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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Pull your head out of your ass Winnlove. Do you go from door to door in your neighborhood asking if all the people are OK? The answer is no! You get way to wrapped up in these fictional people and you need to give it a rest. You are a pathetic, weak person and shouldn't condemn anyone for what they say on here about this particular situation. It's not uncommon for people to spend 2 to 3 hours in their bathtub's. Hell, my brother has a jacuzzi tub and he will spend two hours easy in there and look at Masha, how many times have you seen her spend that much time in the tub. Stella is choosing to spend her time in the tub differently. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with her because she has been a dope head as long as anyone of viewers first seen her. So chill out and move on dude!!
  2. If that was the highlight of your day, RLC is in big trouble!! You people get way to wrapped up in these peoples pathetic lives!!
  3. Yeah, just about any avid concert goer has seen that happen at one time or another. My son had to have his cousin passed back to the outside because he passed out from the heat and lack of proper hydration. I told them both if they were going to drink and being how hot it was at the time, to drink a couple of beers and then drink a bottle of water but you now them young'ens they didn't listen and his cousin passed smooth out. Now, I really need to get out of this thread before I piss some people off with all this OT stuff
  4. there is nothing she could wear that would make her look good. The suit is probably fine, it's what's in it that makes it look bad I would imagine.
  5. Well, I'm outta this thread and I will leave it with you all. Have a great day men, and you as well DD
  6. Yes sir, you were very lucky to have grown up where you did...that's for sure! I'm sure that Melbourne was a very popular avenue for concerts. I mean who wouldn't want to go to Australia and put on a show!! By the pictures of the Doncaster Hotel, it's looks like a good place to have gig. How were the acoustics?
  7. Yes sir, I know about her supposed leaving some days ago, but unless anyone knows exactly how much luggage she showed up with, I hear her clothing selection was pretty meager so she might not have had a big suitcase (as we call them in the states). As for Covid, it will never go away and you can count on that. There are too many people that don't care about the Delta variant and still way too many people that have not been vaccinated...myself included. However, I am still very careful with Covid in relation to following the proper protocol, but a lot of people just can't seem to do it. The other day a girl "friend" of mine told me that one of the bars close to our house was shutdown due a fire inside the place. I told her that that was great news, you should have seen how many cars were at that place each and every night you went by there...it was ridiculous and according to the same girl that told me, she said nobody in there was wearing masks or even pretended to keep any sort of a distance from one another. No sir, I think Covid is hear to stay in one form or another!!
  8. We are way off topic but I just have to finish with this about concerts in general....I've been to a lot of them and even though they weren't ALL great, it's beats the hell out of not going and wishing you had! Aerosmith did put on a good concert no doubt and if I could squeal loudly like Steven Tyler and it sounded good....there would be no stopping me LOL I went to several of Terrible Teds (Ted Nugent's) concerts and even got invited to go bow hunting with him on one of his Texas ranches but unfortunately I had a prior commitment and couldn't make it.
  9. Nothing to be jealous about Aussie, I literally lived about 40 minutes from Frank Beard and we went fishing together a few times. They were down home guys if they new you, but like any other person in the spotlight, if they didn't know you then don't bother them!!
  10. Who is Eli? As for Elian, who ever said she was leaving Barcelona? Look at Holly, she's been in the off cam apartment and has never left Barcelona....by now you all should know where that creep Bogdan has been spending most of his time!! Yeah Yeah Nelly, you go ahead and finger bang Martina and I'll leave and not be seen for a day or two and I will be miserable as fuc# while you are gone......yeah, I don't think so!!
  11. I've seen ZZ Top at least 35 to 40 times....gotta honor your state band plus I'm a sucker for live music lol. I know all the band members personally, great group of guys!!
  12. I've seen them 9 times and they were all great!! How neat to see them in their infancy before hitting the big time!!
  13. Gosh darn it Aussie...now you have me in the mood to listen to a bunch of AC/DC...thanks a lot buddy
  14. I would never have seen it unless I was watching it live. I don't believe in paying extra for something that should have been included in the premium package at no extra charge to begin with!
  15. LMAO....you need any swamp land? I have about 2 thousand acres I can sell you for cheap but you will have to bring your own Bambuseae for the Panda's though.
  16. LMAO but I could agree with you if Nelly and Bogdan weren't there. There is just something strange about a young girl walking around naked in front of another woman's husband that puzzles the hell out of me. Yes, I understand it's a bullshit voyeur site but what she did by what I read and the fact that she grabbed Bogdans dick, is just totally unacceptable!! Had Nelly seen that or a replay of it, she would have went nutszoid!! She would be in the looney bin with no chance of parole!!
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