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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Well she could go and mix it up with the " we can't do anything without a 3rd person.." duo in B3!!
  2. Dick just made a grab for the guest.. she just pulls away in time....
  3. Female guest is definitely no stranger to exhibitionism.. she outs all of herself.... beautiful body..tall leggy too
  4. Well Frank throws himself in there...respectfully so.... gotta give him that...
  5. Welcome back B2 more cams possibly better coverage too..
  6. Daaaayum Thestarider... awesome wordology.. love dat
  7. I couldn't have said it better..,,if she/they comes back.. awesome but until then... let the newcomers come and....well continue..at least they are home for xmas..
  8. I am still doing the checks... longer index finger... navel-waist.. narrow shoulders.... hands no reaching the groin area... er does she pass?
  9. Didn't realise Mila Johansson is back...currently being smothered by amazon Oski,, in the bathroom,,
  10. Jeez..all traces of A&P totally being removed now...ah well moving on..
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