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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Sorry but i can't help you there.
  2. LOL was there anybody that you recognized?
  3. There are ways to view RLC & CC in Russia if that is what someone wants to do, it might take a little work but it could be done. Albacore mentioned that Russia generally blocks porn sites and yet they are one of the major producers of porn there is......just seems funny to me that he said that, and maybe they do block some porn sites. You always read some interesting stuff on these forums!
  4. Is this the dark haired girl that has big tits that I have read about? The one that got all cozy on the couch with Sasha? If that is the one and they cut the cams, you have got to believe there is something going on besides maintenance issues. Before I hear all the......here goes the under maintenance conspiracy BS again. Do you not see a pattern here?
  5. I used to be that long time loyal premium member, got banned for posting pictures way before they got real nasty about it like they are now. I was able to get back on RLC after some time and a couple of emails and I subscribed during Irma's first stay in the apartment. At that time there was allot going on with the girls and most of it at obscure hours out of the apartment. However, what I did like about Irma was her quirkiness more than anything. I'm not a big boob lover and I would never vote on a girl because of her boobs.....how shallow is that! My daughter has a shirt and on the front of it, it says......"Hey, my eyes are up here". I don't think it's the lurkers so much as it is the subscribers that get to see her interactions, quirkiness, her openness, her unselfishness (especially with Ilona and her one sided massages), and her twerking for goodness sake.......boy how that girl could twerk! Bottom line is that I believe most of the votes would come from subscribers that have seen her the first time she was here and the current subscribers of today and not lurkers. I could be wrong but that is just what I believe.
  6. Poor baby. Do you need your binky?
  7. Yeah.....thanks Kamila, your such a peach! If I didn't know any better, I would swear that Julian and euromike are the same person!
  8. Darlin don't say a word, I've already heard, what your body is saying to mine!
  9. Just got home shortly ago and man what a night of enjoying time with the loved ones. The table was fixed with everything from Ka-bobs of shrimp...liver...bell peppers...pearl onions...and yellow peppers. Also there was steaks, brisket, ribs, corn on the cob, potatoes, stuffed jalapeños, stuffed mushrooms, deer tenderloin, deer back strap wrapped with bacon, whole chickens, fajitas, and corn salad. It was a meal to beat all meals! I hope everybody that celebrates the 4th of July, has a great day tomorrow!!
  10. Seems like his translation was wrong though wasn't it!!!! People can say whatever they want to about me, if that makes them feel better about themselves I'm all for it!
  11. That's good for chrome users. Is there anybody that uses MacBook with Safari that can tell me if they fixed it for that as well?
  12. I didn't quite follow all that but I get the jest of it.
  13. I don't think that is what she was talking about Noldus.
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