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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. # 1....Jess is no longer on her period. She will also not have sex with him in front of the cameras. All sex between the player and Jess will be had outside the apartment just like it has already been!! Poor baby!! Do you need me to find your binky???? I have a better solution, if you want to see fucking, go to the couples apartments and leave the Barca apartments for the girls only!! weah weah weah......quit telling people to make it pleasurable for you. You are just like the rest of these pathetic losers that don't want to here the truth from other people. Get outside every now and then......it will do you good!!!
  2. I don't like you because you remind me.....OF ME. However, you are exactly right for once!
  3. And I don't!! What was said is just what those three bimbo's wanted Kitek or Yury to translate. If the girls didn't want Nicole to interfere than they should have made it abundantly clear that she was not to interfere. Everybody reading that translation and agreeing with it, needs there heads examined. These girls plan everything and for any of you to not think that any of that was not pre-planned.......you are very ignorant!
  4. Thank you Timber!! A person with a mind......I like it!!
  5. BRAVO!!!!!! It's just as much Nicoles house as any of the rest of them. Nora & dipshit should have taken it to Jessica's room and then there wouldn't have been any bullshit that everybody is talking about!
  6. I think the word "Premium" pretty much covers that!! LOL because I want to see some kind of faithfulness to a partner of one of these girls. Cast girls that are single and all is good. You live your life your way and I'll live my life my way. You believe what they do is ok and I do to unless there are relationships involved. We both want to see the same thing.......scratch that.......you want to see the girls getting banged and I don't care to see the girls with guys at all. Before you say anything, I'm secure in my manhood and have no qualms about getting naked when need be, I just don't care to see the girls in the Barca apartments having sex! There is always 2 ways of looking at things, I have my way and you have your way. I think the word "Extremists" is a bit much but I accept that that is the word that came to you. I am grateful that I was raised in the USA!!! OK so now everyone is in tune that what you see in the Barca apartments are now shows and nothing else! Something I have been saying since they come online......thanks for confirming it!!
  7. I get that the time frame doesn't work out for you Nack. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't have to pay almost double the cost if you want to use the replay function that should be available to you with a monthly premium subscription. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on the replay function. Don't work to hard!
  8. The way things are going now in RLC, they are trying hard to get people to sign up for the Replay function! The cost of the monthly premium subscription should be way more than enough to include the replay function. RLC is just a bunch of greedy sons-a-bitches!!
  9. LOL....I'm sorry BB but we just feel differently and were probably raised differently. I was raised in a family of true love and support and therefore I guess I'm different than all these Barca girls that appear to have not been. We can talk this to death but my views remain the same. If Jessica truly has a boyfriend, which she said she does, then what happened tonight is truly deplorable!!
  10. I see that comment far to many times and I understand what you are saying. I actually liked Lola a lot when she was here, but I have a thing for amazon type women lol. The way RLC is going these days, you will get your chance to see her again!
  11. Why would it be any different than seeing any other girl being eaten out?
  12. I guess if you enjoyed it.....then more power to you! I see it totally different and don't condone the way they are headed!!
  13. The history is really what happened at another apartment (Barca2) that is just like the apartment for which you have seen all the pics from. Apparently the party continued from B1 to B2 where there was some actual lesbianism that happened and it turned the CC world upside down. That is the history that was made!
  14. I didn't see any of it, but have read enough of it to know all about it! You must have been one of the one's that had some of the spiked water lol.
  15. Tits.....let's talk about tits now. All tits are different, but when you see them a couple of times they all become the same. I have to agree with miscvoyeur on this one. Even the guest of Zoya & dipsticks, after you've seen (if that ever happens) them a couple of times then it will become no big deal anymore. Miscvoyeur is right though....there are a lot of people here that get overly excited when a girl takes off her shirt!!
  16. I'm not sure but I don't remember Irma ever saying or having a boyfriend. They go elsewhere to do it all the time. I don't watch when there is guys in the apartment because it turns my stomach, but I have read enough to know that Jessica is really in to the "player" enough to be going out during the day to have him. We do see things differently and that is why I see her going out to have sex with him so as not to be shown in the apartment. Jessica is going to lose this battle when her bf finds out and I can almost guarantee you that he is eventually going to find out. The web will be her downfall!! I look at the thumbs now and if I see one in the shower it doesn't even peak my interest. If you've seen them shower once or twice, you've seen them shower their whole life. I am done with them and the direction they are taking to keep their heads above water. My sub should be up within the next week if not sooner and they will never get me back. RLC is on a downward spiral and changing their whole game plan just to stay a float. I can accept that you are still in that infatuation mode and I understand. It just maybe that you like the way it's going and I get that, but for me it's just not the same anymore. Enjoy it while you can and when not.....or you see the light.....when that time comes you can make a decision.
  17. Seems like you're in the right spot then!! RLC has now become RLCVV......I hope everyone of you are happy. For me, they ruined a good thing when the Barca apartments came online!!
  18. After reading the last 60+ pages by skipping every 5 pages, I have come to the conclusion that RLC has now become RLCVV. Once a great site has now become a site of some sort of tasteful porn that has the members of this forum all messed up in the head. What a shame that RLC has become the site that so many of you want to praise!! Jessica is a floozy and no different than the rest of them. Jessica.....I'm sure your mommy and daddy are proud of you, and not to mention your boyfriend back home. In the beginning of your stay at the apartment, I thought you were actually going to be something different.......I should have known that you're just like all the rest of them. I guess you have the mentality to say to yourself......what happens in Barcelona, stays in Barcelona. I feel sad for you Jessica!! What a joke RLC has become and the sad part is that it's a joke on all of us!!!!
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