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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I'm sorry but that is fucking disgusting!!!
  2. It's not confusing when you finally accept that their relationship is all about them using each other. He uses her for sex and she uses him for everything else! He is her crutch!!!
  3. I understand, but you need to understand how it looks to other people. Not everyone on this forum is going to have the same sentiment about her as you do Naga!!
  4. I wish y'all would quit bringing it up when Jessica exercised naked. I didn't get to see it and I would rather forget it ever even happened!!
  5. Just because a girl has a pretty smile and is easy on the eyes, doesn't mean she still can't be a selfish bi@#&. Nicole is a player and like someone said earlier, eventually she, herself will get played. It's just a matter of time!! I worked with a guy for 20 years who married a model, and I mean a drop dead gorgeous model, eyes like Lyree's, and a body to die for. We were working one day when I got a phone call at my extension and it was her and we were talking and cutting up and he looked over at me and gave me this look like......can you get off the phone with my wife so I can talk to her LOL. After he talked to her he said this...and I quote "You know Harley, I don't care how beautiful and nice you think she is, even the beautiful and nice ones can still be a bitch". To be honest with you all, you can have all these glamorous, good looking, high maintenance girls.......I'd rather have a country girl any day!!!
  6. I still think it warrants another look....that's all I'm saying. From what is described by y'all, it sound's like two entirely different guys. You may not record every second but you watch her every second according to what you just said!!
  7. Sorry Naga but I have to agree with thegame20. From what I witnessed of her while I was an RLC member to what I've been reading about her while I'm not, she is very inconsiderate and selfish! I keep reading about the cook getting kissed on the lips and the guy last night did not. Are you all sure it's the same guy? Could it be possible that it is two different guys? Have those of you that record every second of every day gone back and looked at the cook and the guy last night and did a side by side comparison? It might be worth it just to end all this nonsense of posts!! Just sayin.....
  8. You know a lot about estrogen that's for sure! Just out of curiosity, do you shave your legs??? Just messing with you PP........PP, that is so funny to me. I used to have a friend name PeeWee some years ago and he was pretty cool but a very private person. He would never be on a forum like this talking about other peoples lives like we all do, but cool dude none the less. I figure a guy like you (PP), is a cool dude to!!
  9. There is nothing wrong in believing what you want to believe...... Just keep fantasy in check with what is real my friend.
  10. I'm not going to beat her up, I'm just going to say that she is not my type of woman. She is a woman that could never remain faithful in a relationship. I would eat her pussy to just to see what type of anchovy she tasted like lol.
  11. So what are you saying? Do you think it's a totally different guy? It wouldn't surprise me if it was!!
  12. 1 to 2 years ago is when all the changes started. My opinion is, it's gotten a lot worse than when I joined. It has become far more scripted and pretty much predictable. I joined RLC many years ago because of how different it was. I joined because it was more Real Life than any other website out there, to see some normal people doing normal things. Now days, it has become downright ridiculous in my opinion. I stopped giving them my money because of it!!
  13. I was having a good night until I was called away to some property of mine that suffered some pretty good wind damage, and I was going to let this post rest. However, there is no way in hell I could do that because I would never forgive myself for it! Here, once again, is Benfold acting like a 3rd grader, saying once again, I know something you don't know to the whole forum except for the ones that suck his @#$! for information. This crap about it being against the rules is a bunch of shit!!! Not long ago a translator, translated that Irma & Danaya were at a swingers club (does that fit the rules? If not, the rules need to be changed!!) and nothing was said to him that I know of. Maybe one of the good old mods said something but I don't know. I can guess that nothing was said as his translation is still there. Benfold, I've tried my damnedest to not hate you as much but when I read shit like this post of yours, it makes me want to wring your freaking neck! Either quit teasing the CC audience or start telling what you know. Like I said before, it's not 1970 anymore and the rules of this forum need a good changing!!! What a crock of shit!!!!
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