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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It is a lot of work but when you have 9 people doing it, it's also a lot of fun and entertaining stroies!! That was just one batch of many........a total of 625 lbs was made yesterday.
  2. I agree 100%, it will never end with some people thinking that banning the automatic weapons or any gun for that matter is the answer. It's not the guns fault but the individual behind it!!
  3. Let the deer sausage making begin....and some pork sausage also! First off you have to mix the ingredients......this video was just one mixing of pork, deer, mustard seed, sausage seasoning, and lots and lots of jalapenos. IMG_3936.MOV Secondly you have to stuff the mixed up sausage into casings. fullsizeoutput_2d2.movfullsizeoutput_2d2.mov Next you put the stuffed sausage in to the cooler until that batch is done. Next off to the smoker. After the smoking process it's time to hang it so it can cool before wrapping.......regular hot and jalapeno cheese. In the mean time there is sausage cooking for the taste test.
  4. I know nobody wants to say it, but after reading what I have to get caught up and with all of these toys showing up, I can't help but believe Alex is behind it all !! As for these girls going out and spending all night out of the apartment, that should speak volumes for just who these girls work for and it's not any of you people :) RLC comes last for the list of things these girls need to do!! You all have a good evening!
  5. Unfortunately we lost those values a long time ago but nothing says we can't get them back!! I think a lot of the problems with our youth today is because there is just simply not enough family time and communication with them. It starts at home and due to success or wanting to be successful, I believe the kids catch the bad end of it. My grandkids just turned two years old this February and my son-n-law said that no matter how hard he has to work or how much overtime may be needed, there is no way his wife is ever going to work. She is going to raise them through the development process and until they are out the door on their own and that's the way it should be. Now days you see it time and time again where both parents are working leaving their children with the care of someone else or on their own because they believe they are old enough. Good point Amy!!
  6. Ashley is on the right track with her comments, no doubt about it. I was thinking on those same lines. Where I live there are police officers always looking for extra work. Many work in back lobbies or sporting events and even stand watch for businesses that may have had a problem with some patron. Some run funeral processions and work during special events such as the Rodeo of county fairs. My point is, obviously there isn't enough to go around to put one or two in every school there is in the USA, but if you did throw in ex military and other people that are highly qualified with sound mind and body, I believe it is something that could happen. Ashleys points were spot on and it's a task with a huge undertaking no doubt, but it can be done and something needs to be done quick. The last thing a parent should worry about is their children being safe at school!! I also believe there should be some sort of early detection system, I'm not exactly sure how they could manage that but it is possible. None of us will have all the answers to these issues but we have to start somewhere!!
  7. I just got home from dinner and drinks to honor my son's birthday. I firmly agree that something needs to be done to stop "these" but I'm not willing to give up my right to bare arms. All the law makers will be saying that the guns need to be taken away......been there seen that! Guns are not the problem, the problem is much more than that and if you have half a brain, then you will understand this comment. There are hundreds of things that contribute to someone going off the deep end and committing such a heinous act. It's sad, very very sad and my heart goes out to all that was affected!! Without out going to deep tonight, I just want to give my sincere condolences to all the family and friends that lost a love one in the school shooting in Florida. Something needs to change and that we can agree on! I don't know what needs to happen because I don't have all the answers. I have most of the answers but not all. This is something that I'm sure we will be discussing for quite some time. I'm asking everybody to put their thinking caps on and lets come up with something feasible that we can take to a higher level than this forum. Thank you all and I'm sorry to rammer and whomever else I might have made angry with my last post!!
  8. Hello Naga, The problem with Nora was she never put it on display as well as the others but if she did.......boy oh boy, this forum would have went nucking futs! I'm not a Belle, Gina, Karol, Kitty or Linda fan so I'll have to leave those to you. I haven't seen anything of Avi but I can see how a slim body would help emphasize her hoochie coo. Thanks to a great CC member I received a video and some pics of Blair and I believe she could give them all a run for her money. Not too crazy about the silicone lips but I do admire the lack of tattoo's......I couldn't tell if she had any or not.
  9. You are absolutely correct Thes. I'm so sick of all the Trump bashers and their willingness to step out on a limb and bash the shit out of him. If I was in Trumps shoes I would take all the time I needed to get my facts straight before I said anything instead of just making a comment off my hip!! It's not like he is commenting on a chess match that went wrong for crying out loud........have some fucking patience man!! As for fixing these shootings, it doesn't matter if guns or baseball bats or swords or anything else is involved, if it's going to happen......it's going to happen. Everybody is so quick to blame guns on the problem, but if you really got deep into the situations of these incidents you would see that guns are not the problem at all. Yes, it's horrific and what not, but damn it man, quit blaming the guns. I've been a gun owner all my life and I haven't stepped out and killed anyone. It's not the fucking guns but the individuals behind them. If it wasn't a gun involved it would be something else. That is what the problem is with this forum....people are so quick to judge and bash anything that ever happens in society and on RLC.....it's sickening if you ask me!!!
