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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Radi friend is getting on well with every one and Radi seems out of sorts for some reason.
  2. She is crying her heart out must be about the missile attack on a train station in the Donbas region. 😪
  3. That is it I need to do exercises with Leora in person
  4. I think you should move to Russia. Where did you get all this misinformation from. Thousands of Russians killed amazing how this was not reported to the world is a well kept secret by who !?!?! Russia is the no. 1 corrupt cuntry in the world !
  5. Were these Russian soldiers responsible for killing civilians in cold blood ? then anger and revenge may have played a big part in their deaths we just do not know. Any of this war debate should be put in the appropriate thread sorry about that.
  6. Sleepy byes 🥱 that is what you get for staying awake most of the night a disturbed sleep pattern. Good night Leora. https://youtu.be/kZTBDnj0Cgc
  7. Good evening gentlemen. Leora did not work out very long on the cross trainer.
  8. There are Nazis in a few countries but they are such a minority as in Russia there are Communist. Putin hates the West and the World he hates freedom of speech, he hates any criticism, he is racist, you do it his way or go to jail or dissappear. He used Polonium on an ex-KGB man living in the UK and a nerve agent Novachok on an ex-colonel of the KGB and his daughter, and a UK citizen died and several were ill. This Putin fucker is a menace to the world please some body shoot or blow the mother fucker up.
  9. I did notice that they stated they had proof but it never appeared ! 🤔
  10. SG a liar how dare they I will get the bar stewards.
  11. She is back home it is a pity she cannot invite her friend around.
  12. Radi looks a bit sad and some of the girls are getting ready to go out maybe ?
  13. Masha will sleep near to the booze cupboard.. in the fitness room on a mattress probably.
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