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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Have you ever thought that Kamila uses distractions like that to protect herself? I believe she is very happy but is afraid of taking the next step. Things like that give her the opportunity to get out of situations that she is uncomfortable with. To me, she is extremely attracted to Kristy and is not quite ready, for whatever reason, to give in to her desires. I think Kristy is doing an outstanding job of helping Kamila to deal with this issue (her fear) by being extremely patient and understanding and not forcing her to do something and not getting angry at her. I thought her little sexy dance routine was a brilliant way to get Kamila to relax and realize that everything's ok. It was a very loving thing to do IMO. I like Kristy more and more every day. She is a very sensitive and nice person and knows how to use humor to put others at ease. je pense que kristy a vraiment envie de kamila!!! elle lui mets sans arrêt la pression!!! kamila s'en amuse et la laisse faire, jusqu'à une certaine limite!!!! kristy reviens tout le temps à la charge, elle stimule kamila pour la faire céder!!! mais kamila ne cède pas, elle ne veut pas aller plus loin!!! je pense que kamila a une petite amie qui l'attends en Russie, elles se parlent souvent!!! kamila veux rester fidèle à celle qu'elle aime!!! ;) I think kristy really want to kamila !!! she put him constantly pressure !!! kamila has fun and lets make, up to a limit !!!! kristy back all the time to load, it stimulates give kamila to make !!! kamila but do not give in, she will not go further !!! I think kamila has a girlfriend who await in Russia, they often speak !!! kamila want to stay true to that she loves !!! ;) What corbo says is the only reason you people haven't seen anything further with these two! Bookmaster I think you are good people but the constant defending of Kamila is really getting old! Kamila has been around the block many a time when it comes to sex with women! What she hasn't been around the block with is having sex on camera where her chances of it being seen by someone she doesn't want it to be seen by, increase exponentially! Look, you're a smart guy Bookmaster but please quit defending her about her innocence all the time. The girl is not innocent by NO stretch of the imagination!!!
  2. Yes, very bad right now. My guess is they can't handle the load. :( RLC is doing it on purpose! They are just getting ready to take it to maintenance so Kamila & Kristy can get there fix of each other!! One day you people will realize what's going on and understand that the electricity between these two girls can't go on for ever without them getting together off camera to have sex. I THINK!!!!
  3. Better fix this one, ol' buddy. I'm getting a head ache. Thanks. And yes, your assertion is 100% correct, IMHO. Picture thread: Maybe that's why Nora and RLC brought in Kristy, to breakdown Kami's resistance for a future three way lesbian video.Just think how much money that would generate for RLC,Nora and Kristy.Remember how reserved and nonsexual Kami was the first time in the apartment.But what Kami wants is not important.What is important is producing that video for RLC. Three way lesbian video. LOL If that ever did happen the apartment would be under maintenance until their deed was done. You know how I feel about the apartment when it goes under maintenance! It's coming because they won't be able to stand it much longer!
  4. I'm beginning to think you're right and I'm wrong.Guess I'll always be a stupid old romantic who believes in love with sex.At 69 it's kind of dumb of me to be so naïve and stupid.Like Tina Turner said,"WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT ANYWAY." There's no fool like an old fool.She's not what I thought she was. Let me get this straight - Kamila is sweet and innocent in your mind until you discover that she may NOT be having the full sexual experience that would cause her to officially be called a lesbian by pretty much everyone on the forum. Then, because she may not have "gone all way", she is no longer innocent? Please help me to understand your logic. Thanks. No, what I'm saying is that the whole innocent thing appears to have been just a big act all along and I believed it.The other guys were right when they said she was not innocent and I was wrong.So lets get the show started.Get out the popcorn and soda.Now do you understand? No, I'm sorry I don't. I must not be thinking clearly right now. How can "the whole innocent thing" be an act just because she may not feel ready to take that relationship to the next level? Unless you think that she is taking advantage of Kristy by caressing her and cuddling with her and kissing her but not "coming through at the end" with a full-blown lesbian sex session taken to orgasm. Personally, I think Kristy is very lucky to be able to get as far as she has been able to. She doesn't seem upset about it to me. I think she realizes that Kamila just doesn't feel "ready" yet to go all the way and is being very loving and nurturing by not trying to push her into it if she's not ready. Look, I know that you've been catching a lot of heat on here from other forum members, but I'm truly not trying tp be confrontational and add to some of the less than kind posts that you have been receiving. I simply don't know how not being willing to have the complete full lesbian experience makes her less innocent then you thought she was when you believed that she was a pure lesbian. Your mind is very clouded!!
