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Everything posted by Yury

  1. In Russia roses are placed in a bath with water (typically overnight) to maintain longer freshness of flowers.
  2. I think Emma will look for a new job. She has very serious intentions.
  3. I did not see roses in the jacuzzi. What did she do with them?
  4. Apparently they do not have the proper education and experience, because looking for a job that does not require qualifications. They visit fast food outlets, where you can get a job seller or waiter. They also discussed work on the distribution of advertising leaflets.
  5. Emma had a job, but yesterday she said, that she will quit on Monday. Today is her day off.
  6. Amy3 asked me about the reasons for the conflict of Anna and Alex in the jacuzzi. I dug into the archives and found out that conflict started a little earlier, in the living room. The essence of the conflict is that Anna can not reach orgasm (not for the first time). We see that every time after sex (and often during sex) she uses a vibrator. They were talking about it in the living room. Alex said that they had sex two hours and Anna could not reach orgasm. He believes that this is a problem of Anna. Anna says that this is a problem and Alex too. Anna throws a vibrator on the floor. Alex says that now throw him into the street, picks up the vibrator and goes to the balcony. Anna asks him not to do so. Alex comes back into the living room and irritated throws a vibrator on the couch. Then, in the jacuzzi they continue to discuss this issue. Alex says again that this is a problem of Anna and she must solve it. Anna irritated throws a shower head on his knees of Alex and wants to leave the Jacuzzi. Alex roughly grabs her by the arm and pulls down. The initiator of this conflict is Anna, but the rough Alex action in both cases are not excuses.
  7. They're going to look for subscribers in kindergarten? I thought this site 18+ To us palm off a guy instead of the girls...
  8. Unfortunately something difficult to understand there. Start of the conversation muffles the noise of water. Then only fragmentary phrases. As far as I can see, they have some problems with sex. But I could be wrong.
  9. Yes, I talk with your guys in Twitter, but so far we have failed to establish the cause. Guys temporarily removed blocking IP. They will look for the cause. By the way: it was nice to chat with them.
  10. I think self-respecting site should see their premium members and not block them.
  11. This is due to the blocking Russian IP addresses. Okay. I will unsubscribe.
  12. Today, I could not log in to my account, although my subscription period has not expired. In support I also can not log in as a user. Write as a guest? Many thanks VHTV.
  13. Many people on VHTV, VV, and even on the RLC that have a job? On such projects come people who want to live in a free apartment, have sex, get paid for it, and do nothing else. The money, that they receive is more than the salaries of many people who earn their money by hard work (in my country). Unfortunately, in most cases we see on these sites people who do not want to work. The funny thing is that even here, many of them do not do anything to stay in the apartments as long as possible.
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