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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Like I said along time ago, In my opinion there should only be 3 main thread topics......Picture thread, Video thread, & General Chat thread for every apartment. Let the CC members create the New Girl XYZ threads and other than that, you really don't need any other threads. I agree with you though Mr. Squirrel, the threads are very hard to keep up with these days and I don't spend much time at home to do it so when I do get home I have to try and catch up on 30+ pages of basically the same damn thing but just repeated over and over again. Very confusing! Noldus is really my only source that I follow because he seems to be right more often than not with what is happening in the Barca & K&K apartments which is all I really care about anyway! Keep up the good work Noldus!!!
  2. Good for her, she is not into the RLC thing anyway. What it really tells me is that she has found a way to make enough money outside the apartment, that she doesn't need RLC anymore, and if the rumors are true about new owners and that they are gone when their contract is up.......more power to her!
  3. This thread is for "Where are the girls & what are they doing now"! It's not for talking about RLC support and all the jibber jabber that goes with it. All I asked was to move those posts to the proper thread and that thread would be the "general chat" thread. Thank you and have a good evening!
  4. If I was a mod of this forum and I seen this post in this thread, it would be deleted immediately! Carry on in the right thread please!
  5. Who gives a flying f@#$! Would y'all just get back on topic or move this shit to the right thread!!!
  6. Ilona was in the kitchen naked as a jaybird with a choker on.
  7. It downloaded for me with one single left click with no problems. I guess it all depends on what platform you're using.
  8. Personally I think it was an outfit for a mascaraed party.
  9. That cup was originally used by Rita her first time to stay in the apartment.
  10. SC if you are awake, shoot me a PM please......thanks
  11. Will do if it happens again, sorry I wasn't thinking clearly at the time.
  12. Ilona showing Polka what whomever thought about their performance!
  13. As history has proven time and time again, it takes A LOT of TIME for any Tell. Your guess is as good as Dreamers.......I meant mine lol. Just messing with you Dreamer!
  14. It's all good Julian, to each their own. Keep on keeping on Julian, I meant no harm!
  15. Sounds like I'm missing out on viewing some nice looking girls lol.....don't care about the guys, but I like the girls!
  16. Sorry I'm just now getting back to you on this SC, i've been playing in the jukebox sandbox for a little while lol. It's weird and I know some of it may be my provider because they have been pissing me off allot here lately. One day I hope they get all their shit together because I like the service other than the wifi issues I've been having lately. Thanks for letting me know what you have experienced with CC lately.
  17. WW, this one is for you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
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