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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. But you have to remember, she has lost 2 of her party girls with Jasmin and Belle leaving and maybe her other friend who is the DJ has been on vacation and is now back and if that is the case, you will see much less of Rosie!
  2. I think you hit the nail on the head Emmett or they are thinking it will take days for the water to heat up LMAO...
  3. With the amount of showers and pussy washings that all those girls do, not to mention the big bathtub, it's no wonder a hot water heater doesn't last very long!! What RLC should do is have a hot water heater for the kitchen and sinks and clothes washer, and install instant hot water heaters for the shower and the bathtub. The instant hot water heaters work great and they don't go out near as ofter as a hot water heater does. As for the special treatment part of it, I would be pissed if I was any other tenant and watching these pre-madonna chicks getting any type of special treatment!!
  4. A clause would be good because as they say in show business.......the show must go on!! 🙂
  5. Thank you Vortios, I'm happy to be back but I'm sure I'm not as happy as the happyone!
  6. I'm sorry to say this Robert but Sofie from what I've read and been told has acted very childish this stay and with that being the case the only way they will ever start getting along is if Monica kisses Sofie's ass and makes up and that is just not going to happen. Monica doesn't need Sofie or Sofie Jr., she has her boy toy and her friends in B4.
  7. I was told that one of the girls took a shower today and steamed up all the glass in the shower.........sounds like hot water to me!
  8. Yes, I was told that the outside cams were shutdown yesterday and today. Why would that be necessary? Who cares if there is a pool service there, if that is indeed why they shutdown the outside cams. I don't understand why the Barca apartments are treated differently than all the rest of the apartments in RLC. If someone can explain that one to me with a good explanation, I am willing to listen!
  9. You know what they say Sergio........sleep all day, party all night and with the help of hidden influences, these girls can last forever but I'm sure their noses get sore after awhile.
  10. Good day to you Daily, Yes, I'm sure there were many that rejoiced my withdrawal with throwing parties and the like, but I'm never too far away to drop in and see what's going on.........you know me well Daily!
  11. I'm waiting for someone to say.......welcome back HFB, we have missed you and your honesty 🙂 I'll catch it tomorrow.....have a good night everybody!!
  12. So.....can any of you that can read the future tell me when Amina & Nillo are leaving? From what I have read, there is a lot of people on this forum that seem to think they should have already left. Please.....someone tell me when they are leaving!
  13. As for Rosie and her Merry Brothel of girls, nothing has changed with her as far as I've been told and from what I've read. People continue to put up with all the fake shows and as long as they do, nothing will ever change! Yes boys and girls, HFB is still here perusing the CC threads to see if anything will ever change and I'm here to tell you that it never will and as long as it never does, RLC will continue to be subpar as a voyeur website!
  14. I heard it was just another "Monica" show. Between the 3 of them, they have the wool pulled over all of your eyes!! Sofie is purely worthless and has shown nothing since the last time she has been on RLC....in fact she has gone backwards in huge steps. Monica is the same old Monica from her first stay except for this time she must have needed money to put on the shows she has. Naomi coming into the project already knew what she needed to do and might as well be called Monica Jr.!!!
  15. RLC has always had it easy because people always put up with it out of desperation........the people think there is nothing else and RLC is the closest thing to "Real Life"! Once they have become tenants, they can do whatever the heck they want to. RLC doesn't control the tenants, the tenants control RLC. I thought by now that you would have understood that!
  16. I'm going to half to say that you think she is a cutie pie just like all the rest of the girls!
  17. Last post.......I've watched RLC from the time they came online. If anyone doesn't have an idea what they are up to, it's you my friend. Nice knowing some of you!!! Harley
  18. OK....all caught up for the last time. To those of you that I care about and like, you know who you are! I am done with CC and the way this forum has now become. I wish you all, the happiness in life, the health in life, and to hopefully make a difference in this forum and get it back to something that's really worth logging into!!! With that......StnCld316, PLEASE delete my account from this forum! Take Care, Harley
  19. Unfortunately Vorios, with the mentality of this forum that will never happen. LOL do you honestly think that any of these girls have covered sex when they are not in an RLC apartment?
  20. I agree wholeheartedly!! All these girls should just keep their sexual lives outside the apartment because 95% of the time they are laughing in the subscribers faces!
  21. You people on this forum with adameve's thinking.....GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU PEOPLE GIVE IN TO!!! In other words.....what you deserve for putting up with that nonsense!!! I hope that they all come to the apartment with his same attitude!!! Let's see how long you would put up with it then!!!!!
  22. Can't blame them????? This is a voyeur site dude. How many people do you know that have sex under the covers?? Please don't say it is the guys fault. When these girls bring guys back to the apartments I'm sure they are told about the cameras and when told, if the guy says I don't want to have sex in front of cameras......then don't bring his ass back to the frigging apartment. If these girls are initiating the undercover sex......then kick their asses out!!! People pay a lot of good money every month to see the sex when and if it happens and personally, RLC should be sued for allowing any of these tenants to cover up. They already have enough hiding places in each apartment if they do not want to be seen!!! Bottom line is this, the girls that don't want to have sex in the apartment should never bring a guy back to the apartment and put on the big teases that they do every time this happens. I loved Monica from the very first time she appeared in B1 but at that time I knew I would never see anything of any importance out of her concerning sex. I am astounded by some of the things I've read about her but have had them cleared up by other people. She will always go out of her way to hide!!!
  23. So they did have mole sex? After reading Mikeys post, when and if they were going to have sex, I would have bet my life savings that he was correct!!
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