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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. With this one particular apartment, you have got to realize that everything you may have witnessed to this point was all staged and thought out. The gentle caresses, the pecks on the lips, the twister night, the nora back rub night, and I could go on and on. It took me a while to realize it myself but I see it allot more clearly now since I don't have access to the upper floor. Everything that has taken place to this point is to retain/promote viewership! If for some reason both girls or all three girls were wanting to take it to the next step, you nor I or anybody else would be able to witness it.
  2. Really? I know you've got it in to your head that Nora and Kristy are trying to corrupt Kami so they can have a three-way lesbian sex-fest with her, but why would they give her mdma? What could they possibly hope to gain out of it? A lawsuit!
  3. Possible, I guess - but then what is she doing in SPAIN ?? ;D ;D ;D ;D And don't give me this stuff about modeling jobs, please ! Yeah, I was asking myself the same thing when people posted about the phonecalls from Kammi's boyfriend. I mean, what boyfriend wants his girl in a Spanish apartment filled with cameras? And Kammi isn't working right now. She is just on vacation. She only leaves the house to go to the beach as far as I know. Just like the first time she was here. All paid by RLC (or us to be more precise ;)) Do you know it was her boyfriend?
  4. Yes sir, sad but true how it got a hold of me. Getting banned was the best thing that could have ever happened to me!
  5. It was pointed out to me today that I've been showing allot of anger lately. I would like to apologize for that to everyone. When I first found RLC I couldn't get enough of it, even though to me there was only a couple of apartments out of the whole lot of them that I really even paid any attention to. When I got banned by RLC, I was as mad as a cat on a hot tin roof and I was taking it out on everybody in this forum at one point or another. Now that I have been banned for a while I'm really starting to see just how much I really don't miss going into the rooms of the couple of apartments that I regularly viewed. The apartment of Nora and her girls really put a bad taste in my mouth in the past couple of months! I grew quite tired of their silly little games and they way they would tease just enough to keep me hooked. I grew very bitter towards them and took it out on you all. The only time I would view Nora's room is when that loser Kiko was not around!! Their sex was always very very boring to me. The other girls just became routine in their daily activities. As I'm writing this I noticed that Kami gathered up her laptop to go upstairs, I presume to eventually masturbate or at least pretend to. I'm going to work on my attitude for this forum but I will no longer be consumed by RLC ever again!! I've wasted enough time and money on a site that has unbelievable potential just to watch it degrade itself time and time again! Any way good luck to all you die hard RLC fans! I hope they don't continue on the path they are on and can turn it around for you all. Another thing this individual brought up to me was my fantasy seeking, I guess is how I can put it! I don't have a fantasy of seeing Kamila & Nora together no more than I do of seeing Kamila & Kristy or Kamila and any of the other girls that have been mentioned on CC. Would I like to see a picture or two of those girls making love with each other, of course I would just like anybody else on this forum! I highly doubt that anything will ever transpire between any of the girls in Nora's apartment. However, if anything does transpire I hope you all feel like you got your money's worth. It is nothing more than silly teasing games to hang on to the viewership that I feel they are slowly but surely losing. Anyway, thanks for letting me get this off my chest and I will hopefully get back to normal soon. Thank You!!
