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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. I did suggest Leora would go out and do a sleep over. Was last weekend also a sleep over or was it the week before.
  2. I suggested to SG block the posts that offend and others should follow suit. If you don't see the SHIT than you do not ever have to respond to the SHIT !
  3. Traveling from Putin Land to the Europe will still be a very difficult thing to do we will have to wait and see how this will pan out for Paul.
  4. Leora having trouble sleeping at other places She also has trouble sleeping at her own place as she sleeps half to three quarters of the day light hours. I don't get how she was or why she was talking to Paul about her friends problems. Has Paul got a spy cam on Leora and knows were she is 24/7. I should think her friend may be Russian as well ?? is her friend single.
  5. Probably going out ... let us see if it is a sleep over.
  6. I do gymnastics especially when I trip up or slip down stairs.
  7. Last nights time line if anybody is interested or is a nosy bugger like me.🤥 22.25 - Move to the bedroom and do eye lashes and ruffle up hair in the mirror then pick-up white ear phones. 22.26 - Kitchen and check phone 22.27 - Exit downstairs 00.22 - Return after 2 hours and speaking to Paul ? not sure of that !
  8. Don't think Leora is remotely interested in looking like anyone else whoever they are, She does her own thing and nobody will change her and why should they she is one Stylish and Sexy Lady, That's what makes her unique in my book What makes you think that I suggested she look like any one else... Dhooo She use to wear sexy outfits on occasions.
  9. Sorry no idea, unless you are on about her special exercises for the punters.
  10. I think Radi in B1 loves radiating her body as well... nothing like ageing the skin or getting skin cancer.
  11. Probably off to the tanning salon. Good afternoon gentlemen.
  12. O and Loraine looks so sexy... come on Leora suspenders sexy underwear.
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