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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Daaayum she making them work for it or she..playin them..
  2. Jane after a piece too? I assume.. Firecracker sometimes sleeps with them....
  3. Firecracker and Dick.. getting heavy again... but been here before..and in comes Jane...
  4. Amazing Amanda would have de-clothed well before Karina came...lol... definitely missed.. however..
  5. just drop the bra Karina.. surely frank knows you by now...unless the shy girl is still inside..
  6. Jenny topless in the lounge(covering with her hair..of course.).for a prolonged period.. well
  7. Yulia...being ass whacked and treated like a dog... she looks like she loves it though...beautiful moans...
  8. Dick... had to run to the bathroom.. and ...er...yeah,,, that was the end of that..when Jane came home...
  9. Damn!! she is a tease...Dick is persistent...hands all over her ..kissing stroking....
  10. Dick appears to be taking the Firecrackers clothes..off..well trying to..
  11. And that the triple truth....Ruth...!!.. hehe sorry couldn't resist that one.. yeah Pablo the utter gentleman..
  12. damn! i was just about to view Mila Johansson when (ALL GIRLS ARE MINE) Oski came into view!!
  13. So is Kristy cheating on her regular bf or does she have open relationship?
  14. Bondage night tonight... Yulia tying up Ivan after stripping him of his pants.....
  15. There is action sometimes..plus the added bonus of Yulia's ass mostly in shorts or thong (white thong tonight) literally a .."mASSterpiece"
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