  6. Thank you KLane for all your contributions to this forum!!
  7. Have you ever thought that Kamila uses distractions like that to protect herself? I believe she is very happy but is afraid of taking the next step. Things like that give her the opportunity to get out of situations that she is uncomfortable with. To me, she is extremely attracted to Kristy and is not quite ready, for whatever reason, to give in to her desires. I think Kristy is doing an outstanding job of helping Kamila to deal with this issue (her fear) by being extremely patient and understanding and not forcing her to do something and not getting angry at her. I thought her little sexy dance routine was a brilliant way to get Kamila to relax and realize that everything's ok. It was a very loving thing to do IMO. I like Kristy more and more every day. She is a very sensitive and nice person and knows how to use humor to put others at ease. je pense que kristy a vraiment envie de kamila!!! elle lui mets sans arrêt la pression!!! kamila s'en amuse et la laisse faire, jusqu'à une certaine limite!!!! kristy reviens tout le temps à la charge, elle stimule kamila pour la faire céder!!! mais kamila ne cède pas, elle ne veut pas aller plus loin!!! je pense que kamila a une petite amie qui l'attends en Russie, elles se parlent souvent!!! kamila veux rester fidèle à celle qu'elle aime!!! ;) I think kristy really want to kamila !!! she put him constantly pressure !!! kamila has fun and lets make, up to a limit !!!! kristy back all the time to load, it stimulates give kamila to make !!! kamila but do not give in, she will not go further !!! I think kamila has a girlfriend who await in Russia, they often speak !!! kamila want to stay true to that she loves !!! ;) What corbo says is the only reason you people haven't seen anything further with these two! Bookmaster I think you are good people but the constant defending of Kamila is really getting old! Kamila has been around the block many a time when it comes to sex with women! What she hasn't been around the block with is having sex on camera where her chances of it being seen by someone she doesn't want it to be seen by, increase exponentially! Look, you're a smart guy Bookmaster but please quit defending her about her innocence all the time. The girl is not innocent by NO stretch of the imagination!!! dfcCap, the only thing that's accurate in your post is that I defend Kamila too much. So, I will do my best to change that. Everything else in your post is speculation and fantasy on your part. And, please show me a quote where I personally said that Kamila was an innocent girl. I did not say that. I believe that your memory is failing you. I think I've only used the word "innocent" regarding Kamila once in a response to another poster's comment. And what I believe I said was that the term "innocent" when said about Kamila would be totally dependent upon what the term innocent was being applied to. For example, if you you were saying that Kamila treated Kristy or Nora like crap in a heated exchange of some kind, I would say that she was innocent of that. If you said that Kamila is sexually innocent or innocent about the workings of the world, I would say that she definitely is not. She is an intelligent girl and an experienced model and I'm sure she knows a lot more about that industry than you or I know. I don't know what has hurt you or angered you so much. You used to post really cool things that I enjoyed reading and discussing. But, for the last month or more, it seems that you have focused all your anger on RLC and the apartment tenants and 90% of your posts are extremely negative and accusatory about anything and everything relating to RLC, the girls in the Barcelona apartment or something another poster said. Please look inside and acknowledge whatever it is that you are really angry at because I don't believe it's only the RLC project and it's people. This is the last I will say on this subject. I don't want to hurt you or anger you any more than I already have. I really believe what you wrote in one of your posts recently. You said that you were actually one of he nicest people the poster had ever met. I think that may very well be true. Your recent behavior on this forum does not seem at all like the dfCcap I used to communicate with. I hope you can find the real root of your anger and address it directly. I really am sorry for hurting your feelings, but I just couldn't be silent any more about this. If you wish to talk about this subject with me any further, please pm me so that we don't have to bother the other posters with it anymore. They don't come on this forum to read this kind of thing. Thanks. Nuff said!!
  8. I hope you do!! She needs someone that will treat her right!!!
  9. dfCcap,How do you know you like this?I don't even know what the hell he said. Find a better translator is all i can tell you :)
  10. This is a classic picture of Nora in my opinion, she shows the look of someone that is continuously fucking up this apartment and the powers to be are letting her know about it!!
  11. Why do you even need audio? Nobody can understand a fucking thing they are saying anyway! Some of us can. And those of us that do are getting the whole "picture". So "go back in your hole". I don't believe you do snaky, and if you do then why don't you keep the members of CC up to date with what all is said? Is it because you don't want to add fuel to the fire because some of them might be right with their assumptions, or is it really because you don't know what the fuck they are saying? Personally I wouldn't believe a single word that comes out of your forked tongue mouth!! It would be to easy for you to profess you know what they are saying, but until you can prove it to me I'm just going to have to call you a liar!! So do what snakes do best and hide from the soaring hawks above, you stupid piece of shit!!
