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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will the transfer to a new server. Thanks again for all you do.....much appreciated!!
  2. OH....and one other thing. If you're referring to the amount of activity an event caused to see if it was noteworthy and you're going by the posts on this forum.......then that speaks volumes to me!!
  3. You are a person that can't see the forest for the trees! Lets see how I can say this and not get it deleted. This is Irma's third time on RLC. Would you still be happy with her showing up for the third time if it was just like the previous two? I'm glad you like to watch guys in the shower.......nothing can top that can it? You are just one of those people that will always side with the rest of the people that put up with anything and don't give a shit. Sorry dude but you're not fooling me!! A dildo with the lights on......it's about fucking time isn't it? Oh wait, lets light some fucking candles and turn the rest of the lights off so you can't make out any detail....LMAO. You're a follower and just like the last cow in the herd, the view never changes!!!
  4. That's obvious, and by not caring RLC will continue to not care. If you like it the way it is and are totally happy with it and have never thought to yourself......why am I paying for this shit, then I'm happy for you. I myself have had enough of their bullshit and because I care, I will not continue to pay what I feel is to high a monthly rate in the first place. Now they have this replay feature that cost those that are premium members, even more money if they want to use it. I say fuck those greedy bastards, I'm done. The cost for the replay function was the straw that broke the camels back for me. You keep supporting them and not caring Des, I choose not too!!
  5. Every bit of it was planned. It's always planned before hand as to what goes on in these (Barca) apartments. Anybody that feels differently just doesn't have a clue. It's like a lunch special.....there is always something planned depending on the day it is!!
  6. Thats the funniest post I've read from you lately! Jess isn't shy one bit. She didn't and will not ever have sex in that apartment where her boyfriend can find out. I'm sure by what I have read so far and from the huddle in the corner off camera, they were making arrangements for a hookup outside the apartment. It's sounds like to me that that guy was RLC all the way!! Fuck a bunch of guys in the Barca apartments. I wish RLC would put a stop to that shit!!
  7. I also believe that what is said in the Barca apartments is all said to not let anything on to the customers. You can believe what is translated as being the truth, but I do not. When they whisper, then the truth is said. When they are in the laundry room or out on the balcony, then truth is said. That guy that showed up for Michelle was a lot more than any friend!!
  8. You're right I believe on this one Blue&Bonnie. If Nora was ever going to have sex with a girl where everybody could see it, then it will have to be a last ditch effort and RLC will have to be in serious trouble and losing customers.
  9. I don't think he is new for Jess. I speculate that he is one of the guys that was there that night when the apartment went UM for 3 hours during prime time. Something about a WiFi problem......what a joke!
  10. If you've seen Irma's boobs one time, then you've seen them a thousand times. I would much rather they had brought a new girl to the apartment instead of Nora or Irma. That's not her roommates boyfriend either. I believe he is her fuck buddy while in Barcelona. Jessica has really disappointed me the longer she has been there!!
  11. I think that dude is RLC or a club owner.....they called him Dasha and I've heard them mention that name many times before. Y'all can have B1, I'm going to B2 to watch Danaya & Karol......enjoy your man in the house lol.
  12. Yeah I hear yah. I would just like to see more loyalty and faithfulness in relationships these days! This generation of young people is going to blow the divorce rate off the chart!! I guess that is what you have to expect with these types of girls. If they were the good loyal and faithful girls I would like to see, then I guess there wouldn't be any RLC.
  13. What I don't understand is why when Danaya & Karol are at home alone, they are so distant from each other until the late hours get here. To me, that's when I know there is nothing really there and it's all for show. I will say though, when they do get together it's a lovely thing to watch!!
  14. From the sounds of it I would say that Michelle's husband/boyfriend (who really knows what he is) might need to reevaluate his friends. What you might see on RLC is nothing compared to what you probably don't see away from RLC.
  15. Typical Nora lol. Some are glad she's back but it doesn't matter to me. You will see allot more scripted acts from them all now that she is back. Looking at the pics it appears the party went down in the free cam areas.......imagine that lol.
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