witness the covering of the cameras, you too should send them and email of disgust and disapproval!
  10. Even though there are RLC infiltrators on this forum, I hope you sent this to RLC support where you will never know outcome!
  11. Shy?? She was just holding back because that is what she was told to do! From the sounds of it, Serena is holding back because that is what big sister told her to do.......don't out do me little sis. As for Mil and Ana as you all call them, they will probably sucker people for at least the first month and I bet they are getting tired of everything always happening in their room!!
  12. I don't intentionally try and do anything Emmett and if I'm pissing you off, maybe you need to take a deeper look at why you continue to support them. Honestly, I feel sorry for anybody that keeps putting money in their pockets but I also understand it at the same time. No matter how mad or how much you try to get at me, I'm not going to change and I will always speak my mind when it comes to RLC and the tenants. Some posts will be good, but most probably will not. Respect my position and I will respect yours!
  13. LOL.....I forgot to answer you Fagen, sorry about that man. I sent them a very nasty email about how displeased I was with their service and the shenanigan's that they were doing back then and they continue to do today. Nora (Queen B) is way to involved in the Barca realm and has been forever and until she is out of the picture, things will never change. You will always get the unnecessary UM times, the copious amounts of candles (T-Lights I like to call them) being used to distort anything visible by viewers, the silly games that are played all the damn time, the angles the girls use due to Nora, the hiding of the fake shows which is very obvious I wrote them a very lengthy email which contained some very strong words and they couldn't handle it and the rest is history! Basically, I just got tired of feeding them money with nothing changing for the better. Their customer service is a freaking joke at best. They really don't give a damn about the people that make them rich and personally I'm glad that I decided to be RLC free for going on 16 months now. Yes, I tried to come back and they didn't let me and I'm glad now that they didn't. Hope you understand, Harley
  14. I'm back, the basketball game is over.....glad Cleveland won and by the way I'm not a fan of Cleveland at all but a guy I used to work with would never shut up about them and yes, he was a yankee!! Go Rockets tomorrow!!!
  15. Like I told Fagen, you all watch it for your own guilty pleasures and if that's what you want to see, it's good with me and I respect it. However, I'm not going to stop speaking my mind because it obviously pisses you off!! I used to watch for the possibility of something lesbian happening and when I seen it wasn't going anywhere without the help of some kind of mind altering substance, I gave it up for a few months. I then returned and was banned forever and no amount of emails would change their minds. Have no respect for RLC or the type of people they hire after practically begging for them to let me come back. Some people said to try this and try that and I tried a prepaid card and it didn't work so I said F-it. Yes, I have a bad taste in my mouth over the whole ordeal and some of my posts are because of that but I will never quit posting just because you say its repetitive or it upsets you!! Have a good night Emmett. I'm done with this for tonight!
  16. LOL that really bothers you doesn't it? I'm talking about the whole spectacle that the girls put on when one of the girls brings in a supposed "boyfriend" in to the lions lair of B4. What I'm talking about that goes on in the city where I live is about as fake and false as the spectacle that goes on in B4 when there is a guy there. If you can't comprehend that, then I feel sorry for you Emmett.
  17. I believe you are right but I just can't remember all the translations anymore. I'm just not sure if Kami had her own apartment, that other than watching her have sex from time to time, that anything would be any different.
  18. Why yes I do Emmett. The city I live in buys more wine than any other city in the world and that is why it is very normal for 6 girls to take a bath with one guy every night!
  19. OK, if you want to see him there with all those girls then so be it. Everybody that watches RLC, watches it for their own guilty pleasures and it doesn't matter if any of the other paying members want to see him there or not. It's going to happen every time a guy leaves, another one will show up now that Jasmin's guy friend had shown up and broke the ice. I personally would not watch that sort of spectacle but that's just me. Enjoy what you get out of it and when you are not enjoying it anymore, quit subbing to them!
  20. I could be getting the two mixed up but I do remember reading something about Egor that just struck me as him being controlling. Do you know for a fact that it was him who got cheated on and not the other way around? It doesn't matter really, it's something that will probably never happen anyway. I think the couples apartment is a great place for some of these girls to go to and try living with a guy they love/like to see how it's going to go. I believe that most couples that occupy the couples apartment will be either a couple you have seen already or a girl you have seen already and she brings a guy with her to that apartment. I could be wrong, it just seems that way to me.
  21. I don't know about you Kase, but I don't think there is a house in 50 square miles of me that 5 or 6 women don't get in the bath with one guy. Where I live that happens everyday, I guess it must really be normal LMAO 🤨
  22. Doesn't make any sense to me either Vortios. It's all just an attempt at grabbing subscriptions!
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