  12. Why do you even need audio? Nobody can understand a fucking thing they are saying anyway!
  13. And you go back to making up things up about what you do not know. What prove do you have of this? You have none. Exactly-dfCap you foprgot to say I think, or its my opinion In my opinion!!
  14. I love a woman with some meat on her bones! This one certainly has a bit of that. LOL It's just more to love StnCld, more to love!
  15. yada yada yada! If something happens to Kamila it is of her own doing! Don't try to push that off on anybody from CC. But on a side note, at least you are now putting what you believe under the right thread!! The pictures thread is for pictures and small comments only. I know I have been guilty of doing the same thing and I'm working hard to change that!!
  16. She must really feel bad or she is getting tired of him!!
  17. To protect the so called innocent of course!!! You obviously don't understand or fail to understand what is going on with Kamila!!
  18. Have you ever thought that Kamila uses distractions like that to protect herself? I believe she is very happy but is afraid of taking the next step. Things like that give her the opportunity to get out of situations that she is uncomfortable with. To me, she is extremely attracted to Kristy and is not quite ready, for whatever reason, to give in to her desires. I think Kristy is doing an outstanding job of helping Kamila to deal with this issue (her fear) by being extremely patient and understanding and not forcing her to do something and not getting angry at her. I thought her little sexy dance routine was a brilliant way to get Kamila to relax and realize that everything's ok. It was a very loving thing to do IMO. I like Kristy more and more every day. She is a very sensitive and nice person and knows how to use humor to put others at ease. je pense que kristy a vraiment envie de kamila!!! elle lui mets sans arrêt la pression!!! kamila s'en amuse et la laisse faire, jusqu'à une certaine limite!!!! kristy reviens tout le temps à la charge, elle stimule kamila pour la faire céder!!! mais kamila ne cède pas, elle ne veut pas aller plus loin!!! je pense que kamila a une petite amie qui l'attends en Russie, elles se parlent souvent!!! kamila veux rester fidèle à celle qu'elle aime!!! ;) I think kristy really want to kamila !!! she put him constantly pressure !!! kamila has fun and lets make, up to a limit !!!! kristy back all the time to load, it stimulates give kamila to make !!! kamila but do not give in, she will not go further !!! I think kamila has a girlfriend who await in Russia, they often speak !!! kamila want to stay true to that she loves !!! ;) I like your theory, Bookmaster. But I'm just not convinced yet that Kammi actually has these feelings for Kristy (other than friendship). As I said before, she is very hard to read. One moment she is 'into the moment', while the next moment she shows more interest in her phone while Kristy is seriously seducing her. But maybe I'm too sceptical. And we don't even know if she is really in to girls. I like the idea, but what do we know? Ah well, let us just see what happens and enjoy the moments we get :D LMAO, now that's just toooo funny!!
  19. they could be on mars it would be the same. the stream is brodcasted through softlayer servers which are located in Europe, US even in Sidney or Singapore. I know where they are located, but in normal cases video stream is transfered over the Atlantic just once. When you open the video stream for example in America you don't get connection to server located in Europe, and vice versa. Of course there are some exceptional cases (like StnCld316?) who are using for example proxies. Good points made by all. The part that still puzzles me is why I have never seen lag like this on any other adult cam site. I very rarely ever visit them, but every once in a while (like earlier this week when I was experiencing terrible lag on RLC cams) I will make a quick round of 2 or 3 of the more popular ones to see if I can get a handle on whether the problem is with my computer set-up or broadband provider. These other sites don't seem to have any lag and they often have thousands of "viewers" on a single girl's cam at the same time and hundreds of cams online simultaneously. What is the difference in their cam video stream routing procedure that causes such a difference? I get that the feeds are not all originating from one place, but does that explain it? Does anyone have the computer network savvy to provide more info? I have the savvy to understand the other sites give a shit about what they broadcast to the general public, where RLC doesn't give a shit about anything!! If you go and look at Carla's apartment you should understand what I'm talking about!
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