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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. When I read a post like this it makes me cringe. Of course they are using portable heaters and of course they have been told which circuits to use them in. They are women and they will do what they feel is right no matter what anybody says. Pied...........I thought you were smarter than that!! Now, this brings me to my point about B1. Benfold says that it's all going to be better in B1 now and what happened tonight was just a fluke and it won't happen again. This is where again I say....................bullshit, it will keep happening in both apartments until RLC pulls their head out of their own asses and decides to fix something!! The problem is, the price of taking the big boat out, and the price of alcohol, and the price of condoms, and the price of outfits for all the girlss that entertain the functions they throw on a bi-weekly basis has gone up! I say it again and I repeat.....until you perverts say that enough is enough and quit paying, this shit will continue to happen!! Grow some fucking balls and willpower and make a change!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. If you pissed them off, they need to be pissed off. Don't ever keep your thoughts to yourself Dreamer, that's what makes a forum, a forum. They'll get happy in the same shoes they got mad in. If not, then oh well. Sometimes you've just got to say.....................what the fuck!!
  3. You know what Naga, you are probably right. However, the point of the matter is that it shouldn't have happened in the first place! You can talk all the crap you want to wether it was on purpose or a technical glitch, the point is it shouldn't have happened and it will continue to happen.......just keep paying and wait!!
  4. LMAO won't happen again? You've been here long enough to know it's going to happen again and again and again! RLC has not done a damn thing to fix the problem......they just put a band aid on it like they always do. Wake up and smell the coffee Benfold!!!
  5. LOL they hide from y'all every time they leave the apartment! You are starting to sound like one of them........don't sound like one of them! The people that are watching are paying to watch and that kind of shit is unacceptable. The problem is that unlike myself, there are not enough people with the balls to cancel their subscriptions and tell RLC why they are doing it, and telling them that if they want people back they need to fix their shit! This is nothing new with what happened tonight, it has happened a great number of times in the past and still nothing has been done to fix it!!! It's just like I read where someone said there was some kind of beeping noise in B2 and that Nicole went to reset something at the power panel and poof, the next thing you know B2 is offline and UM. Could that have been planned? Maybe, maybe not, but we will never know. The point is that B2 has had electrical problems in the past on numerous occasions and it is yet to be fixed. B1 going UM is still going to happen until people have finally had enough and decide to either quit subscribing or quit fucking bitching about it!! Have some balls people and do something to make the idiots at RLC look up and take notice that they have a problem, and the cams freezing or going out is minor to the income of the company! Sorry.....off my soapbox now
  6. There isn't no conspiracy about it!! If you don't know how these girls are by now......you never will!
  7. This is the last thing I'm going to say about this!! A girl that stays up until wheeee hours of the mornings and sleeps half her day away, I do not pity!! These girls don't want a real job and could not handle a real job. Her camming only bothers me because she does it on RLC, I don't give a damn that she cams as long as it's not on RLC. There are cam sites as we all know for girls to cam on. RLC has changed from the good old days and have decided to take a path that will keep them in business........a path that I choose not to follow. I became a member of RLC a long time ago because of it's uniqueness. Now days it's getting to be far from what it was when I joined years ago. I understand that in order for them to stay in business that they are having to change, it's just a change I don't care for. The End!!!
  8. I agree!! Did you know that pigs do not have sweat glands!! Did you know that a pig that is slow cooked in a smoker for 8 to 10 hours is some of the best meat you could possibly eat!! Did you know that pigs can't see for shit, so always approach them slowly......I've killed many of them this way!!!
  9. I don't like her, I don't like the lies she has told her boyfriend, I don't like what she has done with the guy that has been over to the apartment and finger fucked the shit out of her just for your viewing pleasure, I don't think cam models should be part of RLC, just as much as you don't mind them being part of RLC. Everybody can say what they want about these girls but I don't by it for a minute......that's my prerogative. I don't watch any of it anymore Snakeater.....i'm done with it!! I will continue to reply with posts to this forum however. Oh mister happygoluckyone......do me a favor and go back and read your own posts and tell me you don't see how much of a joke they are. You are one of those people on here that think as long as they keep saying nice and positive things about these girls, that they are just going to open up like a venus flytrap to you. These girls don't give 2 shits about you or anyone else on this forum. They are here to do a job, some do it better than others and some do it better outside. I do have a problem with fake people such as yourself and others on this forum. You, along with the others that I have a problem with are just a bunch of followers.......the last cow in the heard so to speak. The view never changes when you're in the back the whole time!! Putting me on your ignore list is exactly what I want people to do on this forum if they don't like what I post. I recommend that in fact. I will say what I want to whom I want, and they can either take it or leave it. I don't care if I've said some things that might offend people in these apartments or members of this forum. I don't care if they are going to lose sleep over it or not or if they are going to go cry in a corner. I'm not a sugar coater, never have been and never will be. So if you don't like what I have to say on this forum, please...please...please put me on your ignore list!!
  10. From reading all the comments, I definitely think they are trying to get an apartment. She is a cutie and thanks for the few pics of her in the daylight or should I say with the lights on!!
  11. That ought to be telling y'all something. She is leaving sooner, than later!! She can finally go home to her boyfriend and try for a few weeks to cover up all the mistruths she has told him!!
  12. I'm going to bed but I have to reply to this lol. There was for Kami but not for Egor. To him it was a conquest of fucking the model chick, and to her it felt like he might be the one. The truth of the matter is......he is divorced for a reason. It's good that Kami and him didn't get together in my opinion!! Good night Kenny!!
  13. Like I have said many times before, Dima is her crutch and she will do whatever it takes to make sure it stays that way!
  14. I personally think Dima is a stand up guy. He might not fuck or show the emotional side of what she likes, but he is always there for her and cares deeply for her......give the guy a break!!
  15. Absofuckinglutely correct MB.......I like it when someone pays attention and doesn't think with their little head!!! There is nothing naive about her Beldon. You are just pussy whipped by her.......get a life my friend!!
  16. LOL Is this coming from the one person that sits and watches RLC 24/7 and is on CC damn near as much time. Go out and get laid for Pete's sake!! It will do you and your BS posts some good!!!
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