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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Once again MBox, we are two different people and I don't give 2 shits whether you believe it or not! I'm back after being banned for almost 3 weeks. Him being back around the same time is pure coincidence!
  2. The truth hurts Dreamer and some people can't let the truth ruin their fantasy world! It's just like this jasonwells character believing that Irma did her first toot last night.....that's the funniest thing I've read on this forum in a long time!!
  3. I'm sorry I'm just now getting back to you on this EMMETT, but my son is trying to buy a house and when he came home last night he had a boat load of questions and I had to get off the computer to give him my full attention. When I said I didn't feel sorry for you, I meant it like......you know how RLC is and if you re-up your subscription, you know what you're going to be in for (what you're going to get), in other words. Are you saying that you would never share with someone that is not a subscriber, or is it that you are just focused on me not paying for it when I've paid for it for years?? I've asked a few people to share videos with me Emmett. For a long time I wouldn't record any of it because I didn't have any recording software to do it with. There were times when I was going out of town that I thought something might happen, and that would be the times i would ask for recordings. I wasn't just going to leave my computer on and recording for days while i was gone. I don't need any recording that bad lol. Anyway, I hope some of this cleared some of your question up.
  4. They may start out at a normal club to get that liquid courage up, but I bet they don't end up in a normal club!!
  5. LOL sorry, can't help you there. I will always say what I believe is happening with these girls and you can take it or leave it..........I don't care!!
  6. LOL, I've been a subscriber to RLC damn near since day 1. I've just gotten tired of the same ole BS and decided that there is way more to life to live with the life I have left! Trust me when I tell you this, I'm now a lurker where as a month ago I was not. I'm not bitching about people who pay for it, I'm bitching about the BS that is posted about these girls on a daily basis. I've never seen a bigger group of candy asses in my life!! But hey......that's what the infamous mods of this forum wants, and it's rearing it's ugly head in my opinion. This forum is going down the drain as a forum. People that want to comment are having to tiptoe around all these baby left wingers on here. Don't say anything about what they might do outside the apartment, don't say anything that isn't positive towards the girls, don't use a cuss word when replying to an individual, etc. etc. I'm done......going back in my hole now.
  7. Small dick Alex is just one of many. Like I said, open your eyes and quit using your lust for these women as a shield!!
  8. I couldn't agree more!!!!! Quit bringing back the old news, it should be fresh girls everytime! When I read about Angelina in B2 and how she bates and shows her pussy from time to time to keep the old geezers happy, I just have to laugh my ass off!!! I like it that she is new blood for you all but based on her profession, she is just taking a free ride!!
  9. I don't care for Irma, not one bit!! The people of this forum are all good if they see just a glimpse of pussy off of one of these girls......it's sad to read about it when they do!!
  10. I couldn't agree with you more!! RLC and I go back a long way and they have never improved shit. When K&K's apartment came online I thought that they were going to start heading in the right direction, but....oh hell no! K&K's apartment had good sharp cams when they first showed up and now they are crap, or they were before I quit subbing to RLC. RLC has made no improvements in years except for adding more boring couples and apartments......that's it!! RLC is a crap website when it comes to customer loyalty and service, not to mention all the lag and freezing that goes on along with more and more times the tenants are spending more and more time outside the apartments. All the tenants know to keep the lighting to a minimum or off so all the images that the viewers see are pixelated and worthless. The sad thing about me even posting anything on this fucked up forum anymore, is that I just told a very highly respectable individual last night that I was going to do my damnedest to not post on this forum anymore. Well.....as you can see, when I have some alone time on a friday night and I read all the crap that has been posted....the same crap that is always posted because if you go against the grain you will have to sit in time out for 18 fucking days like I just had to. So everybody let this be a lesson for you, either say everything positive and done't use swear words because you might be in time out next........what a fucking joke!!!!
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