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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Why is Gina all alone??.. dosen't she get on with Sera and Daisy?...
  2. Well when they came in to eventually take over from Amanda and co.. it did not look good from then...Stella only just gets a view from me in B3.. frankly I can't wait for them to go..
  3. Stella definitely not a wear lingerie most of the time/ naked most of the time like Amanda...
  4. Stella looking Stellar in the shower.. she looks quite alive despite all the sleeping...
  5. So did she gargle.. flush out her nose and throat?... like Kirsty and Irma?
  6. no light off tonight.. daaayum what an ass awesome... he is a lucky guy...
  7. Well shes sucking his balls...looks like she may be in for another marathon sex session.. Could be NagaC
  8. Doggy in the bathroom... daaayum.. stud sunday or what!!!
  9. But she still a little angry at him.. body language shows.... well there is always tomorrow..
  10. make up sex can be good .. intense and re- connecting.. yeah.. i was a couples guidance counsellor..lol
  11. guests doing a soixante neuf (69) in the bedroom... very intense...
  12. The "Tall ones" from B2 are over to party...lets hope a good time is had by all...
  13. Firecracker is back indeed... who is the other guy?..did he come with her? that would rub Dick up the wrong way... oops excuse the pun..
  14. Hmmm do you think Ludmilla Olga could do with extra help? Serafailure has shown she has good albeit obsessive cleaning skills though...
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