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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I would think that paying for it can be quite rewarding in the long run. I am all for good wholesome satisfying relationships and there still might be a few out there if you are a youngster lol. The dating world is full of baggage these days for a guy my age......they are only really looking for a guy to bale them out of trouble.
  2. They are two very beautiful women and nobody is arguing that point. Do me a favor and not login to RLC and just get all your info from CC. You will see a whole different look on just how repetitive and boring 90% of the apartments are. Everything K&K do is so routine it's unbelievable. I don't want you to think that I don't like these girls.....I have always liked these girls from the first time I watched them in Barcelona, but when I seen they were back (hometown or not) I knew there wouldn't really be anything different than what they have already done. The night of the "KISS" was unbelievable to say the least.....especially for Kamila from the video I watched. Why was it so unbelievable you ask......because it was unexpected. How many times can you watch both girls take a bath or both girls sit on the couch rubbing each other? There is just nothing different except for how long they stay out of the apartment. I'm not knocking them in case you hardcore K&K fans read this post, I'm simply just saying what I see from an entirely different angle!
  3. I don't think you are going to get many takers after that video presentation LOL.
  4. Yes they can Jay and apparently they have by lessoning the amount of time they spend in the apartment. They could also give the 1 finger salute or hold up signs to cams like Nelly did. I don't watch RLC so I'm going to ask if what you saw Kamila read yesterday was in fact the CC forum and you know this to be 100% true. I also don't understand how they could give any credence to anything they would read on this forum!
  5. I totally agree Foamy and I have said the same thing several times before. They could set it up on a "Pay for Apartment" basis. For 1 apt it is this much, for 2 apt's it's this much, and so on and so on until you hit that outrageous $45 a month fee they charge. "a la carte" is the way I would like to see them go because I have no interest in the majority of the apartments and signing up for $45 a month just to watch 2, maybe 3 apt's, just doesn't sit very well with me lol.
  6. kenny, the girls read the posts on this forum and they can either agree with or disagree with what people post. It really doesn't matter what is posted under the K&K forum, what matters is what they (the tenants) decide to do with what they have read. They can try to change some things for their fans or they can say "fuck it" I'm done, or they can say that CC is better reading than the funny papers and carry on as normal. The bottom line is that they do read the forums and give little to no thought about it!
  7. Very interesting WW! It's always good to know what is and is not poisonous! I need to put a guide of all edible plants in my region in my survival bags.
  8. Interesting point of view, however I think there is something much more than that. Kamila breaks up with CB to go on vacation with Kristy just so she wouldn't feel guilty for fucking around on CB. The minute she returns from vacation, she is right back with CB. She will never settle down in my opinion and if she does, she will never be faithful to one man! I just believe there is allot more to the story than meets the eye!
  9. You can break the cost of anything down to justify your wants & needs. Did I need to spend an extra $1,000 to get an industrial generator for hurricane season when I might not even use it, well I did about 7 years ago and it ran without stopping for 13 days in a row. I could have bought the cheap model and it might have worked just fine, but I justified spending the extra money to get a heavy duty industrial model, not knowing if I was going to use it or not. In my honest opinion $45 a month is way to high for what you get no matter how you break it down! But hey, like Thes said.....to each his own!
  10. Other than some bells and whistles, I see no advantage. K&K are premium and they appear to be one of the worst apartments on RLC. There is 9 too many premium apartments! It's just another way for RLC to suck more money out of your piggy bank!
  11. I like Kristy allot, always have and always will. I'd eat the peanuts out of her shit if she would let me! She probably, and I'm just guessing here, shows the least of any of the RLC tenants. I want someone to answer that, that is true and fair about that statement. You can all trust me when I say this, I wanted to drop down the debit card the minute I seen they were back. I held off just to see what would happen and I'm glad I did. By all the lack of posts and excitement about their apartment, I feel I made the right decision. Now, before you all go getting your panties in a wad, I'm not saying that I wanted to see open bating every time they needed to put on a show for the paying members of RLC, but to never do it......just speaks volumes!!
  12. I think half the forum left once they witnessed Kristy coming home by herself and Polka coming home and smoking like a damn chimney and going to bed. What's up with you supporters? Can't you be a fan even when what happens is not what you wanted to see happen!!!
  13. So she comes home by herself because the selfish Kamila decided to stay and play. What else is new. When it comes down to Kamila or Kristy, Kamila will always put herself first. Honestly, I'm so tired of reading about these girls and can't wait until the day they have moved on! Thanks Noldus once again for keeping myself and the others up with what's going on! Pfffft.....premium apartment my ASS!!!
  14. That's what it pretty much sounds like and to be honest I can't blame anyone for feeling that way. These two girls are just simply not in to RLC or making the viewers happy. They have found something else that interests them and say screw it to RLC and our fans......bottom line! I believe they know they are history when the time comes and just said screw it, screw all our fans that paid to see us and gave us the vacations and the lush apartment and all the nice clothes and days of ordering out (which can't be cheap). More power to them, like I said earlier......they don't need any of you that are keeping a roof over their head! Just remember, what goes around...comes around!!
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