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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Put out 2 polls and take the top ten from each. I would think you could handle it LOL. After all, you are a mod!
  2. I've already explained my participation with this forum and if your that interested to know what it is, go back and look for it. You are approaching almost double the amount of posts than I have on this forum, so don't tell me who spends more time here!
  3. You can answer that for yourself by asking yourself one question.......Is she drugged up? If the answer is yes, then there is a good chance. If the answer is no, then forget about it!!
  4. You are right about one thing......I'm not paying for the crap they are delivering and have been delivering for quite some time now. Don't tell me that I need to find something constructive to do outside of CC & RLC when you spend exponentially more time than most on those two sites already. I do plenty outside of them, maybe you should try it once in a while! It's a forum like any other forum, who died and made you god to where you can tell people what they can and can't say on a forum? Forums are for general interests and people on them should be treated the same and not treated differently because their views and opinions are different than yours!!
  5. I'm not bitter or mad about anything LMAO.......please don't try to put words in my mouth. The facts are that the majority of the time they are outside doing whatever they do with no regard for those of you paying for it, and that is a fact!
  6. RLC is so desperate these days that they are asking the girls to bring their work home with them just so the paying customer get's to see them every now and then! How sad is that!!!
  7. Missing the point my ass hurts. This is the saddest display of posts on a forum I've ever seen. The people that are missing the point obviously........are you and your cronies!! As long as I've been around RLC........I've seen it quite a few times! You people just keep supporting what is happening and it will never get better!!
  8. Aren't you the lucky one LMAO I'm sure it was one of the most hottest moments in all of RLC's history Spoiling you how???? That's what I thought.......no need to answer Naga, somebody on this forum is telling it like it really is!!
  9. Maybe her water broke and she is fixing to have her...........screw you customers of RLC child! OH......so they are using the ole pad in the panties trick, fools you guys every time! They only do it so you horn dogs get up off of their ass with unwanted requests!!!
  10. Happy July 4th to those of you that celebrate it!!
  11. Why did my posts get deleted from the B1/B2 threads??? I didn't cuss anybody out, just stated it like it is. If that is the bullshit way you mods are going to mod a forum.....then fuck you!!!!! What a bunch of panty waste motherfuckers. Keep sticking up for the guys that only blow smoke up the tenant's and you all's asses. I've never seen the type of censorship that you mods maintain on this forum, on any other forum I've been a member of........what a bunch of hypocrites!!
  12. Yeah.....me too Helen, keep up the good work. You are totally amazing and the best girl to ever grace the door's of RLC!!
  13. I hope when you say "the inside scoop that some of you in here claim to have", that you are including yourself in that comment. I don't do social networks and try to hunt down everything these girls do, and I am not a member or the elite little group that gets their every word translated, so please don't include me in that comment. As for the obvious speculation, you are right, but it caught me off guard and I couldn't wait to pounce on you and for that and I'm sorry. I get pounced on all the time by you and others and I need to be the bigger man and turn the other cheek!
  14. Why do you say that? Did she step out on the balcony or in the bathroom without audio? It's got to make you laugh!
  15. LOL....you got me and I guess I get no slack for that and that's fair. I will say though, when he posts 1 out of 6,399 posts as speculation, it could tend to be overlooked. Besides that, how do you know it was speculation? How do you know that he doesn't have some kind of inside scoop to the affairs and goings on of RLC? You don't, and I don't either. Happyone and I don't have a good relationship on this forum, he see's things one way as well as yourself and the people that agree with you. I see things a totally different way, and that Mr. Spoon is what makes a forum tick!! It's all Black & White and there should be no gray areas.
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