Hmm I for one like Spanish music, I am not talking Beiber cos he ain't Spanish but just to move away from the norm. Most popular world music is sung in English and it makes the language easier to learn for non English speakers. Its a known fact English (language) printed T shirts sell the most cos its widely spoken. Do all RLC wanna be American?? really?? I just do not see that at all, however I would love to see more latina in the apartments.
Hmmm not yet, lets ee who they bring. the clamour for Irma (just sooo awesome) and co is just a little too premature. Lets see who comes next. Surely there has to be someone who can bring what Irma (omg!!!") can bring in abundance. Its just a matter of time to find her. This just has too happen we can't always refer to Irma( daaayum that ass!!) when we don't get what we want. Bring in the next contender