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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. According to the posts I've just read, they are probably meeting up with D&K somewhere. They will probably come back all together to either B1 or B2. Put on their weekly show and go to bed.
  2. LOL yeah maybe I have for a little while until I let it boil up inside me and have to rant. From now on when I know I am going to go off on someone, I'm taking it to the war room so the mod's will quit deleting my shit!!!
  3. I agree that it is the unexpected that makes the site intriguing. I understand why you watch it and what you are looking to get out of it. I've missed some good times because I couldn't watch it as much as others, due to doctors appointments and trying to take care of myself. I missed the long naked workout by Jess, the Barca2 orgy as people call it, the night the girls piled into Lola's bed and got Caro off, I've missed a lot in the last 5 months that I will never see. However I've seen a lot over the years to know what it is you get out of it. I'm to a point now though that I'm tired of wondering what I might miss and with the way RLC is now going, it's just not that fun for me anymore. The posts I made last night were more at poking fun than anything else.......I hope you know that!! I like a lot of your posts as long as you don't get carried away about "your girl" lol. Glad your enjoying it Naga!! HFB
  4. No sir, no longer am I a premium or any other kind of member of RLC. I just got through watching the Barca apartments and K&K's apartment for the last 5 months, not to mention I have been on RLC damn near since the very beginning (probably even when you were shitting yellow LOL). With the Noldus time lines, it's pretty easy to figure out their patterns, but you are going to believe what you want to!! I know how they operate and I know how they make sure they show you just what they want to show you. They know every camera angle of every single camera in their respective apartments. I can read and I can picture everything going on and I don't have to see something happening to understand how it is. Yes, Karol is a big tease and quite frankly has very much surprised me by being as such. I have to admit that when I first seen her and all her body art (if that's what you want to call it), I would have expected her to be more open and not quite the tease she has turned out to be. As they say though......looks can be deceiving! I haven't seen Heidi and flipper's lovemaking session and probably never will. I will not subscribe to the replay option because I think it is poorly done from what I hear about it, not easy to navigate, too many watermarks, and the cost is ridiculous and should be included with the premium membership for NO additional cost. So, unless somebody sends me the Heidi/Flipper session, I will not see it and I'm OK with that. I've seen it live and in person several times in my life and I believe that is what hooked me to watching beautiful women have sex with each other! The thing and point about the seduction I was trying to make is from what I read about the night it happened. You, nor I will ever know if there was any seduction before they got back to the apartment but from the sound of it to me......there was. From the time they arrived at the apartment, it was said that they were pretty much getting it on. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like the desire to have each other was building for quite some time before they got back to the apartment.......sounds like either some kind of stimulate, or pure seduction to me. I can tell you that I liked Heidi but she would not make it into my top 5 girls on RLC. I agree that the show of Heidi & Flipper will be one of the best of RLC from the sound of it. No sir, I seen enough of them while I was a member. Danaya was and still is one of my favorites, I miss seeing her and will miss it more as time goes by, but I'm done with RLC so to say I'm jealous or I have sour grapes about it.......not hardly! I have enough memories of the girls that I liked in all my years of RLC to last me for the rest of my life! Now it is time for me to move on from spending my fair share of time behind a computer screen watching them. So, enjoy yourself and I hope you get out of it what you are seeking!!
  5. It's hard to see her when she's not there!! For someone that watches them all the time you should know the answer to your own question!!
  6. Another one with a brain!! I felt the same way and I always like the shit out of her, but when I watched her this time until my sub ran out, I decided not to spend anymore money on the RLC bullshit shows they do!
  7. It's the way it will always be unless she gets drunk on her ass, nothing will ever change with her! Seek help meran! LOL......another one that has never seen a pussy. What have you done with your life :) I haven't seen any of it and I can tell you that there is nothing weird about it!! Took you long enough! According to Heidi it wasn't weird. She had to many drinks and got seduced by another woman. I can promise you it wasn't her first time and it won't be the last.....so enjoy!! She's not doing it in the wrong direction....she is doing it in the right direction for her!
  8. LOL....the girl is a @#$!....wake up and smell the coffee!! Why would tonight be any different? Is she still spending all of her time out of the apartment? You know what they say....spend all day on your back, when you get home you're ready for the sack!! She always watched porn from what I remember.
  9. Listen up you havingablast of the dumbass!!! I've only had 2 accounts on this forum the whole time I've been on it......dfCcap & HarleyFatboy. If you don't believe it, ask the mods, whose asses you kiss on a daily basis!! For the rest of you that even fathom to believe this sycophant motherfucker, I've been sent some videos and only once shared one of them with somebody else but never again, and I've never posted any of them to any 3rd party sites. Yes I have begged a few times, that I won't deny. You can all make up your own minds about me and come to your own conclusions. I can pay for the monthly fee as well if not better than you dip shit.....I just choose not to. I'm done with giving a fucked up company such as RLC anymore of my money. There are much better places to throw away my money!! So stick it up your ass you faggot motherfucker!!!
  10. From now on I will only speak in this section.......it's the only place that is fair and whatever I want to say can not be deleted. You stand by your fellow mod's and keep the forum fucked up for all I care!! Have a good night!
  11. I'm tired of the biased ass mod's that moderate this fucked up forum. I'm tired of my posts being taken down because they make perfect sense. I'm tired of people not saying what the girls are up to when they obviously know. I'm tired of people being punished because they don't agree with the one's that only want positive comments posted on this forum. Fuckem........fuckem all!!!
  12. You and the rest of the forum!!!! Don't even ask, you are not that privileged!
  13. I'm so tired of this forum being treated like the Mod's 10 year old kids are going to read it. Fuck this forum and fuck the Mod's that make it for only the positive people.........the people that can say far worse than what I said to euromike. I replied to a post of euromike's and it was taken down by the Mod's.....it was far more nice than his ever are!!!! You fucking people and fucking Mod's are ruining this forum!!! Fuck you all and have a good night......you bunch of meat packing faggot's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. When I said "Fuck you all"......you all know who i'm talking about!!!
  14. I didn't get to see any of last night and being that I love to see beautiful women having sex with beautiful women, I will never support the replay function that should be free for premium members in the first damn place. I will say it now and I will say it again......RLC is nothing more than a bunch of poorly organized greedy motherfuc*&^%!! I've seen enough beautiful women having some incredible sex and RLC's girls are no better.......their goods are no better than anyone else's, yet they think all there models and studs are made of gold!!! Anybody that supports their replay is just enabling them to charge more now and charge more in the future. Their monthly cost is ridiculous as it is!!!
  15. I'm a football fan but I can promise you that had I had known about Heidi and her girlfriend and I was still a paying member to RLC, I would have said "fuck a bunch of football" lol.....and tuned in to watch Heidi and her friend!! I'm just happy to read that a lot of you got to see it.........it makes my day!! Again.....WAY TO GO HEIDI AND FRIEND!!!
  16. and I bet there wasn't any of that bullshit giggling and laughing either that goes on with all the girls in the Barca apartments most of the time!!!
  17. I can't believe I missed the one thing that I love to see most!!! All I can keep saying is WOW......way to go Heidi and friend!!! It sounds like it was absolutely wonderful to watch!!
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