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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. HarleyFatboy

    Latest News

    It's a very tragic and sad deal for sure.
  2. what do you mean incase they come back? Noldus just posted the welcome back banner for the twins 5th stay.
  3. Repeats after fucking repeats...RLC has lost their fucking minds!!
  4. Now you will see that dumb bitch Gina and her curly haired parasite buddy more an more in B4. I hope all is happy with the new fucking repeat twins!!
  5. It seems as though Anna has turned on the lights instead of letting natural light come in....maybe she's a vampire
  6. They are creatures of the night and that will never change!
  7. It happens with us all from time to time, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it LOL
  8. Well, I hope in time it gets better for you!!
  9. Just remember the T-Shirt that Gina wore at one time that said....Lazy But Rich
  10. He's just hoping and waiting for one of them to wet the bed
  11. I know it gets old Slipper so please don't think I'm encouraging him to continue. I just feel like the name calling, if anything, will just make it worse and it's uncalled for. Usually if you ignore someone long enough or give no credence to what they say, they will eventually stop and go away. Maybe that is worth a shot!
  12. OK, suit yourself and forgive me for butting in and trying to help!
  13. I don't think the name calling about Alladino is necessary. He fills strongly about what he wants to see and others feel strongly about what they want to see and some people are just contempt with whatever they see.
  14. I'm not saying you should stop, I'm just saying that you should come up with something new and quit repeating yourself so much.
  15. Only when they first started it had a hint of realism but now days it's all a show, and here you go repeating yourself over and over about having a roommate sort of concept...change that needle dude!
  16. Alladino my friend, I suggest you do as StnCld316 suggested and change the needle on your record player. If you haven't figured anything else out by now, you should have at least figured out that EVERYTHING about RLC is a show and the sooner you realize this the sooner your record will quit skipping!! It is impossible for people living with camera's 24/7 365 to be anything other than a show. I don't watch anymore but when I did use to watch, one of the biggest kicks I used to get was when any of the participants would look directly into a camera and then shrug it off like "oops I looked, that must have looked weird to them".. Come on man, change that needle!!
  17. Well, as expected, you people are a bunch of desperate souls and should really try getting out more!! From people being so desperate that they want to see Nana getting fucked regardless of how Nana feels about the whole idea, to reading where Ed2 admitted to watching 7 hours of a click bait fest and then had the gal to complain about it. I knew I should have just clicked the "Mark as Read" button!! The whole bitch on bitch show with Nelly & Martina doesn't appear to be carrying much weight anymore and to me...that makes me very happy!! I can't stand either one of those bitches!! Now we have Noldus sitting naked on his bean bag chair eating a bag of Cheetos while jacking off because he knows something that no one else does.....now that's some funny shit!!
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