  5. Kristy is the girl I feel sorry for the most in this apartment. She, according to the CC RLC members that get to view the rooms upstairs, is the one that is getting the short end of the stick if you will. It sounds like listening to the RLC CC members that have gotten to observe the antics that have taken place upstairs, Kristy is the one that is left hangin at the end of the night. She is in a bad situation because Kamila is too scared and afraid she might get caught, and Nora isn't into girls or else Kristy and Nora could hook up. Poor Kristy, I feel sorry for you babe!!
  6. I think that allot of the girls if not all of the girls that can speak english, can also read english to a certain extent. The WWW shows CC to be located out of California. It being located in the US, I would highly doubt that it is translated unless they translate it on their own PC's. Hope this helps!!
  7. Probably the exact thing you and I and many others would have been thinking!! I've got to get me some of that clam chowder LOL.
  8. And you are a lying bullshitting piece of shit. THIS IS WHAT HE FUCKING WROTE EARLIER!!! AND THIS TOO!! No,it's Euromike's IQ. Euromike, please don't punish the masses for the weaknesses of us few!!
  9. So from what I've been reading from all of you is that Kamila is the hold out for anything going any further between her and Kristy! That just tells me that Kamila has a serious relationship with a girl back home!! She is afraid that her girlfriend as a few have already mentioned, might watch RLC and find out if she was with someone else. So in conclusion, Kamila will never get to home plate with Kristy!!! I am quite frankly glad that she will never get there because I wouldn't get to see it anyways!
  10. I miss her and the cat!! That was one cool cat right there!!
  11. I think multiple posts in multiple threads should be deleted. Without further warning. Foamy can u delete posts and non contributors from the Forum? Yes. Polishing up the ol' banhammer now. The required warning has been served. Mr. Squirrel, you can start with me if that will make everyone feel better! I'm about tired of how every little thing that is said about one of these girls somebody feels the need to take up for them, like they are friends or relatives of these girls, or they are going to meet them some day. Then it just escalates to trouble amongst the CC troops! I know I say things at times that don't make people happy but in a forum you have to have some kind of controversy! Just my opinion, do with me what you will!!! I have spent hours seeing the same old post "What do you think if we cut this apartment." repeated in numerous threads. Perhaps you are not aware of this, my controversial friend. I'm aware of this, I just want CC to be as good as it used to be and I know there are times that I can be a huge pain in the arse as expressed by several people on this forum. I'm willing to be banned so that CC can be a better place for all! I probably stir up more shit than I contribute unfortunately! Do what you got to do Mr. squirrel and I will respect your decision!!
  12. I couldn't agree with you more Gudari, it's ridiculous!! If they want to compare Nora whispers they can do that on one of their many times out getting sun!! dfCap I've noticed that if anyone says anything bad about RLC or its residents, you always jump on the bandwagon. And I have rarely seen that u have anything good to say here-always bashing Sorry this should have been posted not in the Pictures thread Lets just say I have a bad taste in my mouth for RLC! I see several people posting pictures everyday that don't get banned! I was extremely careful not to post anything with watermarks or the words reallifecam or my ID in the bottom left corner! Besides all that, give me a reason not to bash them! RLC and the way they handle their business can kiss my ass!!!
  13. It seems like they are doing more and more everyday to drive people away!!
  14. Man that's hot the way she is moving that nice brown ass!!
  15. All I can go by is you all's pictures! I can't see her when she is on the couch :( Camera 2 is a free cam, dfCcap... and the couch is in the center of the cam. :) I guess my eyes played tricks on me lol. I could have sworn that was a pay cam, duh on me!
  16. Your treat? :) You make it happen and I'll treat!! That would be allot of fun just getting to meet the people behind the comments!!
  17. I really like the shit out of this girl!! She is number one in book as far as RLC girls go!
  18. All I can go by is you all's pictures! I can't see her when she is on the couch :(
  19. And I was right - and wrong! She has had a boob job. You can see the little scar underneath her right one in the photos around this post. Also, when she gives them a rub, they lift as one mass, the way a boob job usually does. Where I'm wrong, is that it went wrong, or that she's unhappy with them. As breast augmentations go, hers look pretty damn natural, unlike some of the cantelopes you see poking out the front of some women's chests. And she seems more comfortable to "let the puppies out for a walk" now, indicating she may have not long ago had them done, and was still nervous about bruising or scarring. I'm sorry Pookus but I'm going to have to disagree with you on the boob job. From all the pictures I've seen, there is no way you can make a 100% accurate determination! I am siding with dfCcap here. For me to be 100% sure, I'll need to get my hands on her breasts to come to a conclusion. This would be for scientific reasons only. I like the way you think!!
  20. I couldn't agree with you more Gudari, it's ridiculous!! If they want to compare Nora whispers they can do that on one of their many times out getting sun!!
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