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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Very common for people to act this way after a seizure. My son tries to talk after a seizure and you can't make anything out of it. He talks gibberish until after he has had some sleep and allowed the brain to heal. What bothers me is Nicole saying she is scared. That makes me think that this seizure might just be her first one. I don't know for sure but that is the way it sounds to me.
  2. Believe it or not there is a link to seizures from the strobing affect of lights such as emergency vehicles and also with video games. My son will not look at the lights on emergency vehicles to this day because of it.
  3. Hi Noldy, have you looked at a graph of your time lines lately for the amount of time the girls spend out of the apartments vs. inside the apartments where they are actually doing anything other than sleeping? I'm just curious to see what a graph of that nature would look like.
  4. Most people that are Epileptic and that have Grand Mal Seizures, don't have them that frequently if they follow what they are supposed to do. I've seen my son go almost a year without having one, but then again I've seen him have two in 4 months. The difference was him not taking care of himself, not getting the rest he needs, being stressed out at work, and just not eating right. He is tall like I am and what always worries me is when he has one while he is standing up. One night he and I were over at my oldest bros house shooting pool and in between games he was practicing some bank shots and concentrating hard on them and then all of a sudden he started to seize and I recognized it and rushed over to him to try and guide him to the ground. He's 6'1" and weighs about 195 lbs, and even though I was there and trying to guide him to the ground he still managed to rip a 3" hole in has back from the hearth of my brothers fire place. If by chance this was Nicole's first seizure, she definitely needs to see a doctor and not put that off!
  5. I'm a Ford guy so I'm kind of parcel to anything Ford. The Eco Boost models do have some really nice acceleration once those turbo's get spooled up! My son drives a 2013 F150 FX4 Eco Boost and that truck is crazy quick for being a truck. It won't hang with my Raptor but he get's over 1/2 the gas mileage mine gets. I have a feeling there would be quite a few people on here that would give Lyree their registration lol.
  6. I've only seen this car in pictures and really don't know to much about them. Looks like an awesome ride though!!
  7. Thanks Snakeater, much appreciated! Sorry to here that about your first wife, I know what you went through! Luckily your daughter and your wife were OK after the incident. I couldn't imagine seeing or even hearing about my son having 14 seizures of any kind in a row. I honestly don't know if I could handle that at this stage in my life......don't think my heart could take it!! I wish I had something to help me sleep. The next time I see my cardiologist, I'm going to see if there is something he can prescribe for me that will be OK to take with my heart medicine. I hate times like these!!
  8. I hope you never do either. I hope none of you ever do!! I can see where it might resemble a very strong, intense orgasm but usually they don't last as long as most Grand Mal Seizures do. Yeah the scary part of them to me is waiting to see them get their breathing back. When my son first started having seizures and if we were present, we had to time them from start to finish. The longest seizure he had lasted just a tad over 12 minutes......talk about freaking out!! Usually they last somewhere between 6 to 10 minutes, so you can see why I was wiggin out over it lol. Scared the ever living shit out of me dude!!! I'll catch you later, going to try to get back to sleep from having to get up and piss and get caught up on CC with the adventures of the ladies of the night. Have a good one!!
  9. My son has it under control as long as he does everything he knows he needs to do. He still has one occasionally and it scares the hell out of me every time. When he has his seizures he is not breathing at all during them and he usually has frothy blood coming out of his mouth the whole time. Toward the end of his seizures he always makes these weird sounds while he is trying to get his breath back (a very strong gasping noise). It's really some scary shit!! And like someone said, each persons seizure (the magnitude of it) is different. When my son seizes, he gets straight out like a board and if a person was strong enough to pick him up by his feet during a seizure, I can promise you that he wouldn't even bend. When my son had his first seizure, my wife and I got busy looking up material to educate ourselves with and even went to a few retreats that are only for people with Epilepsy and some of the best specialists in the country attend and set up conference times for Q&A sessions. Very informative stuff!! To this day if I try to text or call him and I don't get any response, that is always what I'm praying he didn't have. He doesn't see why I get so upset because he has never seen himself have a seizure and what he goes through. Some people....the lucky ones if you will, they actually know when they are going to seize and can prepare for it. A friend of mine is one of the lucky ones. When he knows he is going to have a seizure he will remove his belt and go lie down in the most open, uncluttered part of his house and wait for it to hit. By uncluttered I mean lack of things to beat yourself up with. One night he was driving home from a party at a friends house and he felt really strange. When he became conscious again, he had pulled off the side of the road and threw his car keys out the window and tightened his seat belt because he knew he was fixing to have a seizure. He told me it took him damn near an hour to find his car keys after that seizure, some of the time for a short nap and the rest looking for his keys in the grass. Is Nicole back in bed and sleeping Naga? That is really what she should be doing if she's not. I don't know how strong her seizure was but I'm sure it would help her out tremendously!!
  10. What she had is know as a Grand Mal Seizure. My son is an epileptic and has them occasionally. They come from out of nowhere and it's a very scary thing to witness. The way it was explained to my wife and I by a specialist was, when the brain waves/pulses get all out of whack it is the bodies way of putting them back in rhythm again. He also said that when a person goes through one of those seizures, it's like a 12 round boxing match with Ali except you just take the punches for 12 rounds. My son will be sore for a couple of days after he has a seizure. Usually during a seizure he gets banged up pretty bad and always bites the hell out of his tongue. Poor Nicole.....my heart goes out to you girl!! One of my oldest brothers had Grand Mal Seizures and they got so bad that one day when he was driving home from work, in the middle of a turn he had a seizure. He ended up in the living room of a house in his neighborhood. After that happened he said that's it, he was going to talk to a specialist to see what could be done about it. The specialist told him that they could admit him and run a very scary test to see if they could determine what lobe of the brain was causing his seizures. My brother said do it. The next day he was admitted, had 1/2" holes drilled in his skull for each lobe of his brain. They inserted these 4 electrodes to monitor his brain function for a week and determined that it was one of the front lobes of his brain that was causing his seizures. I can't remember if it was the left front or right front lobe but I do know that it is the lobe that controls your short term memory. At any rate when he heard they had found which lobe of his brain was causing the seizures he asked the doctor what now. The doctor said that they could remove that lobe of his brain and explained to him that it was going to affect his short term memory. He said they make pens and paper for that and told the doctor to remove it. To this day he has never had another Grand Mal Seizure but does have an absence seizure from time to time. They can be controlled through proper diet, getting a good nights sleep, lowering your stress level, and medication. My son takes a time release medication every morning and has been since he was 9 years old, and he hates it and I don't blame him. I'm very sorry to hear this about Nicole. That is one disease that nobody should ever have to have!! Being that I don't watch the site anymore, did she go back and lay down? My son will sleep for hours after a seizure because his whole body aches and is just plain worn out. If any of you are in contact with Nicole, please have her lay down and go back to sleep if she hasn't already done it. Hope you didn't bang yourself up to bad Nicole!!
  11. LOL I was talking about the ladies in the magazines being your ladies! I'm happy for you though!!
  12. I'm off to bed now...fading fast I am. Have a good day tomorrow everybody!!
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