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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. That's what kills me about the people on this forum, there is never a time where common sense comes into play with any of you where it concerns speculations....that's why I continue to read the funny pages of CC!!! There is two types of forum members on this forum, one type tells it like it is and the other type defends everything RLC/tenants do...it's hysterical if you ask me and yes, I know nobody asked me!
  2. Monica in B2, it happened because I remember reading about it.
  3. and you like him, both think it's out of the question? we've already seen an apartment come out of maintenance where two people were fucking and stop very quickly after the camera's came back online.
  4. Maybe one day....that's a big maybe though lol
  5. Not in the least JMom! The girl or should I say lady I have a crush on is my neighbor across the street. She is sweet and kind and as creamy and dreamy an hispanic woman as you can get!!! If it wasn't for her kids, I'm positive that her and I would have hooked up a long time ago!!
  6. LMAO that dishwasher had nothing to do with the UM, the UM was for pleasure and a 3some for all involved!!
  7. It seems the scale tips way more towards the door than it does the apartment..
  8. Can you explain to me in 20 words or less why you feel and say what you do about Vivian? For me, she seems the most normal out of all the girls that are in the villa. She's not looking/trying to impress anyone! Apparently it has been said that she has a boyfriend and she will not betray him and that is an honorable quality in my book!! The rest of these girls could care less if they have a boyfriend back home and will cheat on them at every opportunity...it's been seen and documented too many times! My hat goes off to Vivian, and Vivian...what ever you do please don't give in to peer pressure or temptation, stay true to what you believe in!!
  9. Maybe he's got a slop jar full of nuts and a 10 pound dick! With these girls, it's all about the dick, not the brains or the brawn!!
  10. Personally, I think your idea is a bad idea. B4 is a place where tenants live and having all the others use it like it's their own is just insane!!
  11. You love the dirtiest of the dirty and the sluttiest of the slutty!!
  12. Sounded like another interesting night last night...maybe one day you will all be surprised!!
  13. Well, I'm off to bigger and better things, you all enjoy the girls and I will catch up when I get back.
  14. Yeah...doesn't want to spoil the intrigue lol. Look at it this way Woody, somebody might be fixing to re-sub on that day and if they new who was coming it could change their plans and save them money but how it is now, the poor sucker will have to take out another months sub just to see if it was worth it or not. Chances are, regardless of who it is, it won't be worth it no matter what!!
  15. sounds like a dilemma...i'll send Aussie over there to investigate! Seriously though, how much of the left side of the bed did the new position eliminate?
  16. I can't believe how many of you people want to see repeats instead of something fresh and new to look at. It really boggles my mind.
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