  10. I just want to know, with all the POP that is going on now that Belle seems to have taught the others from the sounds of it. Why hasn't there been a pole created for the best looking pussy of the girls from Barcelona and KKK apartments? I wouldn't want to see any of the other apartments included but that's just me. I think Nora would win that pole even though you didn't get to see it very often in the details that you guys are accustomed to with these girls now days. I like a girl with big outer labia's and Nora would take that cake!! I know it would be subjective because not everybody likes the meat curtains that I do, some like them to look more like a smooth peach!! Anyway, seems like its dead now so I'll catch up later.
  11. Thanks for your explanation but you still don't get it and I'm too tired to try and explain it. I do understand that the admin and forum mods of this forum take the whole stalking thing way too seriously. You and others feel that everybody is out to get these girls, that they are more special than other girls in the world and I believe that to be ridiculous. I can only imagine what some of the girls in my life would look like if they were all powdered up and collagen filled like some of these girls. I will say this though, I'll take the girls I know over the so called beauty queens of Barcelona any day! Thanks for the reply!
  12. I haven't seen anything on the news about it but I haven't been home. I will try to watch it later on tonight. That is tragic and does need to stop!
  13. I find it sad that out of the only 3 apartments (in my opinion) on RLC, there is only 2 girls out on dates on Valentine's Day. You all have a good evening!
  14. Thank you Dagobert. I figured if any of them would have been out it would of been the twin that has an outside lover.
  15. Thank you Noldus and I'm sorry for stating that Jasmin was out......I must have missed the part when she came back home. BAB??? What's lacking is elaboration in the forum....just saying :)
  16. I only have one question. How many of the girls from B2, B4, & KKK are out with their sweethearts on this valentines day? I have only read that Sofie & Jasmin are out enjoying the romance with their sweethearts.
  17. I guess we are even then!! I have nothing to say to you!!!!
  18. 1) I'm sorry Foamy but RLC has nothing to do with people posting publicly other than if they post pics or videos. I am talking about the overall general chat of the forum. So much has been lost with that part of the forum. I used to could picture what was happening by the general chat and then when the upgrade of CC happened there became a chat box and from them on the general chat in the forum went downhill. Now supposedly there is this private message group that people can start and the only way to get in it is by invite. None of this in my opinion has helped the general chat in the forum and quite frankly, I believe it has hurt it tremendously. Now, throw me into the picture......"Leader of the Trolls".......and people start going in to hiding. I am displeased with my label but I'm a big boy and I will get over it! As for the fun in the forum anymore, when you can't speculate or have any conspiracy theories, I believe it takes away from the whole RLC/CC experience. Now days you are only supposed to talk about what you can physically see happening in the apartment? WOW, it doesn't get anymore sad than that!! People are supposed to only talk about.......so & so is on their phone, so & so is taking a bath, so & so is eating, so & so is getting ready to go out, etc. etc. etc. You get the picture I'm sure, after all, you are the smartest bushy tail on this forum! 2) The PM thing was a joke! However, as scared as this forum is of RLC and since you responded to that part of my post, it wouldn't surprise me! 3) There is a lack of tolerance because it's too easy to go crying to your local forum admin or mod with........he hurt the girls feelings or he hurt my feelings and I think he should be in time out for a whole month just to cool off instead of dealing with the problem man to man!! The only way there will ever be anymore tolerance is if people quit coddling these girls as if they were their own! The respect part is a give and take situation, some people know that and others don't!!! If I'm considered a troll on this forum then I really feel sorry for the actual troll that comes to this forum!!
  19. Thank you Amy for the support. When I heard this news about me, it really made me want to go in a deep hole and have someone fill it in with concrete! Apparently RLC can do anything they want and if taking down the PM's is on their list, I'm sure it will happen. My next step, in honor of the forum that I used to love, is to get what I want to keep out of my PM folders and have my account deleted. I don't want to go to that step but I was just flabbergasted when I heard that I was the reason for people on this forum going into hiding, not to mention being labled!! Losing the twins (my balls) was tough, don't get me wrong but I had seen the writing on the wall and I had already wasted enough money waiting for something to seriously happen on RLC which happened when I was not home and I missed it LOL......oh well......note to self, don't ever leave for fear of missing something that should have happened more than once and more often!! RLC is the king of anticipation and getting every ounce of milk out of the cow that they can. Now I'm starting to sound like the person that got my in this predicament and with that I will gracefully bow out! Thanks again and have a great night!! Harley
  20. It has been brought to my attention that the forum has nicknamed me "Leader of the Trolls". It has also been brought to my attention that I am the primary reason why so many have stopped posting to the open forum and choose to communicate via private PM groups. I am sorry for ever causing any of this to happen to this forum. I personally was only trying to keep it real and give other opinions for people to think about and discuss. I can see that I got carried away to the point that people have gone into hiding from the forum and I am sincerely sorry for ever causing that to happen. Going forward, I promise to not post as much from here on out and when I do I hope it will be taken as something that people see as a contribution to the forum. I will probably just give more "likes" than anything else because my friend that was keeping me informed by pic, vids, and emails is no longer a member of RLC. Once again, I am sincerely sorry for disrupting such a wonderful forum!! Take Care All, Harley
  21. The "CLICK" of a camera does not a photographer make! My son has an expensive setup and loves to take pictures, but he would be the first to tell you that he isn't a photographer.
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