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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I've already asked him for it and when he gets home he will hook me up! I hope it's as good as you always say it is!!
  2. Goodnight SC.....have a great rest of your night and I'm sure you will hear from me tomorrow!!
  3. For happyone......I'm caught up again and fixing to try and sleep. I am trying to get back to some sort of normalcy with my sleep......wish me luck because it has been hard to do!! Vortios, when I first logon tomorrow I will read your PM and if necessary, I will reply to you. Have a good night my friend, and the rest of the forum as well!!
  4. I appreciate that and there is NO hard feelings between us......just stating how I feel.
  5. I guess what you are trying to say here Thes is that unless 4 or 5 girls get into a bath or play tease pong with a guy that there is nothing worth a shit to see on the second floor. Well, don't get too down there my friend as the blond girl (sorry, can't remember her name) who occupied Adri's current room with her guy which set the precedence for future guys to appear in B4 and which will be non stop, there will always be something to make you happy! Fuck all the guys that keep coming in and screwing everything up!! I can't believe there is so many people that are that hard up to see some guy having some kind of sexual relations with these girls. They (the people of the forum) act like these girls are something special where in fact, they don't even come close to being something special but because they (the people of this forum) spend an outrageous amount of money each month on the crap that I read about everyday on this forum, that seems to make them that much more special. Don't worry, you will still get your jollies off every now and then.......more then than now!!
  6. Yes, there is another big room in the house that is not seen by any camera. I've already pointed this out but you must have missed it.
  7. Sorry SC, I think you are an exceptional guy and mod as well, but all the time you took to put this presentation together tells me that as a mod you have too much time on your hands. Take care of the people that keep the forum in an uproar and the forum will come back strong. If I am one of those people, then take care of me as well. I already said I will probably not go premium again and if that is something that hurts me, then so be it. If you or any of the other mods or Admin think I am one of the people holding this forum back because I'm honest and open about everything, then make it where I am banned for ever and I will except that! I can read and I understand why the Admin wanted to go to multiple topics (that's how it was when I became a member of this forum and it worked out well) but once again you and the rest of the people in charge of this forum couldn't handle the 10 to 15 people that cry like a bunch of babies and gave in to them. That is why this forum is suffering!!! Have a good night and if I never speak to you again after this.....I've enjoyed the chats we have had!!
  8. Normally I would watch anything you post in this thread, but I will not watch our men that tried to take that beach without knowing that they were fixing to get slaughtered!
  9. Caught up for now, you guys/girls have a great evening! I'm going to eat a steak and drink a few beers by letting my bartenders pick them!!
  10. I would vote for youth to be their choice of drug! That's a funny gif though LMAO
  11. I've probably already pissed off the majority of the forum tonight so I'm out of here for awhile. Plus it's steak night at my local pub, so enjoy the show guys........and remember, it's always a show!
  12. You mean fucking and awake? I don't see where the dancing comes into play here.
  13. No sir, each drug affects people differently. Believe what you want to believe but these girls do a lot of coke!
  14. Mine as well and now I'm just a night owl which I am trying to drastically change.
  15. That's not entirely true. It doesn't matter how much coke you use as much as it matters about your body's chemical make up. I used to run with a group that used coke all the time and they were not all skinny!
  16. Yes I do have a great friend that keeps my up to date but trust me, he doesn't record much for me at all. If there is something specific I want to see he will go find it on replay and send it to me. I do ask him to keep up with certain things and he does it if he's able to. We talk daily and sometimes several times a day so I'm not as blind as you wish I was!
  17. All RLC needs to do is remove all the sound capabilities from the cameras!
  18. Oh they know, they know the majority of their audience does not understand the languages these girls speak and that is why you will never see and English speaking apartment on RLC. RLC treats it's customers like mushroom's.............always in the dark!!!
  19. Try to say what you just said another way please......I want to be sure on what you are saying. Thank you
  20. You are correct! It now has the feeling of VHTV and I hope all you viewers are happy!! Once upon a time, RLC used to have some semblance of realism, but not anymore. The fill the apartments with dope/coke w@#@#s to try and stay up with the very thing they have been trying to avoid!
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