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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. What with the really disgusting, bad and sad news from Ukraine of what the Russians shits have done to the civilians in Bucha and surrounding villages. More countries will ban all flights to and from Adolf Putin Land.
  2. She went back to Putin Land to her parents .. she might be back in May but that is very difficult.
  3. Leora use baking paper under your cooking items. As for the book that is heavy reading and not a joyable read.
  4. Good morning Pulo and gentlemen but not to those who tell other people to get a life as they also need to !
  5. still in the Ukraine not far from border and renting a property or room ... safe with husband and cat plus traveled with niebours.
  6. A strange evening she had a bath, make-up, was going to take pyjamas.. back so soon a big change of plans.
  7. On the table is a plant in a pot.. I wonder when that got there I do not know? On the right side at the foot of the table is the Broadband Modem flashing light ?
  8. The change of clothes (night/day) she did put on the bed and then on the breakfast table and then moved onto the arm of the sofa ... she did not take them so ?????????? Sleep over.
  9. ✈ Egypt to Spain 🛩 could possibly be a flight plan but will sanctions stop all Russians reaching Europe in the future?
  10. https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/europe/belarus
  11. I see she will put her pyjama bottoms on when he arrives or rings the bell.
  12. Need to check that the borders with Europe and Belarus are all closed.
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