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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. This concerns bookmaster. Unfortunately there is not much to do... only could see the day in which snake answer well and educated manner although it is possible that before Let's together to Kristy and Kamila! The picture posting guru's are really slipping!! That picture looks like more of a hug than a dance in my opinion! Is there not a picture that shows more of a dance and some boobage at least?
  2. As I love golf, that's par for this course!! Thanks for all the pics everybody! Has anybody posted last nights video to the attachment center yet??
  3. But if this were true then why would Kristy continue to be all over Kami and grope her when Kami has never really returned those feelings? And speaking of which, why exactly would Kristy have thought it was real? Even if your scenario is true, then either Kristy or Kami was the one to come up with the idea, in which case Kristy would have no reason to believe that Kami has a real attraction to her, especially since like I said, Kami has not really shown any sort of interest in Kristy, not the way Kristy has been all over Kami. I agree with you to a point but there has got to be more to the relationship than what we see in the apartment. When they are out of the apartment we have no idea what they say to each other or how they touchy feely each other. Kami might show all kinds of interest in Kristy until they get back in the apartment! There is something Kami does not want someone to see when they are in the apartment. That is the only explanation for any of this in my opinion.
  4. If you are talking about this post, you will have to have someone else tell you. I have no access to the upstairs!!
  5. If that were the case, then why do it in the house when people they don't see while they're out can see them? In other words, if they're pretend lesbians to get guys to back off while they are out (also known as bar-sexuals), they have no reason to pretend to be lesbians when they are in the house. I do not think your theory is the case. Maybe Kristy thought it was for real and only Kami was pretending. Here is the problem with this. Kamila is the one that is leading Kristy on and she should not do that! Even before I was banned I could see that! Kristy, in my opinion would not hesitate to make love to Kamila if Kamila just said fuck it, lets do this! Kamila should stop leading Kristy on if she is not going to give up the goods to Kristy! All the attention and affection which has Kristy all wound up is Kamila's fault. She should just stop with the childish games and leave Kristy alone. This is all my thoughts and opinions!!
  6. they fell asleep wow that was disappionting they passed out drunk LOL I knew that was going to happen! Status quo for RLC these days :)
  7. That's all folks-please tune in tomorrow for more excitement in the lives of Nora, Kami and Kristy!! LMAO, that is a joke right?
  8. Well from what I have read they left early this morning to go do who knows what with who knows whom and now they are out partying. If I was a betting man, I would bet that as soon as they get home they will do there little routine they do before bedtime and then pass smooth out! Any takers?
  9. You know girls can't hold they're liquor! If they are drunk as some have said, I hope for you all's sake they don't pass out before anything happens LOL.
  10. I agree with you, paying members regardless of what they say, in my opinion are getting ripped off big time!!
  11. I agree............this apartment has kept up the interest of viewers. It has suspense, surprise, good looking girls and so far, it has been an interesting and novel approach to voyeurism. The apartment has no purpose other than to attract subscribers in order to watch all the action . If RLC knew how to conduct business, this apartment wouldn't matter!! "All the action" please, there is has been no action anywhere and that's all RLC's fault!!
  12. I think I saw her at the zoo LOL, just kidding Nora lovers don't get your panties in a bunch :) il faudrait faire un post" les meilleurs grimaces!!!", je pense que coco serait bien placée!!! ;D ;D we should make a post "the best grimaces !!!", I think would be well placed coco !!! ; D; D That is so true! I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it LOL
  13. I think I saw her at the zoo LOL, just kidding Nora lovers don't get your panties in a bunch :)
  14. Can somebody please tell me and all the others that are confused as to how to upload a picture or video to the attachment center? Thanks!!
  15. That looks like the hole monger "snaky" with his want to be girlfriend "Nora"! When I picture what snaky and Nora would look like together, this is the exact image that keeps appearing in my mind LMAO. I love you snaky, especially when you stay in your hole!! HAHA. Unfortunately for me, Nora is already taken. But that's lucky for you, because if Nora was mine, I would have told her long time ago to get her things and get the hell out of there after reading all the shit you guys say about her. And then there would be no Kammi, and no Kristy. I hate to admit it but you might be on to something there!!
  16. Two words- digital identifiers. I hear you can get banned for posting them. Can those not be edited out? I don't know but I think they could be!
  17. Did she make any sound (like crying out or gasping for air) when she came? Yes she did :) How would you know, snaky's can only hear through vibrations :)
  18. I think Blue is easy on the eyes, she has a terrific body but she is a bit strange. I would like to see one of the girls try to get her into bed and loosin her up!!
  19. that's pretty obivous for me from the beginning... they are so predictable. Would you like to share that info via pm? I've been trying to figure that out for a while. I have some suspicions, but I'm just not sure. It's obvious that they have more than one or two just based on the posting patterns. I'm curious myself if you care to PM me as well.
  20. What good is the attachment center if people don't put the stuff that happens in it? I've been wanting to see Kamila's pleasure session from last night but it is not in the attachment center! Go figure!
  21. I wish she would let me do that!! I know I would have to stand behind bookmaster, canito, and a few others, but by the time I got to her she would be one CLEAN lady!! Why is the pic gone? I can't see what you're talking about. Who deleted the pic? Must have been RLC!
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