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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Smoke breaks and cell phones are always the buzz kill for any of the Barca events!! They always have to stop and smoke to compare notes and to see what the viewers are saying so they can make changes if needed. However, it sounds like you all will be having some interesting times at least in B1 now!
  2. It didn't read like much really happened for them to stay up all night. Must just be me BB......sorry to bother the forum. You know I like each and everyone of you on this forum. There are some like euromike, Benfold, happyone, thohart (not sure on the spelling here), and a few others that get under my skin but all in all, a lot of good people on this forum and all with different tastes in what they think RLC is all about and what they expect or don't expect from the site. Unfortunately for me, I just got tired and bitter towards RLC and had to give it up. Don't get me wrong, there are times that I wished I was still a subscriber but they are few and far between. At any rate, sorry to bother y'all......carry on!!
  3. Good morning everyone. I just got caught up on last nights events in B1, B2, & KKH. I would like for someone that is in the middle of the road with RLC to tell me what was the point of what went down last night in B1. Lyree made a post something to the fact of "is this what you guys have been wanting to see". From what I read it sounded more like a subscription fest but that doesn't make any sense because they were mainly upstairs where none of those cameras are free. It was a very confusing read to say the least. There is no doubt that the happy stuff has shown up again and not being a member anymore, I could care less, but if that is what everyone else wants then let the games begin. Like I said.....getting caught up was very confusing and with B1 & B2 jumbled together, it made it even more confusing. Please tell me, by someone on this forum that is NOT pro RLC in everything they do....what was last night in B1 all about? Thank You...
  4. Hello all.....I'm back from the weekend in the country. We didn't get to fish due to very strong winds but we did help my bro build a chicken coop and ate well so it was all good. I see that there is a lot of returning girls and I know that some are happy and some probably not so much. At any rate, I hope it all turns out well for you all!!! Naga....how about a picture of Stella's kitty!! That is one kitty that would be hard to see with her skin tone and since I'm not a member or that I don't have replay.....can you oblige me? If not.....not big deal.
  5. I guess I miss spoke.....Happyone is the second biggest smart ass on the forum LOL. Sorry, didn't mean to de-throne you!!
  6. Yes, she has fabulous nipples for sure but for those that don't like to see guys in the Barca apartments.....there will be plenty I'm sure. The coke boys are still there and are probably just waiting on the call!! Worst thing that could have happened in my opinion.
  7. The word troll is a bad word! Just because people don't agree with other peoples posts and have different opinions on things, doesn't make them a troll. That is one word I wish I could never see again on this forum!!!
  8. They all know each other!! All these girls come from the same pool, they may act like they don't know each other for the drama of it all, but they all know each other!!
  9. You will all get your wishes answered now....I'm sure there will be plenty of guys involved now that Lola is back.....what a shame!!
  10. Did you forget about Irma? Just ignore him Bonnie, he didn't get enough ass whoopin's when he was younger!
  11. Desperate times call for desperate measures!!!! That is why I quit subbing to RLC......always bringing the old ones back, what a waste!!
  12. Bud......this has got to be the longest sentence in the history of the world!!! Have a safe and fruitful journey to your next destination Angelina.
  13. Yeppers.....it is being betrayed by them!! When I was a member of RLC, of course I wanted to see them bate openly. However, they don't have to aim it at the cam if they don't want to but at least have an open bate. It's the same thing when they have a dump truck load of covers on the bed, any little movement and any kind of view is obscured. Never have understood it myself. For a voyeur site there are quite a few problems that need to get addressed and the only way that is going to happen is by contacting them and telling them. I can't believe I'm still up and typing this lol. I need to haul ass through the Barca threads and go to bed.....fishing trip this weekend and I'm not even ready lol.
  14. I totally agree with you here! If they choose to read this forum it's their own damn fault. By choosing to read this forum, they have to take the good with the bad. As for the mods........well, most of them do tend to favor the ones that think everything is ok no matter how janked up it really is!
  15. That is what my friend told me....they were giving a show to the neighbors lol, if that is true.....what a joke.
  16. My friend tells me that the girls in B1 are putting on a show for the neighbors! Why do that do that and not for you that subscribe?
  17. I took a head injury in a motorcycle wreck......I forgot about that lol, that could have a lot to do with it. I had a pool stick broke over my head once but luckily for me my buddies stopped that from going any further. Some people are sore losers and the guy that hit me over the head was one of those types.......hey, you shouldn't play pool for money if you're not willing to lose it.
  18. It makes sense that they have to have something to go the extra mile!! I know what you mean about the memory thing lol.....mine is deteriorating at a rapid pace. I think it might have something to do with all the meds I'm on.
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