Again they discuss what should be done to increase the number of subscribers.
At the beginning of Anna is conducting a survey of all residents whether they like this project? How much space takes the project in their lives (in percentages)? What they want to do to improve the project?
The answers are predictable. Everyone loves this project. It covers 100% of the life of all residents.
This is not surprising, as Emma, Peter and their friends came to this city from the Russian hinterland. They are faced with the fact that in a big city not find jobs (the crisis, large staff reductions in most industrial enterprises, reduction of wages, etc.). High prices (in the big city life is more expensive than in a small provincial towns). The very high cost of rental housing in the big city.
Kenny worked as an animator of children's parties. His girlfriend has debts on payment of utility bills.
In my opinion they are all seekers of the good life in the big city (to a large extent adventurers) who do not have a serious education and professional skills.
All of them say that the project is very important in their lives. They were forced to work hard and think every day how to earn money to buy food and pay for an apartment.
Now they have the opportunity to do what they like and receive money for it. They have free housing. And all this thanks to this project.
Regarding the improvement of the project none of them nothing interesting could offer. Peter proposed to add sensuality in their daily lives. More constructive proposals were not.
Then Anna began to talk about what they have to imagine what the viewer sees on the other side (at the monitor) when watching them. They believe that subscribers pay money for something, to see something, that no in their lives (what they lack in life). Anna says that they should do what they like. But to do so, to get satisfaction from this and enrich themselves spiritually. Then it will be interesting to the audience.
In my opinion, she says a lot of nonsense, explains his thoughts extensively and very confusing. It is unlikely that tenants understand what she wants from them. I got the impression that she herself does not understand what she says and confused in own mind.
Then Anna says that they go to the main and most complex topic of the meeting. All sit in a circle and Anna begins to speak in a whisper. I can say that sounded dates (7 February (the day of arrival of the main group of residents) and 22 February) and some numbers (sums?).
I got the impression that Anna summarized the results of work and divided the money earned. But this is only my subjective opinion, which is born of inflamed imagination.
Personally, I think:
1. It is hardly necessary to wait for something new in the actions of the tenants;
2. Top of the idiocy to conduct the production meeting in front of the subscribers. It is better to withdraw the apartment under maintenance for a couple of hours.
After reading your posts, that you have made during the time, when I was translating, I realized that all of you even more crazy, than the tenants of the apartment and they can not keep up with your fantasies.