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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I'm caught up on the forum but before I bid you all a goodnight I thought I would say a few words about what I've just read on here. I know a lot of you believe that Nicole is spending her nights away from the apartment to be watched over while she sleeps, but that is very uncommon for people with Epilepsy. I sincerely hope you are all right. However, I am going to have to go against the grain on this one believe it or not and say that I don't believe that is the case at all. I don't know why she is spending her nights away but with her track record from her first visit to RLC, that is not uncommon for her. I believe she has found someone else after Marc and maybe the dude she is with now doesn't even get off work until early hours of the morning. Like I said, I hope you all are right but for an Epilepsy person that is not necessary. If you are believing the reason to be because of her eye, I can see that. However, that is minor to what I've seen with my own eyes and he never had to have anyone stay with him from the injuries sustained during a seizure. All the experts say to get plenty of rest and to chill out after a seizure. As for the B1 girls being happy.......they are happy because they got over on you all one more time!! They are literally in hog heaven with the arrangement they now have with RLC.....the term "Vacation Apartments" fits right into their little, money grubbing hands. As for Sophie and what you may have witnessed last night, don't get used to it. Sophie is going to continue to hide just as she did the first time she was here. Goodnight all.....
  2. We do have our share of gas guzzlers over here in the states without a doubt, but we also have very economical vehicles as well. I have two vehicles, the truck and the corvette. The truck keeps gas stations in business, but the corvette get's around 23 to 25 miles to the gallon if I can keep my foot out of it. On the highway the corvette averages about 24 miles to the gallon. I know it's not as economical as other vehicles I could choose to drive, but it's way more fun!! The truck, for being 4 wheel drive, actually has a better ride than most cars on the road and it handles well off road, but that baby can drink some gas let me tell you. However, I knew that going into the deal so I kind of have to put up with it. Now, if the gas prices were to double, I would have to think really hard about selling the Raptor and getting an F150 4X4 Ecoboost, it gets almost triple the gas mileage my truck gets, and I will still have a truck which I need. I believe every family should have some kind of truck, they are just to handy and practical!!
  3. Couldn't agree more with you on this post!! This is the last thing I'm going to say about RLC and their recruitment. RLC are lazy and completely lack any desire to make things better, and it is seen on a regular basis. They are slow to respond to emails and when they do it is by copy and paste most of the times. I also don't know their recruitment process but for sure here lately it is by word of mouth and not because they are out pounding the pavement and putting out adds for new tenants.....that is very obvious. As for the juggling act part, I don't see that to be as hard to get the right mix as you yourself might. I just see it as them not wanting to deal with it and they just let the other girls that have already been on RLC do it. As for them continuing where they left off, I can semi-agree with that, but what I never could agree with is it taking them at least two weeks to a month to do or show anything after returning.......acting like they had never been there before for the first 2 to 4 weeks. I'll check back later as it's getting late here and I have a bunch of stuff I need to get put away from this weekend!!
  4. The problem is that a person has to tiptoe around the forum these days and that takes away from the whole concept of a forum. Just my .02
  5. LOL I have never told anyone what they should or shouldn't spend their money on and if I did it was in error. All I have ever tried to do is post things about RLC in a different light so that people can make up their own minds of what they want to do. You and your band of brothers and couple of sisters are not the only people on this forum with a brain. I hate to bring that up to you but most of the times that is what people reading this forum see from you all. There are NO brainless people on this forum, it's just that some may or may not be as informed or see as much as some of you because due to their work schedules or family interests, just simply don't have the time to devote to the site, the translators, the girls social media, like you and others do. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not going anywhere fast as slow as I can!!
  6. I understood your point but failed to mention that part of it and you are absolutely correct. My son goes to the ER after every seizure and it is to have everything checked out for damage to himself. I could show you cell phone pics after cell phone pics of the damage that he has had from his seizures. He goes to get checked out and then makes an appointment with his neurologist to talk about what actions to take from there. Nicole probably did all that already and the rest is up to her. I'm sorry, I should have noted that but I'm a little tired and have stuff to do instead of typing all these posts LOL.
