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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. 21°C here where I live lovely... come on Leora get some SUN rays.
  2. Just use block that way you will not see the crap.
  3. Yet another talking out of your ass comment ... now it is time to block another as it does not warrant my time others should follow suit for piece of mind.
  4. Same routine as of 1.50 a.m. this morning a facial scrub before bed. https://youtu.be/kZTBDnj0Cgc
  5. I wonder what else is there at a smoking den is there food or alcohol. I thought SG said it was a hooker bar a double take.... ooops !
  6. Hopefully we can give some of those countries a choice to stop the Russians arriving in your country or face no trade and restrictions from the rest of the world.
  7. You mean the people. I remember those 14.5% interest days. I was in the NGA which gave us better working conditions and a fare wage. Thatcher delayed intervention in the Falklands just so she could get reelected later on. Each to their own history now.
  8. She also shafted us with a Poll Tax but failed in the end.
  9. Is that a left tit or a RIGHT TIT. 🙂 Where has she gone.
  10. Holly and Harley not joining in must be something to do the letter H 😆
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