If I was still a member to RLC and watching them I would have an opinion for you. However, as I am not I can only say that I personally believe bringing twins to RLC is a mistake. Twins, specially identical twins, seem to do everything together from my experience with them. That means that when one dresses a certain way, the other will as well. When one needs to go do something the other will usually follow. There will more than likely never be anything sexual between the two of them while at RLC. Sure, they might participate in the BS games that go on in that apartment, but that's about it. I'm sure after sometime has passed they will end up showering together to jump start the viewers into thinking what else may they do. It would have been much better to get two arbitrary girls for the apartment (if that's what RLC is trying to do...4 girls to each apartment) than to have a set of twins in my honest opinion. To each his own and that's why I quit watching RLC......they've gone a new direction trying to keep their monthly numbers up for each month and that's all it is!!