  7. I know and I was not coming down on you, just trying to offer some help! Nari, that is the way you see it and that is the way it has been reading on the posts of the forum for quite some time. I honestly think people are getting tired of shelling out the money for the very little they are getting for it. I agree with you but in NO way am I persuading you to not rejoin RLC and I want you to know that up front so I don't get accused of trying to single handedly take down RLC! LOL thank god for that!!
  8. Convince the people of what exactly, that the weather is the culprit LMAO. Get real here DES, you don't have to always continue to defend their actions. Show some backbone for crying out loud. I know you don't come close to watching RLC as most do that are on this forum, but just from reading what is posted on the forum alone, gives a person all they need to make an informed decision about the status of what is going on with the Barca & KK&H apartments.......which for the most part is NOT A DAMN THING!!!
  9. I think the weather plays a part in it, but a very small part in it. With these type of girls, they know how to bundle up enough to get to their party spots and to the after party spots. It will slow down a tad but as long as people keep putting up with it, I don't see anything changing!
  10. I'm sorry maxfactor, but what Nicole has shown which was seen by many and myself thanks to a kind CC member, she has Epilepsy! I've personally lived with it for the last 22 years with my son and longer than that with my older brother. What I witnessed on that video I was sent via PM of Nicole, she had an Epileptic seizure. I think she has seen a doctor in Barcelona and has been told this as well along with what she needs to do from here on out.
  11. I agree with you both. It is not the same as it used to be with the Barca apartments. The KK&H apartment sounds exactly like the Barca apartments these days with the only exception being, is that it is in Moscow.
  12. That sounds like a sleep apnea test which is way different than what Nicole would be admitted for. With sleep apnea, even around where I live, that is how they handle people. The only time from my experience with seizures that anyone has been admitted in my family is when my second to the oldest brother pretty much admitted himself so the neurologist could find and fix (which lobe of his brain) whatever it was that was causing his seizures. Unfortunately it took running his automobile into someones living room to wake him up to the seriousness of the situation. Once again, from what I read in the last several pages, Nicole was just continuing on the path of being a night owl on the prowl like she has done since her first RLC visit.
  13. From what I've read on the last several pages, it seems that she has been looked at already and probably told what she needs to do about the situation. The rest is up to her and she is not about to change her way of partying all night and sleeping all day if her history has anything to do about it. When my son is told what he needs to do by his neurologist to lessen the chances of having a seizure, then it is up to him to carry out what he needs to do. Just last night we were all at my place in the country and after a long day of replacing the siding on my house, he ate dinner (unfortunately rather late), took a shower, had one drink and was in bed by 10:15pm. He knows what he needs to do and here lately when he has had a seizure, he didn't do what he knows to do. My point is this, Nicole will continue on burning the midnight oil and not taking care of herself like she now should and she will continue to have seizures. The medicine is not going to do it for her. There are many other things she must do to lessen the chance of having seizures. I don't believe what she did last night was hospital related at those hours.
  14. Yes, I guess that is what I should have said. I am a "Lover" of the way he thinks and his objective posts! At least he is open minded and not trying to defend or show favoritism towards the girls, just hoping they are stupid enough to buy that shit and put on a show for you :) What I'm seeing more and more of is people not wanting to admit that they are not getting their monies worth out of RLC and to make themselves feel better, they come down on others that go against their way of thinking. I really don't give a flying shit why they do it but as a non member these days, it sure seems the way it's going. How anyone can defend all the hours and hours the girls are constantly away from the apartment, is beyond me. Anyway, I'm trying to get caught up so I can unload my stuff from this weekend.
  15. Did you actually make your first post on a new thread called "Nicole had a Seizure?" without reading all the existing threads thinking that someone else might have posted something about it???? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand people like yourself.
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