as we don't know anything about her travels she might visit barcelona many times a year and has already seen everything and experienced everything she wanted to. heck, she might even live there for all we know. here is the deal, people of cam caps from what i have read would complain if she was gone all the time and only in the apartment for eating and sleeping. there is no happy medium except for what she is doing now. yes, the laptop is boring and she spends way too much time on it but that's her makeup, her dna so to speak.
now, speaking for me and if i had never been there i would be out enjoying the sights and the nightlife. of course this would all depend on the contract i had with real life cam. this venture these girls agree to is very lucrative i'm sure and opens the doors to many different things for them. they are young, vivacious women that just want to have fun. i know being on the laptop all day long can't be fun at least for me it wouldn't be, but to ilona i feel it's fun for her and plus some of what she does is job related as well